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Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

Home Forums Lounge Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

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  • #1633303
    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    It’s all Jeremy Corbyn’s fault you know!

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    Longest TV interview, as PM, on Piers Morgan Uncensored this eve, 8 oclock TalkTV.

    Colin Phillips
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    • Total Posts 2849

    Unfortunately I’ve pencilled the ironing in for 8pm. Never mind, there’s always next time.

    • Total Posts 2849

    EU membership is a very good thing says Boris Johnson.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Next General Election

    Most Seats
    Labour 1.22
    Conservatives 5.5

    Overall Majority
    Labour 1.74
    No Overall Majority 2.96
    Conservatives 9.8

    The reappearance of the Truss Bus, hot on the heels of Johnson attention seeking, not helping beleaguered Sunak as Labour reach a new record shortest price.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    The gall of Truss is unbelievable , this woman did unbelievable financial damage to this country barely 4 months ago yet says she was ” barely given a chance to implement her agenda ” ….. Err yeah , you nearly destroyed millions of pensions with your unprepared tax cuts which you couldn’t confirm how theyd be paid for …. She,s now just behind Patel in my Tory hating list

    • Total Posts 2849

    To repeat a phrase I’ve used many times on these threads, it’s always somebody else’s fault.

    Private Eye actually did her pathetic piece on Sunday as a joke:

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I see Boris Johnson has just declared upcoming earnings of £2.5 million from speaking engagements.

    No wonder Prime Ministers are not bothered about losing office. They earn far more money out of it. Blair and May are both taking it in as well.

    I suppose Johnson has all the alimony and child maintenance to pay.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Who are these people who pay them to speak?

    I’d want £100 a minute to listen to any of the three of them.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    CAS said: I see Boris Johnson has just declared upcoming earnings of £2.5 million from speaking engagements.

    “He who laughs last…..” springs to mind.

    The Blob wanted him out and in the 6 months since then, he’s earnt an absolute shed-load 😉

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I was surprised at PMQs today, but in hindsight thought Starmer was quite clever.

    Supporting Ukraine was literally ALL Starmer talked about.

    Every single question was simply an invitation to Sunak to support the policies Starmer was advocating.

    Sunak couldn’t do anything but agree and it made it look like Starmer was PM (in waiting) and not Sunak.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    ‘The Blob wanted him out and in the 6 months since then, he’s earnt an absolute shed-load 😉’

    I don’t think most of us will lose too much sleep over it. As CAS says, all fomer PMs rake it in from ‘speeches’ and the like. Johnson’s ability to ‘earn’ money after leaving office was never in doubt, whenever that might have been. He is of course supposed to still be an MP but I doubt he’s that bothered about what his constituents have to say.

    I agree with Ian, I would need hefty remuneration to listen to any of our former PMs drone on about anything.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I see Jared O’Mara, former Labour MP, has been found guilty on six counts of fraud. I can’t help feeling that the BBC would have been a bit more excited about the story if it had been a former Conservative MP.

    You do have to wonder how this character got through the selection process. It is not as if he unexpectedly won a seat seen as unwinnable. Clegg’s majority was quite small and he had made himself very unpopular with the large student community in the constituency by breaking his promise on tuition fees.

    If O’Mara was the best candidate, I can only imagine the quality of those he defeated.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    On the subject of PMQs, Stephen Flynn (SNP Westminster leader) has been very effective since he took over the role.

    Today he raised the subject of Liz Truss’s recent newspaper article and asked Sunak as she was not prepared to say sorry for what happened during her tenure, would he do so?

    It was a short, to the point question and Sunak clearly did not like it. He batted the question away, only for Flynn to list all the things that happened in the financial markets and its effect on voters.

    He makes a refreshing change from the dreadful Blackford who used to just rant and call on people to resign.

    Flynn has also subtly and skilfully distanced himself from Sturgeon, who continues to dig herself into a deeper hole. She has been seriously rattled in some recent interviews. The next General Election might be a bit more interesting in Scotland now.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “I see Jared O’Mara, former Labour MP, has been found guilty on six counts of fraud. I can’t help feeling that the BBC would have been a bit more excited about the story if it had been a former Conservative MP.”

    I think you’re right, CAS, though simply because the Conservatives are in power and Labour aren’t – this sort of stuff is always more news worthy when it’s perpetrated by one of the crew actually running the country at the time.

    It would have been a much bigger deal during a Labour government.

    They did cover it, though:

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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    Even the right wing press doesn’t seem that bothered by it from what I’ve seen, ‘Labour MP blows* taxpayer cash on Charlie’ makes a good headline.

    He does appear to have been a particularly useless individual from the start and I think the local party must be facing some serious questions about how he even got through the selection process.

    *see what I did there?

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