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  • in reply to: Lancetto #499067
    • Total Posts 473

    They thought at first it was his shoulder but turned out to be a broken leg.

    in reply to: Geminus #498692
    • Total Posts 473

    RubyLight I admire your passion and I don’t doubt you mean well but I feel you may be just a tad over the top on occasion.

    There aren’t many true national hunt horses who become sires for obvious reasons – most are flat horses. That doesn’t mean their offspring can’t become good chasers – Presenting, Village Star. Maybe not sprinters, but still flat horses.

    Real welfare cases are tragic and legion. A perfect example is poor Summit Surge who won over £325,000 for his owner and was then rewarded by being abandoned on a trainers land and (luckily) is now at Greatwood. The poor horse has now lost all interest in life after a pretty awful thank you from his owner. For anyone interested his and many, many other horrible stories can be found on any of the equine charities websites

    There are any number of others who need help and the charities, (some of the lesser known are very small) would value any help, financial or otherwise, you (or anyone) would like to give them.

    That’s how you can help these poor horses.

    in reply to: Henry King #498254
    • Total Posts 473

    I’m really sorry to hear that – I saw it happen and I was hoping he’d be ok. One of the worst weeks for ages. Oscar Whisky always seemed an unlucky horse to me and I was devastated by little Baan. An awful week.

    in reply to: Big Shu #498218
    • Total Posts 473

    This was terribly sad. It looks like Cheltenham are going to do a post mortem.

    in reply to: Bridgetown #496848
    • Total Posts 473

    I wonder if any jockeys/trainers etc read this and other forums. According to racing pundits racehorses are ‘treated like royalty’ but they seem to be kidding themselves, although obviously some horses are very well treated, both during and after their careers.

    I’ve contacted several trainers, some very big names, to try to find out what’s happened to horses I follow and it’s very sad to know that very few answer. I’d rather be told what’s happened to the horse than always wonder.

    in reply to: St Ignatius #494519
    • Total Posts 473

    I’m glad it appears confirmed, but I think I was careful not to blame the jockey. I always assume – rightly or wrongly – that claimers have less experience/knowledge.

    I’m still uncomfortable with this however – the horse appeared to be in difficulty from the off and he just didn’t look comfortable at all.

    Appearances can obviously be deceiving but this whole thing was extremely unpleasant to see and can’t help with any horse welfare issues.

    in reply to: St Ignatius #494413
    • Total Posts 473

    If he did have a heart attack then that would go some way to explaining the way he got over the fence. I was careful to say in my first post that maybe the jockey couldn’t stop the horse, but it didn’t look like that that. At the time you can only go on what your eyes are telling you – the jockey’s a claimer so presumably less experienced.

    It was horrible to watch regardless.

    How has this come to light? That he may have had a heart attack?

    in reply to: St Ignatius #494318
    • Total Posts 473

    It’s no good questions being asked unless they’re to the right body. Maybe if people complain to the BHA (not even sure that’s the right place to complain to)maybe they’ll be forced to take some action. I’ll complain to them, but I can’t imagine my complaint will get anywhere.

    I don’t think the trainer’s even got a website or I would email him.

    Regardless, the poor horse has died and it’s even more horrible than usual because he was clearly showing us he shouldn’t have been there.

    in reply to: Timesremembered #494248
    • Total Posts 473

    That’s very sad to hear. it was too awful to watch him yesterday.

    The trainer has now acknowledged the two deaths on her website although only Timesremembered by name.

    in reply to: Sweet Sylvia & Hallings Treasure #493503
    • Total Posts 473

    Sweet Sylvia got up but the way she was standing looked seriously wrong. Can’t find a confirmation though.

    in reply to: Timesremembered #493501
    • Total Posts 473

    The Last Night’s name details were just removed from the website. I wouldn’t know if this trainer cares about her horses or not, but it comes across as very cold.

    RIP Timesremembered.

    in reply to: Kangaroo Court #492970
    • Total Posts 473

    I backed Kangaroo Court every time he ran and would never have known he’d died if it wasn’t for this forum.

    Can’t find a mention of him on the trainer’s website. Maybe I’ve just missed it.

    So sad to see him named here.

    in reply to: War Kitty #492969
    • Total Posts 473

    Very well said RubyLight.

    in reply to: The Last Night #492941
    • Total Posts 473

    RubyLight – surprisingly I agree with some of what you have to say.

    My heart breaks for this horse.

    No opinions on War Kitty?

    in reply to: War Kitty #492566
    • Total Posts 473

    This was an ex racehorse and – I love racing – but I’m sick of hearing the mantra ‘they’re treated like royalty’ in the racing press then reading something like this. The mare didn’t choose to be a racehorse and to meet such an end at a young age is just awful. She certainly wasn’t treated even with decency, never mind like royalty.

    Whatever the situation between the livery and owner/leasee, it’s the mare that’s paid for it.

    in reply to: War Kitty #492546
    • Total Posts 473

    According to the York Press and the BBC local news it was because the owner was three weeks late with the fees (£30) so the livery owner had her shot and put in a JCB bucket and tipped over the owner/leaseholders hedge into her garden.

    War Kitty was a 7yr old mare and had raced 4 times in 2011. I hope she was brought down from training and rehabilitated properly so she at least spent some of her time after racing happy and not confused but it doesn’t sound like it.

    in reply to: Spirit Son #491760
    • Total Posts 473

    This is too too sad. They tried so hard to save him when he first became ill.

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