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Rishi Persad – what’s the point!

Home Forums Horse Racing Rishi Persad – what’s the point!

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  • #1553231
    • Total Posts 593

    I don’t mind Rishi to be honest. Doesn’t give you much in terms of analysis but i doubt that’s what terrestrial TV directors want. They cater to the more casual viewer rather than the already knowledgeable. There’s Racing TV and Sky Sports Racing for that.

    I quite like Luke’s position down at the start too. That section is more about seeing the horses up-close before the off but they can’t/won’t stay silent for 5 minutes hence Luke fills the void.

    I’m sure my stance on these subjects will change when I reach the average age of this particular forum’s members 😉

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439


    If they cater for the casual viewer, what are sectional times doing on screen with little, if any analysis or explanation?
    Who is exactly impressed by moronic questioning of jockeys (“Must have a good chance” – “Good luck”) at the start when the jockeys should be concentrating at the job in hand.
    It’s quite possible and better to see the horses at the start with comments from the paddock “judges” than having an idiot running around with a microphone, distracting jockeys :yes:

    • Total Posts 280

    ITV’s main purpose is to dramatize a story seek out anyone who’s had a bereavement in the family and that includes the cat. Didn’t watch Goodwood first time in many years finding many races on youtube. B-) B-)

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    May be General (non-racing enthusiast) Public wants to see an idiot running around with a microphone? :unsure:

    Agree, talking to jockeys at the start is daft, especially in jumps races.
    Jockeys show their horse the obstacle supposedly so it knows what to expect in the race.

    Therefore – when jumping the first – do horses expect to see an idiot with a microphone on the landing side? :unsure:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Rishi now giving us the lowdown from the Olympic Boxing Centre! The great man gets everywhere!


    • Total Posts 3755

    You might just as well ask, what’s the point of criticising Rishi Persad. He’s not making this up himself you know, he’s doing what he’s told to do by the director and producer. And if they weren’t happy with the result, he’d be replaced.

    Knocking him for the questions he asks is the equivalent of blaming an actor for the quality of his script. The ‘talent’ are there for two reasons – a) they do as they are asked b) they can talk fluently even with someone shouting instructions in their ear, they don’t stutter or mumble, or say ‘like’ and ‘err’ every other word.

    From my admittedly brief and limited experience, presenters survive on live TV because they can do the job, which is a rarer skill than most viewers would like to believe – and because finding and training a replacement is difficult.

    • Total Posts 434

    The Tatling Cheekily, there must be more than one of him!
    Seems he is so good they all want a piece of him. My word his team deserve a lot of credit getting him out there on so many sports and channels.

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    Good luck to him as far as I’m concerned, doesn’t really bother me who is presenting, although I do have a soft spot for Francesca. No smutty remarks please!

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
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    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Rishi is expected to run the achor leg in the 4 x 100m relay, should the men make the final. He is busy presenting the Tadcaster ‘Ferret-Legging’ championships whilst the heats are taking place.


    • Total Posts 434

    Haha TTC. Don’t give them ideas, though it has probably already been thought of.
    Exposure! Like a number of presenters some just make it too often on our screens and people, some people just start to get fed up with seeing them so often. Has Rishi become the only goto person for interviews and the like?

    • Total Posts 1611

    Completely agree with your comments apracing.

    Re the sectional timing, I think this is just a bit of a gimmick as far as ITV are concerned. Their remit is to try and draw in as wide an audience as they can, but I think the inclusion of sectional timing can happily coexist with this.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Having had time to reflect on it….I still don’t think Rishi Persad is any good.

    However, I don’t think any of them are any good.

    Which is why my TV is either on mute or switched off altogether.

    Finally, just in case anyone was thinking of calling me a racist – you’re dead right in one sense, I am Human Racist, can’t stand any of the species and my fellow Caucasians, on balance, are probably the worst: they are definitely the worst cooks!

    And now, as Tony Hancock once said, I’m off to find a lonely mountain peak – a blunt one! – and sit on it!

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    • Total Posts 2849

    As someone who watches a fair variety of sports, I don’t have any interest in these immediate post race/match/whatever interviews.

    I don’t think Persad is any better or worse than anyone else. It doesn’t really matter who is doing them, it’s always the same inane rubbish. Classic example is a contentious penalty in football which every time results in:

    ‘Do you think it was a penalty?’
    ‘I don’t know, I’d need to see it again.’ (which roughly translates as ‘Who cares? We won’)

    I’d rather let the athletes go off, have a shower and let it all sink in before I hear from them but TBH even then I’m not massively interested.

    • Total Posts 2553

    You might just as well ask, what’s the point of criticising Rishi Persad. He’s not making this up himself you know, he’s doing what he’s told to do by the director and producer. And if they weren’t happy with the result, he’d be replaced.

    Knocking him for the questions he asks is the equivalent of blaming an actor for the quality of his script. The ‘talent’ are there for two reasons – a) they do as they are asked b) they can talk fluently even with someone shouting instructions in their ear, they don’t stutter or mumble, or say ‘like’ and ‘err’ every other word.

    From my admittedly brief and limited experience, presenters survive on live TV because they can do the job, which is a rarer skill than most viewers would like to believe – and because finding and training a replacement is difficult.

    Good post from AP.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863
    • Total Posts 1611

    I’m surprised a sufficient number of positive tweets were found about anyone to produce meaningful figures!

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Interesting figures.

    I watch racing on mute nowadays but recalling the days when I didn’t I am surprised the excellent Eddie Fremantle isn’t up there.

    When I used to listen I thought Simon Holt and Richard Hoiles were the best commentators but, while he sounded a nice chap, I thought John Hunt was a dreadful commentator.

    A race could be almost over by the time he’d named the runners from first to last, such was his obsession with telling us their recent form and what their jockeys had had for breakfast.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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