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    I’ve confirmed two of the charities I’m involved with as the official Exhibition charities today.
    I’ve also confirmed the complete title of my exhibition.

    The Tree 🌲…… and The Three Rivers.
    An original groundbreaking first Exhibition.
    Introducing renowned photographer Mike Howlett exhibiting his work in an Art Gallery for the first time.
    Thursday 11th January 9am.
    Opening evening Event Thursday 11/1/24
    At the 142 Gallery. 142 Hamilton Road.
    Felixstowe Suffolk.

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    Yesterday was an absolute groundbreaking day i couldn’t top it at all it ended with a reaffirmation and a very nice meal.
    This will be the longest post as yesterday was the longest day.
    Make no mistake I am the grinch.
    Give me another month any other month and I will show you another person. I detest the greed and lack of love shown by the selfish to all the people who need a helping hand all year round. Your song is Angel by everything but the girl.
    By the end of the day I was a bit more into Christmas and at tea time I joined my mates of the Rotary club and walked through the council estates where my mother and father in law lived.
    We had Rudolph a larger than life sized model pulling a sleigh a float with the biggest fellow dressed as you know who in his big red coat and flowing beard. I followed the float with a rotary club hi vis vest and a cash collection tin. Cath and clive were the organisers who have helped preserve this noble tradition they are the Daughter and son in law of Mike Bailey late of this parish my SO at work and many years ago in the wake of HURRICANE HUGO We met at his foreign posting at bird Rock airport Tortola. Mike had also taking a big party of workmates up the Deben to the Ramsholt arms which was still a spit and sawdust pub in the old Suffolk style and there we were drinking a beer together on a beach 🏖 bar our toes in the sand and the next day sailing in the Caribbean Sea on a launch boat. That is the definition of HAPPY DAYS.
    My mother and father in law were
    two of the kindest people that walked this earth 🌎.
    Jim was a Harwich man and a retired merchant seaman. They lived in Elizabeth Way. It was very strange to walk past their old house.
    Molly’s Mum and Dad are away at the moment which gives me a chance to sort out the back yard.

    The front L shaped bed is the first flower bed that I ever gave the no dig treatment to six years ago, I’ve restored it now and it’ll be a major installation on the remote installation trail for my exhibition. Like the exhibition that inspired me (Maps by Sarah Figlio) last month? This will be an interactive Exhibition which invites nay challenges the visitor to take a journey too and go on the remote installation trail.
    More about that on the 142 gallery website in due course.

    I worry when they are away as they are not in the bloom of youth or health and I truly love them dearly. Molly’s Mum is as close to an Aunt as I could wish for and her intellect is second to none her mastery of French and cooking and gardening is superb and had she been on a different path she’d be a leading actress or at the very least very famous indeed.
    Therin lies a problem and at the moment she is struggling as we all do at one stage with our past and our immediate future. They are meant to have gone up our glorious heritage coast right through the heart of the Deben peninsula and beyond to the heritage coast “East of Ipswich” (as Palin penned it)of Aldeburgh and Southwold. If you wanted to buy a broom cupboard here you’d need the collateral of a piece of west London. This is where the Chelsea tractors come to die in the first nine months of every year and all we Suffolkers are left with is the winter freedom from the rich and its splendid isolation at this time of year. They will be back next week to cram the streets and open up their closed up houses the self same house which the local populace and their offspring cannot afford.
    So I hope and I pray they return today, safely and well.

    there is now very little time to crack on and make arrangements but getting the full support of the charities that I’ve been supporting is truly massive and with the 142 Gallery being a CIC ( Community Inclusive Company) I now know EXACTLY where I am going and exactly WHAT I am going.

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    ‘I visit the Cornubian Peninsula regularly: this time I was based in Exeter with day trips on the slow trains to Okehampton and Barnstaple, and on the not-so-slow train to Totnes, a rather weird town that seems to be populated by ageing hippies; so I felt at home there 🙂’

