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Peter Carberry on Monty’s Moon, 5:30 Uttoxeter….

Home Forums Horse Racing Peter Carberry on Monty’s Moon, 5:30 Uttoxeter….

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  • #353499
    Avatar photoOneEye
    • Total Posts 661

    I think we’re all in agreement that Carberry didn’t do this on purpose, it was a simply case of not knowing where the winning line was.

    But this doesn’t make the incident any less forgivable. It was Carberry’s only ride of the day, and I dare say that he got to Uttoxoter in plenty of time. If a young amateur jockey, aspiring to be a professional no doubt, can’t be bothered to go out and have a look at the course, check where the winning post is etc, then he deserves any punishment that comes his way for making such a monumental mistake.

    Obviously I don’t want the lad banned forever, but he (and others) need to learn that such errors are not acceptable.

    Avatar photodadofjess
    • Total Posts 11

    at the end of the day if a jockey is not aware of where the winning post is situate he really should not be allowed to be riding in the race.

    it is high time this misdemeanour is eradicated once and for all or punters will be taking their money to alternative avenues.

    • Total Posts 22

    According to the Racing Post stats this was his first ride at Uttoxeter and he is, as a conditional jockey, I believe must walk the course before racing if riding it for the first time. I believe that it is also the trainers responsibility to ensure this is undertaken. If he did not walk the course, which I doubt, the trainer could also be at fault.

    Would appreciate confirmation if I am right or wrong.

    At the end of the day he made an error and leave it to the BHA to deal with any ban etc.

    Avatar photoanthonycutt
    • Total Posts 980

    about time that the BHA introduced rules allowing the betting public to sue jockeys for negligence who are found guilty of this sort of offence, sorry "mistake", as it keeps getting called.

    Do you think any jockey would stop riding before the winning post, take the wrong course, miscount the number of circuits etc ….. ever again if they knew they could be brought to book for 100,000’s, even millions wagered on some races?

    Well for a start, the jockey has a contract with the trainer who has a contract with the owners. The money you pass from your pocket into someone else’s pocket is no-one’s responsibility but your own.

    Would you sue a jockey after a fall too?
    Would you sue the jockey on a 100/1 shot because it’s taken money out the pockets of favourite backers?

    If you sued & won, would everyone who backed the other horse have to give their winnings back?

    Can I sue Maguire for his ride on Ballabriggs? He got banned for overuse of the whip, which technically is cheating. I could have been quids in with Don’t Push It.

    How about in other sports? Sue Rooney for missing a penalty, sue Mcilroy for capitulating in the Masters? How about suing Judd Trump for going for ‘that’ blue?

    I lost the biggest bet I have ever made after Baby Run at Cheltenham, should I sue? No, because I took into account that young jockeys make more mistakes than experienced one’s.

    If other people don’t take that into account, I’ve got no sympathy.

    • Total Posts 3

    I was at Uttoxeter and it cost me £350. :( I suppose technically he dropped his hands but i was pretty level with the winning post and he rode a finish to the wrong post,he thought he had won. He didn’t realise straight away that the jockeys going past him were still riding,explicably, too late, he started to ride again for a short time,inexplicably he did the same again after the finish,guess he was just plain bewildered by then.
    Someone tweeted me that he had done this before in the past,not sure if this is so.
    My feeling is that it was a dreadful mistake and he got a pretty hostile reception especially as the incident was shown several times on the large screen immediately after the race.I don’t know what length the ban will be but pretty hefty i guess,anyone have any idea what sort of punishment this type of transgression attracts?

    Avatar photoanthonycutt
    • Total Posts 980

    .I don’t know what length the ban will be but pretty hefty i guess,anyone have any idea what sort of punishment this type of transgression attracts?

    Danny Cook got banned for 22 days for taking the wrong course three times so I’d imagine it’ll be something along those lines.

    Unless he’s got a big race coming up then the BHA will probably let him off like they did with Jason Maguire.

    • Total Posts 1387

    I’m obviously over it now – £40 wont kill me – but could this really be classed as just mistake?

