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  • in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #416844
    • Total Posts 199

    You cannot possibly imagine how honoured i feel your highness :roll:

    Apologies for hijacking your thread somewhat ginge…let`s hope we can get back to a proper betting thread.

    Can`t promise i won`t need to do it again though. :wink:

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #416836
    • Total Posts 199

    Someone ELSE?????……..yeah, right, After Timer

    ‘Mr Softie’ are you sure you are contributing to the correct forum?
    Just reading between the lines…….. but.. if you are as ‘flacid’ and ‘limp’ as your posts,I’d bet you thought ‘Daily Lays and Plays’ was some sort of Sex for Sale site and you suffering from a Username like that would have the gals a swooning to help your ‘little problem’ :lol: :lol:

    HOORAY, having poked the pig a few times i`ve got him to squeal!! :P

    Having read your stuff on sections of the forum, you are clearly
    an egotistical bullsh**tter, who would lead anyone following your bets straight to the poorhuse, whilst alleging many other bets in some other Betfair account which you choose not to share ( well you can`t can you because they don`t exist ) and you aftertime repeatedly.

    Wonderful how you have all these bets and take all these fancy odds on horses after the event, or after a decent run……

    Best of luck in finding your pot to p*ss in, reckon you`ll need it.

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #416834
    • Total Posts 199

    Someone ELSE?????……..yeah, right, After Timer

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #416832
    • Total Posts 199

    If it bores the ass off you Hurdy, i can`t see why you bother to read the thread……..ginge does things very much his own way, and that won`t change for all of your whining.

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #416599
    • Total Posts 199

    Ginge, you really must stop making these boring profits……what this thread needs is some far more exciting losses :D :D :wink: :wink:

    in reply to: ‘A KINGS RANSOM’ #416490
    • Total Posts 199

    Agreed Hurdygurdy, with ginge`s points system, you would certainly need to have a substantial bank to cover the drawdown periods….although ginge himself doesn`t have a bank!!

    As you rightly say ginge puts a hell of a lot of time and effort into what he does and shares it all for free….not just sharing selective bits as it appears this TAPK would have us believe from the post above.In fact,based on the above you could forgive anyone for calling him The After Timing King.

    Following ginge,even sticking to his staking plan, has proved to be profitable over time and i am confident will remain so. Anyone new to punting on horse racing could do a lot worse.

    in reply to: ‘A KINGS RANSOM’ #416474
    • Total Posts 199

    Blimey ginge, taking a bit of flak here mate, hope the old tin hat is nailed on!!

    Just keep grinding out your profits and leave these other guys to huff and puff – just been catching up on this thread, is it right that this guy is over 6k down the pan……finding a pot to p**s in would seem to be the priority here

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #414375
    • Total Posts 199

    Surprised at you TAPK, questioning the way I bet. How the xxxx do you think you know how I bet? :roll:


    You’d better read this and learn something! :wink: … =3&t=91308


    After the compassion you showed for the plight of his family recently, he sets about you like that ginge….!!

    Seems as though the green eyed monster may have raised its ugly head here, never mind matey figures tell the story in terms of profit / loss

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #414228
    • Total Posts 199

    Hi Mark

    This may add to your workload a little, but i think may be of assistance.

    When you have posted your selections,can you put alongside the MINIMUM price you feel each selection can be backed at to obtain value….hopefully this should be fairly easy from your own book.
    Those unable to access the thread until later can then make their own judgement should the price have moved.

    Catch you later and hope the weather is kind

    @ Hurdygurdyman….Pro? The man doesn`t even have a betting bank, so if he fails eviction is on the cards!!
    In Timeform terms i think he`d get a decent rating but i reckon there would be a squiggle after :wink: :lol:

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #360100
    • Total Posts 199

    That still looks a big price as things stand for Cityscape Ginge.,in fact i expect you`re doing a rain dance right now.

    Bot ended 2.5 points down having been 7.5 points ahead going in to evening racing. Month to date is + 24 points.

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #360035
    • Total Posts 199

    Looking good Ginge., what`s the latest profit total – above 1000 points yet?

    Nice winner at Goodwood last night, but could have been a lot better though eh? :wink:

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