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Oisin Murphy – oh dear

Home Forums Horse Racing Oisin Murphy – oh dear

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    • Total Posts 2702

    Blimey. I was thinking 3 months or something


    • Total Posts 1374

    Really talented jockey but obviously struggles with his demons. Let’s hope that he can overcome them. I think that the punishment is severe , but you can understand the need to protect horses and other riders , and so is perhaps justified.
    The game has certainly changed over the years , and in this case , for the better. Barry Brogan anyone ?.

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    You could argue that he got off lightly. He actually only got 3 months and 10 days for the alcohol offences. In many jobs you would have been dismissed for one of those let alone multiple breaches. These offences put fellow jockeys and horses at serious risk of injury or worse.

    The biggest part of the ban was for the deliberate and knowing breach of covid regulations and the calculated attempt to decieve and lie. In fact he also got of lightly on that because he got 3 x 11 month bans but because they run concurrently he is only banned for 11 months.

    • Total Posts 773


    “Good point but as I recall, it was suggested that alcohol could be smelt on Gibbons’s breath. That implies to me he had been drinking not long before the race. I do not think there was any suggestion that Murphy was not in possession of his faculties.”

    Well, Murphy failed a test taken before racing began at Newmarket, hence he was not allowed to ride that day. He wasn’t given the opportunity to illustrate whether or not he was in possession of his faculties.

    Of Gibbons, Jim Crowley claimed, “It was quite a common occurrence,” Crowley said of smelling alcohol on Gibbons’ breath while the two were working. “I was used to it and so were other members of the weighing room.”

    I find this disturbing. It suggests that Gibbons, having passed the pre-meeting test, took a drink afterwards. And no jockey reported that to the stewards.

    However, the attitudes prevailing in the weighing room are once again underlined, this time by Paul Cosgrave who, when questioned why he didn’t inform the stewards of the allegedly dangerous mid-race manoeuvre by Gibbons, replied, “It’s a code of conduct in the weighing room to stay as neutral as possible, to not get involved or say too much.”

    Where have we heard that before.

    • Total Posts 1735

    Surely if a jockey is smelling of alcohol you should make sure he ain’t riding against other jockeys as god knows what might occur. Just highlights even more how ridiculous this code of silence is even when you are the putting yourself at risk. Absolute madness.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    He got off lightly , let’s put it this way u wouldn’t want to driving on the same road as him if he was over the limit so why would you want be riding in the same race , as I said way earlier in the thread the lad has to have a good look at himself , def have a look at the people around him ( to many hangers on ) and evaluate what he wants out of life , he should be where Buick is , he has made mistakes but got himself in a prime job , the problem is he has the next batch of jockeys wanting his place , I’m lucky I’m teetotal and I’ve never been bothered by drink ( orange juice and ice please ) but if in my life I’ve seen the destruction it leaves

    • Total Posts 3109

    Not surprised by the length of the ban as given the littany of offences and apologies followed by more offences and apologies etc one could easily argue they have still given him somewhat of a break most likely due to the fact he didn’t contest any of the charges filed against him and a little bit of the fact he has/is seeking help and they didn’t want to be seem to be taking draconian measures against an individual with an addiction problem.

    It will be interesting to see exactly who stands by him when he has served his ban and starts riding again, they say a week in racing is a long time but a year away could potentially see changes to his existing job with Qatar Racing and maybe him continuing to pick up the big Japanese rides on the world stage.

    With all that being said, best wishes to him and my fingers are firmly crossed that he can get control of his demons to where they don’t continue to impact his life/career going forward but we should all be under no illusions that this will be a lifelong struggle for him.

    • Total Posts 7543

    They had to go hard because he was a liar.
    If they don’t crack down hard on lying then everyone might as well spin as much nonsense as they can when they get caught doing something wrong because there’s no downside.

    I can’t be bothered with the whole “tortured genius” type column inches. Off you pop to rehab Oisin, come back when you’re clean and sober and in the meantime leave the headlines to jockeys who manage to win races without all the carry on. (Well who knows maybe Hollie Doyle is getting mad drunk and punching people on the regular but I doubt it).

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    Fully agree, green.

    Remember his first public cocaine offence, when he told the press his GF gave him a blow***? Well, now he has the time to get circumsized and get rid of that potential lie/risk/ecxuse. That was too childish for a real pro….

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Never met him, but spotted him before most (backed his mount which he gave a very assured winning ride at Salisbury his first year) and he used to live near me and I know people who know him.

    Nice enough guy, I’m told, but….

    You all know the rest.