    Sums up Totnes quite well Drone, I was down there at the weekend. Always a nice place to spend an afternoon.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    Looking for keys 🔑 🔑 🔑
    Looking for keys 🔑 🔑 🔑
    Looking for keys 🔑 🔑 🔑
    That repetitive monotonous chant with an equally annoying beat accompanying it saw me react to its umpteenth use on the radio for the first time.
    “ looking For keys tap tap tap , looking for keys I strummed and tapped along to the advert.
    This most benign of radio advertisements has finally sucked me into its claws at the 100 th time of asking. It was Thursday afternoon late ⏰ about an hour before schools kicked out and I was enroute to a very large house in the village to forage and gather some winter cuttings for a very special bouquet 💐.
    I rolled up to the gates along a beautifull tree lined lane to a very grandiose mature old house in magnificent grounds. The automatic gates swung open and the little neat, but ultimately battered family car rolled nimbly into the grounds.
    My long suffering partner had questioned why I’d needed to bother these people to go foraging in their grounds while there were plenty of smaller gardens in town. It was the same question as when I said I was going foraging at Helmingham Hall whilst I was delivering her willow arches. “You will put people out” she opined. “I didn’t then and I wasn’t going to now” was my stock reply. I am invariably annoyingly spot on about these things and prefer to follow my instinct and go where no-one else dares. People have that caveat of simply saying no. Nothing ventured nothing gained is my motto it isn’t exclusive to Suffolk I’m sure it’s universal but there is some “Very Suffolk” indeed about it. I pulled up in front of the great entrance on the circular gravel drive and commenced foraging there were lots and lots of crisp browned dried out hydrangea heads to cut.
    The Lady of the house greeted me warmly just as I was about to commence on my second lap of the grounds could you move your car a few yards as I’m just off out Sam. It’s very good to see you again”.
    There! I’m very welcome as I knew I would be. I’m not asking for anything and she knows it’s for a very good cause.
    I go around again and I’m at the rose 🌹 beds by the entrance as she goes out the gate. We wave and the car roars off into the countryside for the evening.
    I’m back near the house on some newly manured bed with some very beautiful chocolate purple quality street wrapper like beads fly proudly against bare wooded twigs and the colour is breath taking as my secateurs cut away at this majestic plant I’m thinking to myself “my manure is ten times as old as this stuff and full of worms.”
    I’m not sure quite how the sickening feeling has hit me in the pit of my stomach
    “Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑 Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑 Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑.
    I know before I start looking I’ve lost the bloody keys to the mini clubman!!
    The sheer irony of that monotonous chant
    Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑 Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑 Looking for keys🔑 🔑 🔑.
    Reverberates around my skull. There is no panic I know I’ve lost them and no matter how calm I stay and no matter how many times I pat my pockets I know for an absolute certainty that I’ve lost them.
    As the reality sets in the gloom descends outside of my own cloud it is getting dark very dark indeed!
    I decide to head towards the emergency centre the hub of any strategic nerve centre in times of the utmost national crisis a place where I could plan coordinate and launch an operation to win back my car keys from the darkness and reign victorious again THE VILLAGE PUB.

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    It took a few minutes strolling along unlit lanes until the lights of the kirton white horse rose out of the misty evening. It was lit up beautifully with kitsch colourful lights giving it a chocolate box appearance it had been a great boozer in the last twenty years and Fred the late landlord in those days had made every waif and stray very welcome. I hadn’t heard rave reviews and my visit to the pub emphasised why you should always find out for yourself and totally ignore heresay and ultimately what is often “groundless gossip “.
    A phalanx of familiar old faces greeted me with “what the f.*****g hell are you going here are you bloody lost. Have you run out of Bloody petrol ⛽️??!”
    Good rural humour it’s true I hadn’t been seen in these parts since a works bike ride which had seen us do a twenty mile pub crawl in the days when it was harmless to “drink and bike “ (if there ever was a time) The Deben peninsula had been very kind to us that night and we burned up the miles effortlessly.
    The newly revamped pub was a revelation log fire there was even a bloody log fire on the big screen telly! I’m not sure where that was about but each to his own.
    The new landlord had been to great lengths to improve the boozer and the acid test for me as always was the Guinness and it was absolutely grand. The pub really has been transformed with an extension which has almost but not quite brought the outside dunny inside. They’d managed somehow to keep the loo outside but part of the new bit and a refreshingly good nod had been made to the past.
    I plugged in my dying phone to the ball and youthful Bernie the barman joked about the day of tried to persuade him to try his hand at Rugby league in much the same evangelical way I talk about the three rivers and no dig gardening. No time for agricultural stuff tonight I have an extraction operation to oversee and break the bad news to my partner of her plans for the evening which I’m about to smash into a hundred pieces. When you try to explain a situation to someone and what you think they need to do next, there is often plenty of kickback to your ideas and they haven’t had the time you’ve had or the pint of Guinness and a calm head to see things your way. It took some explaining and a bit of disagreement but my mate Simon was already on his way to take her to the garage to pick up Betty Bluebottle ( our camper van or if you will my armoured personnel carrier) from her annual service. she hasn’t driven it very often but on Guernseys tight and incredibly narrow lanes where every single vehicle has got into argument with the granite fortified hedgerows, my good lady had commandeered huge horse boxes double ones all over the place without fear.

