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Vaccine passports

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  • #1569020
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “Cas, I don’t know where your getting your facts from mate, but Sweden with a population
    of 10.35 Million have had 15,142 (not 5,000)covid related deaths to date.”

    BigG, that is the figure now. What I was saying was Professor Ferguson said 100,000 people would die in the first wave in Sweden unless it locked down. 5,000 did.

    You are mistaken if you think all scientists and epidemiologists have the same opinion. There are many who have been highly critical of the approach taken over lockdowns and masks, including Nobel Prize winners amongst them. But the media do not want to know them.

    Ginger – keep on playing the man if that makes you feel better. But the threat posed by Covid does not merit the heavy handed approach that has been taken by countries which are supposed to be free societies and democracies. You need to have a very high bar to justify the restrictions which have been imposed and in my opinion that bar has not been cleared.

    Try actually arguing with the facts I have put before you instead of coming out with petty sneering, with slurs like anti-vax and conspiracy theorist.

    This time last year, if someone said there would be things like no jab no travel, no jab no job, vaccine passports or even a European democracy saying it was going to make vaccination mandatory, no doubt they would have been called a conspiracy theorist. But it has come true, hasn’t it?

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003


    Cork all star. Nail on head

    Hysteria seems to be the only game in town

    • Total Posts 280

    I don’t take any notice of the BBC, Tank.
    I take notice of what scientists and the NHS says.

    You take too much notice of fake news. :bye:

    Ginger do you know of any people who died of Covid? and do you know who signed the death certificate?

    • Total Posts 7845


    I keep telling you about the science because we were told by governments all over the world that they follow the science. And there is no scientific evidence for vaccine passports brought in

    Also look back to last year when pubs and restaurants had to close at 10pm which was a shambles in everyway from the shambles of a scotch egg. Listen to people who ran those business even though they open many of them said were not making money being open and having to close at 10pm rather be closed and get government support

    Look at Scotland a few days ago people who run pubs etc there very happy vaccine passports not come in. Because it be a nightmare to implement them also not all customers have a smartphone. Can’t use a plastic card because they can be fake or steal them other people

    All the business people in Scotland said happy not bring these passports in we need to live with covid.

    I was not sure about the vaccine early on but change mind on it I am not a anti vaxxer. but I am anti vaccine passports put my reasons why in this thread

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    I answered all your questions two pages back CAS.
    Stop using fake news, obvious fake news at that. :wacko:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    Cas, I’m not having a go at you, but I really would like to know who these scientists or
    Epidemiologists are. I’ve put my own view on what I believe and the evidence I’ve seen
    directly and reading countless articles, and I don’t mean on the Daily Mail, Sun etc.
    I keep hearing these, if not conspiracy theories, then “views” on Governments or some
    existing shady collective with plans to take control of the population. People are dying
    in vast numbers with a virus and it doesn’t matter if they are predominantly older people,
    they deserve the same protection as everyone else. I’m sure you can come up with someone
    who holds the title of doctor or scientist who holds a different view to some others, there
    always will be, but the overwhelming view in the science and medical community is that the
    vaccine is the safest way to protect people, old or otherwise. I know this is inconvenient
    to people, young and old, businesses and communities. What possible gain would governments
    or whoever else would want to have countries brought to a stillstill. If you think
    the authorites don’t know everything about you now, you’re wrong. You can’t walk out your
    house generally without being on camera. Even if there isn’t, if you have a mobile phone
    they can pinpoint you. They know, if they want to, where you eat who you associate with what
    you spend and just about anything else related to you or your family. What possible reason
    would they want to destroy communities.

    I ask this because I’ve been reading, here and elsewhere, of views like some on this forum for
    some time, but I never see a reasoned arguement as to why they would want to inflict this on others.
    If there is some evidence of this, I genuinely would like to hear it. I’m replying to you because of
    your last post, and I don’t have any problem in saying that that Professor Ferguson was a complete
    tool and deserved to get the boot, although he says he resigned. Governments, all of them, do some
    horrible underhand things, but I don’t see evidence of this enormous concerted effort to basically
    crush the public.

    That’s my view for what it’s worth.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    You say “we need to live with covid”.
    That’s the point.
    Yes we do need to live with covid if at all possible.
    However, when hospitals are being overwhelmed because of covid patients and – as a result – no or little room for other ailments / treatments. Under those circumstances it is impossible to “live with covid”. Indeed under those circumstances we die with covid. So something needed (and in Europe needs) to be done.

    Vaccine passports are a way of “living with covid”.
    It enables business to keep open, with the vast majority of customers still able to shop. Whilst keeping those most at risk of getting, passing on and ending up in hospital from covid away from those businesses.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 9289

    Ok. So I’m not really doing any of the things I used to. Cinema, theatre, race meetings, holidays abroad. But that’s my choice. I’m old and vaccinated but I still don’t want to catch the virus so I stick with walking the dog on the beach and watching films at home. My choice. But what I don’t understand is so many people bemoaning their loss of freedom when most people I know seem to be leading pretty normal lives. Can anyone explain to me what, exactly, they can’t do because of this Big Brother control that the state appears to have over them. Can I have examples of the things that they want to do but can’t?

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    Lol at Ginger

    Its like offering a life jacket to someone as you are jumping out of a plane

    Still want to win all the arguements whilst offering feeble reasons

    This thread is a joke and an insult to anybody with the tiniest working brain cell

    Lets all go for a dance

    • Total Posts 2553

    Moe, the clue is in the thread header. Life could be hell without a vax passport

    • Total Posts 2553

    Ricky, you’ve been doing well since your return. Please don’t lose focus and slip back into your old ways, old chum :bye:

    • Total Posts 2553

    I can see your old chum(p) gamble hanging around and we know that he wants to sabotage the lounge. You didn’t post for a week or more and have suddenly returned, Ricky. I shall be keeping a close eye on the pair of you. Ya get me?


    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    New variant (potentially worst so far) found in South Africa.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2553

    Sounds like new jabs all round. not forgetting the booster when they don’t work.

    Enjoy :bye:

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003


    I was in spain old boy

    Im back. No slippage from me. Just wont take rubbish in a serious thread

    Apart from that. The pink hippo is wallowing in happy stuff

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    The hippo is done with this thread


    • Total Posts 2553


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