    As a kid I remember reading something in the Bible about there being “more joy in heaven about one sinner who repents etc…”

    “How unfair – what about the rest who behave all the time? I’ll be having a word with God about that if we ever meet!” I thought.

    But that’s actually the culture here on Earth nowadays.

    Everyone (yes, you too, apparently) is equally flawed, “there is no wrong path” (so long as someone else is picking up the pieces), it’s a world of eternal second chances.

    Do I sound old?


    And a miserable git?


    But going easy on entitled young adults doesn’t help them grow up and mature.

    “You’re out for a YEAR, fella – so make your mind up, do you want to be a top-flight jockey and an adored public icon (but with a duty to observe certain standards of behaviour) or do you want to be a, well, let’s not go there?”

    Let’s hope he realises he’s in the last-chance saloon, the World doesn’t owe him a living and he needs to buck up his ideas once and for all and get a grip of himself.

    He’s still got the most amazing life ahead of him if he makes the right decision.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 1835

    I find the attitudes of several on here to be tasteless, heartless and ridiculously shortsighted.

    This is a human being we’re talking about, not just a mere jockey. Just because he happens to fill column inches it doesn’t mean he’s less fallible than the rest of us. He’s young, he’s made mistakes, he’ll learn.

    What he does he works incredibly hard for. He can’t be simply classed as ‘entitled’ because he’s more recognisable to joe public than you or me. And yes he may have covered his errors in the past, he’ll have said or done things he’d like to do differently. Well, you know, that’s what makes him and us human. I don’t know if he had a drinking problem or whether he had just been enjoying himself slightly too much. Either way that’s nobody’s business but his own, and if it is some form of serious addiction then I wish him nothing but the best. Anyone who’s been through that or knows anyone that has knows that this is a dark and gruelling path that he’d be embarking on.

    This is a young boy, a talented young boy who’s probably had the worst 18 months of his life. The fact he’s had to live that in the public eye hS certainly made that a more difficult experience. The last thing he needs would be for his sport to turn its back on him.

    Although why is it I get the feeling that those who spite Oisin the most will be the same ones cheering and praising him the most when he gets their 10/1 winner up when that day comes.

    Sport’s a fickle business, shame on you :negative:

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Tom- he’s 26, so hardly a “young boy” any more.

    Yes, we are all fallible but he has to hold his hands up, admit he has a problem and spend this year weaning himself off booze and drugs and then come back a new man in 2023.

    I wish him well.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “This is a young boy”


    He’s TWENTY SIX.

    I had more sympathy with teenager Benoit De La Sayette, but there comes a point when you’re expected to grow up and take responsibility for your actions and 26 is well past that age.

    Murphy is a repeat offender – the ability to go on Twitter and make selfie videos abjectly apologising kinda loses its sincerity impact after a while because he clearly doesn’t really feel he’s let anyone down and he isn’t really sorry as he does these things time and time again.

    Want to know who I feel sorry for?

    Those put at risk by someone who turns up to ride racehorses over the limit and who flouts the rules regarding a deadly Pandemic.

    Murphy hasn’t got a life ban – he’s got 14 months.

    That sends him a message – racing has lost patience with him, it’s time for him to shape up or ship out.

    I HOPE HE SHAPES UP – good jockey (though not the genius in the saddle many think).

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 1835

    It seems that the entirety of my post, barring me referring to Murphy as a ‘young boy’, has gone almost entirely in one ear and out the other.

    Irrespective of actual age he is nevertheless a young man, to whom the rest of the message still relates and is valid. People should not be kicked when they are down in such a way.

    Wonderful to see #BeKind culture is alive and well.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I was kinda directing my #BeKind sentiments towards those who’d probably not share a dressing room with someone who flouts Covid regulations and turns up to ride racehorses over the limit.

    Like I said – in CAPS, actually – I hope he shapes up from here on in.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    He didn’t even have the guts to admit that the 2020 title was only won due to his non-selfisolation.
    Buick’s agent Gary Hind claimed that with Murphy self-isolating there would have been only ony winner of the jockey’s championship. Oisin has yet to come out and apologize or has he already? Dont’t think he ever will, because he STILL BELIEVES IN HIS LIES!!!!!

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    I think the lies definitely drove the severity of the ban.
    I feel for him, he clearly possesses the type of character that renders him vulnerable to addiction and demons.
    But he is fortunate too. He’ll surely have the opportunity, unlike many in a similar situation, to access some high quality professional help.
    I think the ban might be severe from his professional standpoint but, on the face of it, I think it is exactly what Oisin Murphy, the man rather than the jockey, needs.

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