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John McCririck

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    • Total Posts 199

    Chapman – legend!

    • Total Posts 1789

    Chapman – legend!

    He was at the Pride Of Britain awards last week and was spotted on TV by some racing fan. This racing fan asked Matt what he thought of the awards. Matt’s reply was something on the lines of;

    I got talking to Louis Walsh, I asked him why I didn’t get through on X Factor. I think there is hope for me yet, I will try again next year. Louis Walsh is not a bad bloke, but clearly not as nice or as talented as ME

    And here’s me thinking he was going to say that the award winners were brave, courageous and far more talented the some racing pundit like him :oops: .

    I’d call Matt a few things, but Legend is definitely not one of the words I would use for him.


    • Total Posts 2923

    "Chapman – legend!"

    …….in his own mind, perhaps.

    I believe Matt Chaparse is both deluded and demented!!


    • Total Posts 3420

    think one of the best things racing could do is get rid of him – He’s a slight on the sport…. The comment that he is one of the most known people in racing is really quite a worry..

    Agree. I dont particularly dislike him personally (he can laugh at himself). but it simply maintains the image (pushed hard on the Morning line) that racing is stuck in some 1970’s provincial backwater. Its a bit embarrassing frankly…

    Tarrrrrnya is an idiot for allowing herself to be spoken to like that frankly. If shes not in a position by now to call for an end to it, then she shouldnt still be clinging onto that "job"

    • Total Posts 1927

    Mentioning anyones name stirs emotions on this forum look at the Jamie Spencer thread or look at the thread I started on Luke Harvey a few months ago.

    Shadow Leader
    • Total Posts 763

    Now I’m no fan of Taaaaarnya but you should have heard him at Newmarket last week – "WHERE’S MY FEMALE??" he bellowed in an irritated voice, whilst she was sitting 3ft behind him!

    Not a big fan of McCririck either, but there are certain moments with this guy, and this was actually one of them, where the sheer buffoonery just makes me laugh.

    This didn’t happen in public, Trackside, so it wasn’t a show for the cameras. He’s just incredibly rude.

    As for Chapman, the guy is an ar*se, simple as. He’s also not as harmless as some people make out he is.

    Avatar photoPeter Poston’s Ghost
    • Total Posts 553

    I really like McCririck.
    He’s been around almost every week for the last 25-30 years and familiarity breeds contempt in some quarters.
    I’ve spoken to him a few times on courses and he comes across as a really nice guy with a business brain and a great sense of self-mocking.

    I wonder what Tanya thinks of him? My guess is that that she loves him dearly despite his apparent rudeness. Anybody notice Clare Balding rarely looks at Carson when they’re talking? She’s looking out for the next item, be it a horse’s conformation or an interesting interview subject coming on to her RADAR.

    As mentioned, McCririck Piggott, Dettori and maybe Carson are the only racing people who cross over to being a nationally recognisable figure and the possibility of encountering the Fat Lump of Lard is a highlight of some people’s racegoing experience.

    I love his banter with Barry Dennis and Tommo. Priceless stuff.

    I think the game will be the poorer when he goes which unfortunately may be soon.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I wouldn’t be singing from the same hymnsheet as yourself on every matter you raised, Peter Poston’s Ghost, but I do love your username! Presumably you’re still trying to get some sort of win out of Peggy’s Pet’s Ghost all these years on?


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 1144

    Big Mac is a legend. Yes he’s unconventional to say the least but he is good for racing and he’s done the sport a great service for 25 plus years.

    As for Matt Chapman the bloke is nothing more than a tw*t. A horrible, embarassment.

    Avatar photoPeter Poston’s Ghost
    • Total Posts 553

    I wouldn’t be singing from the same hymnsheet as yourself on every matter you raised, Peter Poston’s Ghost, but I do love your username! Presumably you’re still trying to get some sort of win out of Peggy’s Pet’s Ghost all these years on?


    Breaking news!

    I just won the Celestial Cup run at Elysian Fields with Church Mouse. He started at 1000/1 and I was on. Jock Skilling rode a blinder :D

    • Total Posts 1789

    Big Mac is at Leicester today alongside Jason Weaver.

    He is looking remarkably well compared to how he looked just last week, or at least that’s how it appears on the tv screen. Perhaps the staff at ATR got wind of this thread and Big Mac has had some extra make-up to put some colour in his face.

    Or perhaps he is not as frail as we thought. Either way, it’s nice to see him looking a little healthier and no shaking of the hands as yet.


    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I think Big Mac has very carefully cultivated his image over the years, they say there is no such thing as bad publicity and many of his outragous comments are made because he knows they will get attention and keep him in the limelight. Like it or not people will watch when he is on just to see what outlandish comment he is going to make.

    The Wife Swap is a prime example. "The Booby" strikes me as being a very intelligent woman and is probably nobodys fool. If he was really like the image he portrays there is no way she would have stayed with him for all these years.

    Having observed him in action over the years it is interesting to see him switch to his public persona and then switch off once the cameras are off.

    It also needs to be remembered that he is also a very intelligent man and a very good journalist, having picked up many awards for his serious journalistic work. He may come across as a buffoon but he seriously loves this sport. Just watch some of his serious interviews on C4 and ATR.

    Chapman on the other hand seems to think he can be the new Big Mac, and he tries, unsuccessfully, to be controversial in the same way. The big difference is he has no credibility to back him up in terms of serious journalistic contribution, indeed rarely with any form of meaninful contribution (OK I admit he has made the odd moot point but these are far outweighed bt the dross).

    I have to admit when he is on ATR the mute button on the remote cringes as it knows it will face a busy afternoon.

    • Total Posts 537

    Thoughts on the drivel coming from Fat Mac this morning please….a very anti-irish stance…can this really be good for racing?

    • Total Posts 2778

    McCririck’s just made a twat of himself on ATR saying that the Irish handicapper must be a fool rating Prince Linamix 12lbs lower in Ireland and that he’ll scoot up back home because he’ll be carrying a stone less.

    How can you be paid to watch racing every day and come out with shite like that?

    Avatar photoCharlie D
    • Total Posts 500

    McCririck’s just made a twat of himself

    Normal day for McCirrick then innit

    Avatar photoZoso
    • Total Posts 479

    He always seems to be putting his foot in it……….. :roll: :roll:

    Feel sorry for his wife.

    She loves it. :wink:

    If that pair can make it as celebrities then there is hope for us all. :lol:

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    You know they say he’s an extraordinary clever man. Unfortunately he crosses that thin line between genius and madness to often and becomes a total fruitcake.

    Chanel 4 has got this thing about viewing figures and I suppose the old grannies and housewives that are less informed about racing find him amusing and that is why they keep him.

    Never thought much of big mac and to hear he’s talking shite again comes as no surprised.

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