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Vaccine passports

Home Forums Lounge Vaccine passports

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  • #1568929
    • Total Posts 2553

    Fully agreed, Ricky – and the way they are turning people against each other is disgusting, but they don’t care. Divide and rule. Shame that so many fall for it

    • Total Posts 2553

    Hey up – I see The Brains Trust has slipped a post in there :wacko:

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    Insults as per usual, Tank. :negative:

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    • Total Posts 2553

    Oh right, but you think it was ok to call me a racist bigot, totally unsubstantiated?

    I wasn’t so much pissed off with you about that, as I know you’re not the brightest, but more that the powers that be let it stand.

    • Total Posts 2553

    Though I do realize that people like yourself and others who are regular posters in the competitions will always be favoured – It’s all about traffic for some forum owners. That’s the only possible reason I can think of for your vile slurs to go unpunished.

    Night :bye:

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    “Vaccine Passports are clearly not required- Jabbed and unjabbed can catch covid and pass covid on. So, no reason why any business should not allow all in. It’s as simple as that, but you, and many others, can’t see that, Ginge”.

    Wrong Tank, so very wrong.

    I can (ALL of us that are jabbed CAN) see that jabbed and unjabbed can catch covid and pass it on.
    Point you’re failing to see is it is all about RISK.
    ie An unjabbed person is FAR MORE likely to catch covid or pass it on than a jabbed person.

    Don’t you as a person who likes horse racing understand that a horse at say 5/1 has a much greater chance than a 100/1 shot?

    It’s exactly the same with covid – unjabbed vs jabbed.

    An unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of (ie far greater chance of) catching covid and passing it on than a jabbed person.

    An Unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of passing it on to a vulnerable person.

    An unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of having severe symptoms.

    An unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of ending up in hospital and contributing to overwhelming the NHS.

    An unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of dying.

    If you or anyone else is still unjabbed I hope you come to your senses before it’s too late. :rose:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    Well to save me a long ramble, I’ll just side with Ginger (shock horror :wacko: )
    The people that have spent most of their lives studying viruses aren’t all idiots, nor
    the doctors and nurses who believe it’s the right thing to do. Nor are the people who
    experienced it and their family members, like me who has had one healthy fit son in
    London who was seriously ill for many many months, and to this day still has occasional
    chest symptoms. Recently (this month) my daughter In Law of my other son, in Oxford,
    allthough having had 2 jabs, contracted the virus and called out para medics, who after
    various tests, decided she should be seen at a hospital. Fortunately she didn’t need
    a stay in hospital after furthar checks but the doctors who dealt with her made no bones
    about the fact that if she hadn’t had the 2 jabs she would have been considerably more
    at risk.

    Cas, I don’t know where your getting your facts from mate, but Sweden with a population
    of 10.35 Million have had 15,142 (not 5,000)covid related deaths to date. Scotland with
    a population of 5.454 Million have had 9.504 deaths since the start of the pandemic. The
    UK as a whole with a population of 67.22 Million has had 144,000 covid related deaths which
    is about 9.5 times that of Sweden. So although we are only about 6.5 times larger than Sweden
    we do have bigger proportion of Covid deaths than them but you have to take into account that
    Sweden has approx 23K people per sq km density, whereas the UK has 281K people per sq km.
    That makes it far more likely that the virus would hit more people than Sweden.

    I honestly don’t understand why people believe stuff on forums as opposed to experts
    with time served scientific knowledge. Do they ever get it wrong?, yes as we all do
    but there’s no logical reason to listen to people who basically haven’t a clue what
    they’re talking about as opposed to people highly qualified in the field.

    If we want out of this nightmare then the more people get vaccinated, the better chance
    we have of returning to something like pre virus life. Think about it people.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    I havent read as much clap trap as the last two posts

    But thats ok all opinions are valid and good for you guys


    the freedom you once had is now going fast

    Travel and movement will be almost impossible , except for the elites for whom these satanic restrictions will not apply

    Grumble on about the. Virus potheads and great stuff

    Except the virus is not the issue

    State control is the issue

    Later today the Eu will issue nee rules, if you are double jabbed in nine months time , you will be barred from travel unless you jump through all the hoops

    Unless you get a vaccine booster jab each yr from now on , you are an unclean leper and will be treated as such

    Carry on lads😀😀

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Christ I’ve heard some conspiracy theorists Ricky, but you’ve got the disease bad.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    Could you maybe say what I wrote that you specifically thought was Clap trap Ricky.
    Are there any statistics or medical opinions I got wrong. Is it clap trap that 2 of
    my family got ill with the virus, one seriously, and one still recovering, or is that
    just a way of avoiding exchanging sensible debate.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Haven’t you heard, BigG? Every democracy in the whole world has simultaneously become satan worshipping governments intent on controlling their people… And making all this covid stuff up so their own country’s economies are destroyed and where only political satanic elites can move around freely. :wacko:

    Ricky and CAS should apply to be DR WHO writers. 😉

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    It is a bit worrying Ginge :scratch:

    • Total Posts 2553

    Jeez, I don’t believe you guys, you are just stating stuff that we all know but we are coming to different conclusions. A puzzle can have more than one answer. Big fella, Covid is mainly harmful to the very old. Some younger will suffer, as you have witnessed, but only a tiny %. Like a super fit man of 49 having a heart attack and being clinically dead for eight minutes (Ginola) very rare.

    Ginge, you say ‘An unjabbed person is at much shorter odds of having severe symptoms’ That may or may not be true.

    Had enough of wasting any more time on this.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    Waste of time over

    Knock yourselves out with indignation

    But at some stage do stop and THINK


    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    I don’t know you Ricky, you were here a good while before me, but I’d seen
    several posts mentioning you during your “sabbatical”. I didn’t think I would
    get a reasonable response to my question, but thats ok.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I’m putting everything on red

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    We are coming for you Carrie!!!

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