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MP’s expenses

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    Avatar photoGoldikova
    • Total Posts 1537

    How come there’s pressure on Michael Martin to stand down over the handling of the expenses affair, yet the people who actually got all the expenses haven’t stood down.

    I know the English snobs have had it in for him because he’s a Glaswegian for quite some time, but to me it appears as if they need a scapegoat in the form of ‘Gorbals Mick’ as they call him.

    Can someone who gives a toss about politics explain to me what the deal is !!

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    ..nice work if you can get it…

    anyone else feel they’ve been in the wrong job all these years? :x :)

    Avatar photoGoldikova
    • Total Posts 1537

    I don’t have a problem with the expenses they claim. I think it’s societys duty to supply these people whatever they need. Whether it be a can of juice or a new house, i think they deserve it. The problem is the people who moan about it, and not the the MPs themselves. I think people who are more appreciate of them should set up a sort of trust fund so we can donate things like money, shopping vouchers and phones to them etc, that way everybody’s happy.

    • Total Posts 3901


    • Total Posts 2923

    Brown has apologized on behalf of all politicians.

    That’s all very well but will the money, that has been claimed under the rules that appear to be so wrong, be repaid?

    I think I know the answer to that question.


    • Total Posts 478

    Joking apart.There should be a public enquiry and the sooner somebody trustworthy ( anyone left ?) is put in place to enquire into each and every case of dodgy looking expense claims from each and every MP from all parties the better.

    While they are at it, they would do very well to include the MEPs and local councillors aswell……….can anyone name any of the above that are worth what they cost either in salary or expenses? .
    When the so called rules have been proven to be abused or even the spirit of them stretched to the limit the perpetrators should be thrown out of office whoever they are.

    The whole political structure should be examined to see if we really need these legions of professional politicians who represent nothing and nobody and seem to achieve nothing in what is IMO is the most stagnant political climate for decades devoid of any conviction politicians who really want to change things for the better.

    Now we know why MPs have resisted the publication of their expense details for all these years, so it seems reasonable to conclude that this kind of self serving bare faced corruption has probably been going on for decades.All falsely claimed expenses and profits from house sales or so called ‘flipping’ should be siezed back once proven.

    In furture no ballot paper should be produced without full details of how much each sitting MP has cost the tax payer plus the number of votes they have attended or contributions to debates etc, so that voters can decide who if anyone is value for money.

    I for one would support a public demonstration demanding a public enquiry and immediate reform of our political infrastructure.

    • Total Posts 9305

    How much do politicians get paid? I think a lot of people in less important jobs get paid a lot more.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520


    The Prime Minister’s basic pay is just shy of £200,000 a year.


    • Total Posts 478

    How much do politicians get paid? I think a lot of people in less important jobs get paid a lot more.

    Therefore?………………..its ok to exploit self penned rules to fiddle expenses?
    I would dispute how important most politicians jobs actually are aswell. The average MP doesn’t seem to be doing anything particulcarly important IMO.
    Civil servants in govt departments possibly have a more important role but my suspicions are that there may be plenty of flab and excess lurking there aswell.

    Bring on the enquiry and lets see where the public money is actaully going and for what?

    • Total Posts 9305

    I think a lot of mp’s work very hard in their constituencys, I know ours does. I’m not saying it’s right to fiddle expenses, and am just asking the question because I really have no idea how much they get. I feel more aggrieved at the thought of bankers getting huge bonuses when my savings are earning me no interest, but thats another issue.

    • Total Posts 9305

    Thanks for info; a huge amount compared to the pittance that me and the dog live on, but doesn’t seem a lot compared to what some people earn. Will go an discuss it with said dog and see what she thinks.

    • Total Posts 1453

    Nearly choked when I heard Fiddler Brown in his "apology" go on about MPs’ and their "profession" !!!!
    My dictionary defines a profession as "…vocation or calling esp(ecially) one that involves some branch of advanced learning or science."
    You may say that some MPs have a "vocation" or "calling" but it’s debatable and certainly not a pre-requisite to standing for election to Westminster.
    being an MP is not, IMO, a "profession",

    • Total Posts 2316

    They know the salary before the seek candidacy as an MP, so it matters not a fecking jot how "important" their job is. Applying that logic would result in nurses getting paid ten times what an MP receives, but I can’t see them voting for that at the next public sector pay-rounds.

    The majority of MP’s are hypocritical, nest-feathering chuggers, with one hand dipped in our pocket, whilst the index finger on the other wags at us and tells us we need to tighten our belts through a recession they helped create.

    The heads of the Cabinet should placed be on spikes along Westminster Bridge as a detterent – but only because burning is too good for the *****.

    • Total Posts 257

    "My claims were all within the rules, it’s the system that’s wrong…….." has been the cry all day.

    Rather disingenuous, wouldn’t you say ?

    Avatar photoGoldikova
    • Total Posts 1537


    I was only joking with my reply David !!! I don’t have time for politicians, they make decisions for people they know nothing about.

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    Any indignation I had ran out a long time ago. I now actually quite admire them for the bare faced ******* cheek of it all.

    Imagine, paying someone to change your lightbulbs or re-seeded the lawn and getting us joe muggings to pay for it – you’ve got to laugh.

    dave jay
    • Total Posts 3386

    Just a load of greedy self serving arseholes.

    I noticed the speaker of the house was fuming with the Telegraph for spilling the beans to the public .. that sort of arrogant, idiotic stance sort of sums them up pretty well, imo.

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