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    The kirton white horse even minus old Fred and his wife who ran the pub for a while after his passing remains a lovely friendly place to visit and the modernisation has been sensitive to its past. If I’m looking for an official rural pub for the exhibition this could be it. Yes there will be an official beer supplier on the opening night too. It will all be on the programme and in the map trail guide that I’ve drawn up. Meanwhile in HQ last night in front of the roaring fire on the big screen I took an executive decision not to go back to the house again in the dark as searching for keys 🔑 🔑 🔑 would be absolutely fruitless and I’d return tomorrow (Friday) with a ruddy detectorist!!
    My partner arrives anxious to retrieve her mini clubman but I explain the futility of looking for a needle in a haystack and will resume tomorrow after I’ve done the trackside run at Trimley with Alan the Land Rover who would most likely know a detector man. It will be just like the bbc play hopefully with a dash of only fools and horses! It is a pity I couldn’t have another beer but the company is excellent and a brother of another friend comes over and recalls old times it really is a happy place inland deep into the Deben peninsula and I could stay here all night.

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    There is plenty to be done and it’s up with the lark even though disaster struck with the mini, the end to Thursday was excellent all the cuttings and foliage went to good use. Willow’s Dad took charge of a beautiful bouquet last night for his mother a lovely Scottish lady who survived the last orders at the hospice and had rallied really strongly. All these flowers were for her some nice ones in there and the chocolate quality street berries set the bouquet off well. I’m nowhere as good at this game as the amazing Amber but I’m good as a standin and it made willows Smile. We arrange to meet up with our two crazy dogs on Friday morning to run their legs off on Felixstowe beach up to the cliffs where the Romans had a fort at brackenbury this is an incredibly busy night and I’m whizzing off after dinner to meet millwall jim an old mate from the docks days. I’ve to pick him up at 1930 and we’ll be off to the conservative club for a few beers. Can’t say it’s a place I’ve frequented much but it’s on its last legs and with the police station alongside it already closed and gone for housing the extensive land is up for grabs. A real pity but that is how it works, there is huge pressure for social clubs to justify their existence and with builders waiting in the wings with ready made planning permits there is little chance of reversing the tide. A very nice few pints of Guinness enjoyed here and Betty Bluebottle can stay here for the night as me and jim talk families and old days and Ipswich and Millwall.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    I’m two days behind with the updates and today was an absolute watershed
    Truly spiritual experience and I’m a happy boy.
    That the bookies are getting bashed by me is neither here nor there. I’ve prepped and cooked a nice piece of beef it’s cooling under the foil and me and the dog are off to the fludyers for one pint of the black stuff and all will be wound up later.
    I’m an acre of asparagus to the good and about five hundred daff bulbs up as well.
    I’ll leave you in the safe living hands of mick jagger lady gaga and the lads a purely heavenly day. Take it away Mick.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    First selection on these pages for a long time and they look like getting started in three more minutes… an absolute dash over two furlongs

    Zia park 2317
    Selections to follow

    Jess the leader
    Both win

    Each way
    The only three year old here and while likely better for the run worth keeping a eye out for..