    Man who


    for a living turns up to the…


    , and then loses the race because he doesn’t know where the finish line is? There’s simply no room for this type of ‘mistake’, as there aren’t in other jobs.

    The powers that be need to be far more severe on this particular kind of ‘mistake’, and start handing out bans that will see no jockey EVER be in doubt where the finishing line is, of all things!

    Four months is about right in my honest, sympathetic opinion.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    anyone have any idea what sort of punishment this type of transgression attracts?

    It should be 28 days but obviously the disciplinary panel will have leeway either way.

    • Total Posts 3

    I note that one of the posts questions if the incident was a "mistake". If it wasn’t a mistake then what was it.As in my earlier post my take on it was that it was just a bad mistake.

    I was at the course and viewed the race,very closely,as i stood to win a nice amount.Peter Carberry judged the race perfectly up until having thought he had won,he then stopped riding.

    As a punter it isn’t nice when you should have "collected" and worse to lose your stake as well,be that as it may,i still can’t view it any other light than a bad mistake.

    Thanks to those that answered my query regarding length of highly probable ban!

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    The BHA hearing is scheduled for 09:30 tomorrow (Thursday 12th)

    Grey Desire
    • Total Posts 1932

    40 day ban

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3442

    I note that one of the posts questions if the incident was a "mistake". If it wasn’t a mistake then what was it.As in my earlier post my take on it was that it was just a bad mistake.

    I was at the course and viewed the race,very closely,as i stood to win a nice amount.Peter Carberry judged the race perfectly up until having thought he had won,he then stopped riding.

    As a punter it isn’t nice when you should have "collected" and worse to lose your stake as well,be that as it may,i still can’t view it any other light than a bad mistake.

    Thanks to those that answered my query regarding length of highly probable ban!

    Aren’t all incidents like these "mistakes"? Or has someone an example of one that wasn’t?
    In any event if someone wants to do one deliberate they’re hardly likely to make it obvious to every Tom, Dick & Harry watching, I would imagine they would do their best to disguise it as a "mistake".

    • Total Posts 127

    it’s the severity of the mistake, cjboy; one error doesn’t necessarily equate to another. If Gus’s shelf-stacker dents a tin of beans then Asda will survive, but if he puts raw meat next to cooked meat at the deli counter, then he’s in serious trouble.

    If someone puts raw meat next to cooked at the deli and the shop gets done I can guarantee one thing; the shop worker will NOT lose 40 days pay. It is illegal to make deductions from pay. If the shop owner fired the worker they would end up in a tribunal and lose; the shop worker would claim some sort of discrimination or say they weren’t properly trained.

    I am an employer, and it’s a mugs game, the law is totally stacked in the employees favour.

    In any case, in the grand scheme of things this mistake has not done what the hypothetical deli worker has done; nobody is going to die or be put in hospital. It is just one more losing bet amongst many.

    Nobody has yet addressed the good fortune of those who won bets that might not have collected had Carberry not made his blunder. Should they give their winnings back?

    Avatar photoanthonycutt
    • Total Posts 980

    Nobody has yet addressed the good fortune of those who won bets that might not have collected had Carberry not made his blunder. Should they give their winnings back?

    I think you’ll find that I did earlier in the thread. Or it may have been a different thread. But I definitely did somewhere!

    In every other respect you’re correct. Anyone who thinks someone making a comparable mistake in any other job would be sacked, must walk around with their eyes closed.

    • Total Posts 17716

    40 day ban

    Very harsh on the young lad I must say.

    Avatar photoanthonycutt
    • Total Posts 980

    40 day ban

    Very harsh on the young lad I must say.

    I don’t know. It’ll teach him to walk the course in future won’t it?

    I personally stop short of baying for blood (unlike some) because I haven’t got any pockets.

    • Total Posts 1387

    Nobody has yet addressed the good fortune of those who won bets that might not have collected had Carberry not made his blunder. Should they give their winnings back?

    No, of course they shouldn’t. It has nothing to do with them. What a strange question to pose.

    Others gain from other peoples misfortune somewhere along the line in just about every scenario imaginable.

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