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Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

Home Forums Lounge Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

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  • #1620304
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Amusing to see Starmer having to congratulate Sunak on becoming the first British Asian to become Prime Minister.

    The Conservatives have now had 3 women Prime Ministers and 1 non white Prime Minister. While in the third decade of the 21st Century, the Labour Party has still only ever been led by a white man. Not a great look for a party that claims to be on the progressive side of politics.

    Also, it was a mistake by Starmer to start with two questions about Braverman. That issue only concerns the Westminster Bubble and internet echo chambers. He eventually got onto the economy but should have started with it.

    Sunak was confident enough but he was not up against much.

    • Total Posts 2849

    ‘The Conservatives have now had 3 women Prime Ministers and 1 non white Prime Minister.’

    When you change leader every couple of months it’s bound to happen eventually. How many good PMs has each party had? That’s what matters. Sunak would of course have been PM sooner were he not up against the white privilege that Truss enjoyed 😉

    As for Braverman, the whole affair raises the question of the Ministerial Code. Why have one if you get get your job back a week after breaking it? What was that about accountability? Doesn’t exactly send a good message.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I don’t think people up and down the country are animated about the ministerial code. They want to hear what they have to say about the economy and social issues that directly affect them.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Probably not but I’m sure many would like their politicians to be accountable for their errors, just like he promised in his opening speech. He then went and torched that hours later, many gave him the benefit of the doubt but he’s off to a bad start. There are 350-odd MPs for him to choose from and that’s the best he can do?

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “There are 350-odd MPs for him to choose from and that’s the best he can do?”

    Have you seen the backbenches? 😉

    • Total Posts 2849

    Well there is that…

    He could in theory pick from the Lords but I imagine one of the requirements of a minister is to be awake at least some of the time so it’s probably a non-starter.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Would, say, Diane Abbot have been a price worth paying for ticking boxes, CAS?

    Chezza has his doubts!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 7667

    “The Conservatives have now had 3 women Prime Ministers and 1 non white Prime Minister. While in the third decade of the 21st Century, the Labour Party has still only ever been led by a white man. Not a great look for a party that claims to be on the progressive side of politics.”

    The Conservatives have been changing their leaders so many times that by law of averages there is always a chance that they are left with a leader who isn’t a white male. Also, if other than a white male isn’t good enough to be Labour Leader, and therefore not voted in, then that is just the way the cookie bounces.

    • Total Posts 7667

    Just noticed after posting that Richard88 said a similar thing. :o)

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I saw Mike had posted and was expecting to hear Aidan O’Brien’s views on the subject.

    Imagine my disappointment!

    He’s not wrong, though, but then nor was Richard earlier.

    I repeat: which would have been better – all-white male Labour leaders or, err, Diane Abbot?

    Sometimes the diversification option isn’t the best option.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “Aidan O’Brien’s views on the subject.”

    Rishi has so much speed. He’s the fastest we’ve ever had.

    (When it is pointed out that the last stable star, Librium Liz, was extremely quick):

    Rishi has shown enormous talent from day one. He’s one to look forward to.

    (Asked about future targets):

    We’ll have to ask the lads of the 1922 Committee, but Rishi has so much natural ability, he wouldn’t have a problem dropping back to Chancellor.

    • Total Posts 9289

    Keir started by asking about Braverman because he knew the PM had been advised not to reappoint her. Which is why Sunak didn’t answer the question. And why the matter won’t be dropped.Sunak also didn’t reply to the question about his wife’s tax status. Oh and something I only found out yesterday: Sunak was in favour of people being imprisoned for not paying council tax. Something that infuriated Rory Stewart who pointed out that prisons should not be filled with people not paying council tax as they struggled enough dealing with proper criminals. If that’s his mindset then it’s no wonder he supports the hard line approach of ‘ send them all to Rwanda’ Braverman. I still don’t understand why PM’s are not made to actually answer the questions posed to them at PMQT. Maybe it should be renamed PM’s answer time.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    I used to love getting stoned and watching PMQs, felt like I was watching some ridiculous alternate reality where a bunch of 13 year old private school boys had somehow managed to run a country.

    Now it’s just frustrating, I also found out that the PM knows what questions are going to be asked well in advance, so that kind of took the fun away too, it’s just a fun day with the boys for this out-of-touch lot, a publicity stunt for the masses too if you will.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I found it interesting.

    Sunak cut a very sombre image yesterday and I liked it as it seemed very: “there’s F all to F-ing smile about, I’ve inherited a right mess. I’ll fix it, but it won’t be pretty” seemed a smart approach to me.

    But the privileged ex-City slicker public schoolboy leer was back today and while he was on a different level to that lump of wood with half his IQ that preceded him, and smarter than the unironed shirt in the hot seat prior to that, it all sounded a bit too Bozo bluster to me as every question was met with attack lines about Labour well past their sell-by date.

    “Well, you once supported Jeremy Corbyn!” is the stuff of first-year undergraduate student debating societies.

    To my surprise, I ultimately thought Starmer just about shaded it.

    Sunak could very quickly get pigeonholed as “Tory Boy” if he’s not careful, but it’s definitely Game On in a way it hadn’t been in the past for Starmer, who’d got used to winning PMQs by a street, didn’t find it so easy today and won’t do going forwards either.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “… and won’t do going forwards either.”

    I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Chezza.

    Starmer is analytical enough to change strategy and adapt, plus he doesn’t have to appease his backbenchers. Fishy, in contrast, will need to keep the loons of the 1922 Committee happy and this will invariably lead to more theatrics and sound bites, and less intellectually rigorous debate.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    I agree with what you’re saying there Ian, Sunak certainly comes across as a very competent and intelligent chap. But like you said he runs the risk of being labelled more of a Tory Boy than Harry Enfeild.

    I mean, if I was in the Labour marketing team I’d do everything I could to have this video plastered all over the media until the next election – and ironically, my grandma actually used to be mayor of Tunbridge Wells (where this took place) many years ago!

    • Total Posts 9289

    Not only does the PM knows what questions are going to be asked but it said on Sky News that he has some sort of cabinet meeting in the morning to decide on strategy and Gove is now back helping with that. But not only does Sunak have to do what the ERG tell him to do ( and Mark Francois was quite clear the other day that both Sunak and Mordaunt were happy to go along with whatever they told them to do) but he also has to keep the 1922 committee and Tufton Street on side. Mordaunt had a proper resting bitch face on at PMQT: she’s been well and truly shafted. Raab, bless him just wore his usual Stan Laurel face. I guess he’s hoping that people have forgotten that he co wrote Britannia Unchained with Truss and Kwarteng. And even though Sunak has back tracked on fracking we all know which Conservative MP’s were happy to vote to bring it back. Mine is one of them and I’ll be telling people that at election time. I understand that Braverman ducked out of a grilling by Yvette Cooper but I don’t know the in’s and outs if that. Oh, they’re just talking about it now. Sounds as though not many Conservative MP’s are supportive of her and that Sunak, now he’s kept his part of the deal will happily get rid of her when made to do so.

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