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Me Voici

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  • #16563
    • Total Posts 5

    Reported on one of the other forums and apparently on ATR that Me Voici of Nick Williams suffered a heart attack and died. Very sad, lovely young horse.

    • Total Posts 9289

    It saddens me to see any horses name here, but sometimes I see a name that makes me turn cold when I see it. I really loved this horse; he was so beautiful, as was his name.. I loved saying it aloud. Farewell, Me Voici.

    Avatar photoArabesque
    • Total Posts 79

    He was a really big horse wasn’t he- so impressive, so much potential. Absolutely gutting to realise we won’t get to see him again. :(

    A piccie still online of him: … k-win.html

    Avatar photoshabby
    • Total Posts 638

    A great shame, he seemed to have so much power and grace.
    I was very much looking forward to him steeplechasing this season. Terrible bad luck on connections. my sympathies.

    Avatar photoninahagen4
    • Total Posts 121

    Really sad news.I too was looking forward to seeing this horse out this season.I too thought it was a great name.R.I.p

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