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    The quickest 14/1 winner anywhere in the world. 28/1 if you were stateside.
    As I said before leaving you in the capable hands of Mick jagger and Lady GaGa, I’m beating the bookies happily now. Very refined betting now!
    The draw and a three year old’s allowance adjusted significantly for the shorter distance. No one will ever pay attention to the physics aspect of racing and the free energy factor and that is good for me. esteemed forumites say they know better and prefer to slavishly conform to conformity and convention and that will ever be thus. Tio mio and cafe con lecce have both come in at 40/1 on the punter’s lounge. (Where you get likes 👍 and feedback and criticism and scepticism in equal measure). I have sussed it out now and no longer have any need to go on like because like TESLA before me no-one actually cares because it doesn’t match CONVENTIONAL WISDOM or the thinking of the day. The same Animal farm thinking which convicts innocent people such as the post office sub masters the same animal farm thinking that keeps those responsible for that scandal safe and at large. The same Animal farm thinking that told us “we were all in this together” during covid and convicted the Birmingham seven. I’m no longer going to mention it because it is irrelevant that I believe in it is particular to me and me alone.
    The weight and the draw and the fact that they were running in a straight line, meant that the horse could be held up and still win comfortably even over this briefest of trips….
    Today has been a watershed as I said earlier and a simple “all persons bulletin “ email revealed a huge quantity of free goods available at a house locally despite working all day at the allotment refining my leave mulch store and enjoying that most British of traditions; the Bonfire 🔥. I was the first to respond to the “invitation to treat “ which requires the person to call on a house in person to ask for Asparagus crowns, hundreds of daffodil bulbs and various bulbs of all descriptions all “free to a good home”. I’ve often wondered just how I’d get by with the cost of running a large allotment and the truth is there is none. I’m given everything for nowt and I give freely too. When I call in on the fellow allotment holder She tells me I’m the first to call. The email went out to all association members this morning. It is just before sunset and a visit to this house reveals a garden allotment being dismantled and turned over to grass lawn to cut down on maintenance. I come away with an agreement to return and remove a quarter of a massive Asparagus bed. I’m given hundreds of displaced Daffodil bulbs, Some wonderous looking dug up hybrid teas and climbers. There is a huge pile of wood from dismantled pergolas and raised beds my own raised bed planks or at the end of their usefulness and I agree to come back and sort though the massive pile of wood as I’ll be taking it all away to the allotment to set up all of my beds at Victoria street and on the main allotment. I cannot return tomorrow ( Monday) as it is Darkie’s funeral at the seven Hills in the morning. One last job today when I did the Santa run with the Rotary club last week I met a delightful Lady with a lovely courtyard garden I thought I recognised her but didn’t say as I wasn’t sure. Anyway instead of Rudolph conversation centered around her abstract garden 🪴 and the lights festooned all around her trees 🌲
    and inevitably conversation swung towards the Hospice flowers and bouquets. I told her I’d make her a bouquet and leave it for her at the shop to collect and pay for there. “what’s your name? I’ll tell them at the shop “.
    Cathy she shouted as I rushed out of the gate because Rudolph was about five hundred yards up the road and fading gently out of sight as the night’s collecting was coming to an end.
    “Cathy come Home then !!”I cried to shrieks of laughter from the lady

    Little did I know I’d be staring in an episode of the dectectorists instead in the grounds of s huge mansion out in the sticks.
    Although I’d got “Cathy “ the cuttings for her bouquet, I’d simply run out of time and it remained in my kitchen all weekend so Sunday night at last was an opportunity to return to Cathy’s house with a bouquet specially made up. She was absolutely delighted with them when I called round at 1900 hours with a nice winter bouquet dried crisp transparent brown hydrangeas from kirton with grass heads and a beautiful chocolate wrapper purple quality street Berries. “Mick my husband will love these.” Mick was sitting in the living room and we were in the kitchen. I love “yarning and chewing the cud”. It is also called Jossing in Suffolk speak I’m not rural enough to have much dialect and working with so many different folk over the years from all over Britain my strong Ipswich accent has been totally diluted into an estuary twang which seems more London than anything but the Suffolk bits often return after familiarity kicks in and I’ll wax away in my native brogue again.
    Suddenly Cathy mentions that she and her Husband Mick used to run “the Hamilton tearooms years ago” the penny drops and I rush into the living Room “Mick!!!” It’s only Mick the owner of the tearoom and landlord of “Chuffers” the train station Buffet at great Eastern Square. It was s massive suprise for all of us that we knew each other.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    It is the day all families dread. when the day comes after weeks of waiting it still has arrived in no time.
    Laying a loved one to rest is avery hard thing to do in my nuclear family it has been just my parents in the last 24 years first my Dad then Mum. Those days are ones you don’t forget.
    Today is Darkie’s funeral I won’t say much about him as you wouldn’t know him. But we worked together and played rugby many times together. At work Andy was a colossus of an officer my boss and team leader. A highly intelligent bloke who steadfastly refused to grow up. Every operation or project was an adventure an opportunity to play. He like many of my best colleagues loved sport. He never drove instead cycling 🚴‍♀️ everywhere. So whenever you worked with him you’d be his “Batman”. We did a lot of “nipping out” whilst on the job and often found ourselves travelling inland to places like Martlesham where his mother lived. The world was his lobster 🦞 and Suffolk like for all of us was his playground.
    We always got the job done and quite possibly did it as well as any other team. So I was delighted when I was travelling out to kirton on Friday that Duncan a close former colleague at work telephoned me to make contact to ensure I knew about Andy’s passing and his arrangements. Duncan was the only member of my old team to do so and although I did know, I was hugely grateful that he’d taken the trouble to get in touch. With all this social media malarkey face this and twatter that it is expected that everybody knows. Of course there are plenty of us who think Facebook and Elon Musk’s Twatter are a load of bollocks so we slip through the net, and what we miss we receive back in spades with our sanity. Like me he’s an Ipswich boy and we were on a similar footing in many ways. We’d both had young children when working together and offten a night shift would be filled in deep discussion of our domestic situations which were mirror glass images at least we could compare and talk.
    The social was a good part of teamworking and we’d often organised events like going to Portman Road or Bowls or bike rides all revolving around consuming decent levels of Guinness. Healthy if you insert activity and exercise.
    As I’m not rushing around and the world remains my lobster 🦞 I’ve decided like Darkie I’ll be push biking the six or so miles to the ceremony this morning. Obviously the lorry laden A14 is no place for two wheels but there is a back road; the old A45 which is pretty much a country lane. The journey back is not quite as pleasant even though it is the same route in reverse. The shorts will get a break today as I’ll be maverick as normal but show decorum towards the event but I can’t resist riding today as it is something Darkie would have laughed about.

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    A lovely day and yes I wore shorts doing the bike ride to the crematorium and arrived in time to change into slacks for the ceremony. Took ages to get back but was pleased to have cycled. Stopped for a breather alongside levington bridge just as the weatherline comes across at this point and sweeps across the land in a huge swathe. Just over the railway 🚃 bridge lies the fisons research centre and the fields here are populated by colonies of black rabbits all very small and a mystery how they are only seen here. A laboratory 🧪 experiment? A good place to stop and wonder how I got to the crematorium with time to spare. Great exercise,lungs full of fresh air glad I did it. Lots of old staff in attendance and a blast of the Rolling Stones you can’t always get what you want to begin with and ending with the who We won’t get fooled again. Superb rock out of the top drawer and a real sixties icon for Darkie the Maverick. The two Hymns choked me up and I’m sure it was just the wind from the bike ride Abide with me would have been sung at the 1978 fa cup final football ⚽️ while Jerusalem gets an airing at the Rugby 🏉.
    It was good to catch up with his kids and to meet his grandson.
    It was the second time I’d got my bike out in a few days the previous occasion was when I used it in the morning to collect my van from the conservative club car park where I’d spent a great evening with Millwall jim. I’d picked him up on the Thursday night and we’d driven to the club and We walked back to his place before I went on towards the old half moon 🌙 for a quick one. The old place is about to enjoy a renaissance in the hands of it’s new manager the landlady of the nearby Falcon. No Guinness on tap 🚰 which will need to be reinstalled to get my regular custom and that of many folk but the ambiance of the half moon looks set to return and I’m full of hope for it.
    Sunday’s amazing good luck at obtaining such a rich bounty of bulbs & rose 🌹 bushes, asparagus crowns and the wooden planks to make lots of new beds can be followed up in earnest this morning, when I return to start removing all the wood to the two allotments. I’ll need lots and lots of the black gold.
    I read somewhere on the forum briefly that this awful thread 🧵 is full of aimless rambling, and that it will die an inevitable death only to be resurrected by gamble in some post apocalyptic time of his own designation.
    It could be that these ramblings are indeed futile, but I couldn’t help but smile at the futility and irony of the post and the thread itself, which was I guess a bit of a parody of the thread it sought to belittle. Find it and you’ll appreciate the comparative irony. Better still don’t bother!
    It’s good when you don’t feel the need to justify anything at all to anybody. It means you’ve arrived. And at a good place too. :good:

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    Nice to see a winner in the lucky 🍀 last at Wolverhampton. Prestbury park has always been a happy hunting ground for me. Lots of people dismiss the all weather but certain trainers have a huge edge over others because of their knowledge of the tracks and their exploitation of the weights and handicap mark. Oh and the draw which few understand.
    This of course has little to do with the tree 🌲 and any developments pertinent to this thread.
    It has been another excellent day and things are rapidly falling into place if you can have a happy balance, I’m getting there. If I could walk into a restaurant kitchen everyday in the process of my work I’d be really in my element.
    Hello head chef we’ve got Jerusalem artichokes just at their best now after the frosts. Plenty of herbs for you, the herrings are crossing just now and mackerels and Brill are plentiful this week. We are just transplanting asparagus crowns from a twenty year old bed and if the weather holds they’ll crop heavily next year. I’ve been up the Deben this afternoon and the oyster beds are the best they’ve been. We’ve cancelled the export contract because we realise if we reduce our harvest for the next three years and stay loyal to our long term local customers we can exploit that sustainable market for years to come.
    The good news in the real world is I’ve landed the first confirmed sponsor for next month’s exhibition and am in talks with a potential lead sponsor which would cover all costs incurred in the organisation of these events. So yes I’m in a pretty good place today.
    Slowly working through the stones album Hackney Diamonds and I’m happy to say it is an absolute belter. You may have to listen to it a few times, but please do. I’m driving my family to distraction playing this album over and again. The stones have hit the bullseye 🎯 here.
    Dreamy Skies.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32169

    Glad to read you are doing well Sam..
    I rather enjoy your ramblings, keep up the good work.
    I watched the first half of Ipswich v Norwich at the weekend. Ipswich missed a few guilt edged chances and were unlucky not to have been 3 up within the first half hour. That’s football.
    Big game away at Leeds coming up, a point would be good, a win would be great
    up the Tractor boys.. :whistle:

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

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    Nice one Nathan. It was a cracker as derbies go. I expected the mustard men to do well ( as they did) despite Ipswich’s historical superiority, the budgies had a huge recent advantage something like thirteen games unbeaten and many of the players held derby experience whereas tractors had just one player with a derby under the bonnet.
    Leeds away and they freescored at Town recently. Like Ipswich they play rush goalies and this particular club are Ipswich’s nemesis it seems.
    I’m expecting a minimum of four maybe five goals. Both goalies will be rather busy and it’s the sky match too.

    Right it is Wednesday time for a brief ramble The immediate task to hand though is the huge physical challenge of the removal of the unmovable. Transplanting asparagus is as hard a job on my back and as big a task as I’ve faced in a while.
    I also need to sit down and design a map and work out precisely what will be the remote installations trouble is it’s Christmas and everyone has other things in their minds. There have been some cracking sunrises the last few days and yes Nathan I’ll read up your posting earlier in this thread and the pictures will flow ( eventually). Two London based ladies on stilts spoke to me on Saturday and asked why everyone was so laid back and friendly here. They also said as the drove over seven hills on the A14 and began the descent into Felixstowe at levington they picked up on a massive “vibe” aura. Call it what you like. It is where the three rivers, cross, meeet, align, triangulate, it is where our temperate climate starts. The “weather line.” The weather changes here often in a straight line and instantly. We discuss it regularly over our garden fences in the pub in the shops at the allotment on the street in schools on the bus, Attenborough should come here but he’d be preaching to the converted the Deben is our Amazon right here and the Ancient people closest to us knew of all its amazing qualities they built all their strategic castles on the high ground viewing the river and dragged their longboats along the contours of the land all based on the rivers and of course buried their kings here just like the civilisations on all the continents and it’s the subject of the Exhibition. They were right of course the girls Zahara and Margot.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    Right apsparagus extraction removing ten to fifteen year old crowns when the planter made them a bed fit for the burial of kings is a right old challenge. They simply don’t just “come out “.

    Avatar photoDrone
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    You have my sympathies as I too have nearly broken my back (and spade) trying to lift asparagus crowns; those tarantula-like roots are as tough as leather. Didn’t work very well either as when transplanted many didn’t recover and I subsequently learnt that just cutting the roots as low down as feasible doesn’t do any harm as it’s the preservation of the crown itself with its dormant buds that’s important

    Three years ago I experimented with sowing asparagus seed, growing them on for the first year in pots and planting them out in March of the second (last) year. A vast amount of fern was produced and I’m looking forward to a first cutting of the spears for culinary use this year

    “the world’s my lobster” is an Arthur Daleyism if memory serves :yes:

    This thread remains a joy to read and I hope you’ll ignore the naysayers and keep – me at least – entertained for as long as you can be bothered to hammer your keyboard

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