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It Must Be Love

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    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    Pardon my ignorance on this subject, but if the decision not to run had been made on Monday why was she down as a runner in Wednesday’s papers. I realise there are 48 hour decs. but shouldn’t she have appeared as a "doubtful"?


    I expected that too, Colin. I haven’t spoken to John since Monday, so I can’t answer your question at the moment.

    I’ll contact him in the next few days and post a reply when I hear from him.

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    A quick update.

    Colin asked why she wasn’t declared as ‘doubtful’ after being declared at the 48 hour declaration stage.

    David was keeping all options open until the vet carried out the procedure (draining the existing fluid). That proved not to be required.

    A closer examination the following day revealed that she actually strained the suspensory ligament that runs from the canon bone to the fetlock. Rest was prescribed.

    Although frustrating, it was a relief to discover that her knees weren’t the problem.

    I will be visiting her on Saturday, where she will either be doing fast work with a view to run at the end of the month, or cantering. The latter option would require her being aimed at a later date.

    If a suitable race can’t be found, or she isn’t fit to race, then she will be put away for the winter.

    If she stays sound then she has the potential to be a lovely racehorse. She has size, scope and a great attitude – all she needs now is an engine to match!!

    Take Care

    • Total Posts 2923

    Thanks for the update, Bos.


    • Total Posts 141

    If your filly has a strained suspensory ligament you are looking at plenty of time off – I’d say 6 months at least. She certainly shouldn’t be doing any fast work this Saturday or even cantering if the diagnosis is correct. Ligaments and tendons ALWAYS require time/rest.

    Had she had a chip in her knee you would have got her back into work sooner in my experience. Tajjree had a small (no bigger than a pinhead) chip which I found after riding her one day and feeling the wheels ad fallen off! On examining evry inch of her legs I found a tiny "hotspot" which even the vet missed. On Xraying her, we found the chip and injected the knee. Once done it was like riding a different horse and she went on to run fairly soon afterwrds. Obviously if the chip is larger and more irritating to the joint, you will have to have it removed surgically.

    • Total Posts 3763


    You should perhaps consider the parable of the mushroom.

    From my experiences of ownership and injured horses, I would support the statements made by the previous poster regarding ligament problems.

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    Thanks for your views / advice, JinnyJ and AP.

    Very interesting and my research certainly echoes your opinions.

    It seems that depending on the area (I believe there are three points that a strain can occur), the severity of the injury and the time it is diagnosed, the duration of box rest varies from four weeks to six months.

    I’m not too sure about the extent of the injury, but will try and get a detailed report when I visit the stables on Saturday.

    You need to have complete confidence in the advice given by the vet and trainer in these situations.

    The filly comes first and her wellbeing will not be jeopardised.

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    A bit late with an update. Sorry.

    My scheduled visit didn’t go to plan. It Must Be Love struck into herself on the Wednesday and John advised to travel up at a later date.

    She had a cut on her nose the first time I saw her. I don’t know what she gets up too!!

    David actually broke down on his way to the stables Saturday morning, so it was a good job I didn’t make the journey!!

    An official visit has been scheduled for November 8th – at a new location…

    • Total Posts 16

    IMBL is due to do a fast piece of work on Wednesday at Helshaw Grange and if she comes through that OK she will repeat the process on Saturday morning in front of her owners. Again, with a clean bill of health see will be entered for her debut at Wolverhampton the following weekend.


    • Total Posts 16

    Unfortunately IMBL had signs of heat in her fore legs of Thursday morning after working well the previous day. Rest is the only cure now and she will be eased down over the next couple of weeks before having a break until the spring.

    This is devastating news for her owners but Druid Racing have immediately purchased another horse which will be offered to the current owners FOC until the end of the year.


    • Total Posts 17716

    So the horse was due to run five weeks ago but was taken out due to a ligament strain, recovered quickly only to strike into herself just before Bosranic’s visit, and is now showing heat in her forelegs (plural, not singular) thus preventing her from running until the spring?

    Unfortunate to say the least…

    Avatar photorory
    • Total Posts 2685

    I do hope that some of her owners at least got to see this impressive work. I’ve tried to bite my tongue on this thread, but while Druid Racing may be perfectly straight, the owners of It Must Be Love, however satisfied they seem, appear to be getting the runaround from Mr Flood. I refer readers to apracing’s "mushroom" analogy.

    Out of interest, what is the new purchase? Please God don’t say it’s another unraced 2yo!

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    I do hope that some of her owners at least got to see this impressive work. I’ve tried to bite my tongue on this thread, but while Druid Racing may be perfectly straight, the owners of It Must Be Love, however satisfied they seem, appear to be getting the runaround from Mr Flood. I refer readers to apracing’s "mushroom" analogy.

    Out of interest, what is the new purchase? Please God don’t say it’s another unraced 2yo!

    Went through my mind too Rory but did not think I’d better comment. :roll:


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 16

    A total of 13 owners and guests visited the stables this morning. We saw IMBL in her box looking in excellent condition and very fit and well, the problem area was explained and we now look forward to next year with her.

    We then moved onto our new horse Santoriney, watched her being saddled up and then do a piece of work alongside Hurricane Coast. She will be entered to run in the next 7/10 days offering current IMBL owners the chance to get to a racecourse and see their horse and colours in action.

    The day was a great success and was rounded off with soup and sandwiches.

    • Total Posts 16

    sorry, forgot to mention the soup was vegetable… not mushroom :lol:

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    A thoroughly enjoyable day.

    The David Flood accusations were destined to return, but the guy has been absolutely first class everytime I’ve visited his yard(s). He’s always got time for a chat and his passion is immense.

    IMBL looked better than ever today – full of herself and enjoying life. Physically, you wouldn’t even know she has a problem. She looked race fit and very healthy.

    She’s progressed from being the smallest 2YO in the yard to the biggest and perhaps that’s been the root of her problems. She’s grown so rapidly.

    David has done a great job with her and he’s gutted for her more than anyone. He genuinely wants the syndicate to see their colours in action and he’s disappointed IMBL hasn’t made the racecourse this year.

    Prior to joining the syndicate, John warned me there was no guarantee she’d make the racecourse this year and I’ve always appreciated his honesty. He purchased Santoriney and current IMBL stake holders can enjoy her free of charge for the next seven weeks. A nice gesture.

    John’s been first class, too. I often read about syndicates / racing clubs offering their stake holders one stable visit a year. I’ve visited David’s yard(s) four times in seven months and guests have always been welcome. I’d visit every month if I lived closer! The package he puts together is fantastic and affordable. He provides you with regular updates and doesn’t hide anything.

    Advice is always welcome, but I think some people in this thread have offered it without knowing the entire story. Racing is an unpredictable business. One minute your horse is out of action, the next you’re having a great day out and possibly toasting a winner.

    Here’s a few piccies from today. I’d love to post the video of IMBL showing-off for the camera, but it’s quite a big file and I’m having trouble downloading it on photobucket, but a few screencaps have been taken from it and I’ll post them if problems persist.

    She’s such a beautiful filly and her eyes are incredibly feminine. She’s a big softy and loves attention. David has always said she’s eager to please and a real trier.

    IMBL stable … CF0533.jpg

    Hurricane Coast – who won at Kempton in October … CF0530.jpg

    Santoriney (nearest) and HC on gallops w/David looking on … CF0531.jpg

    IMBL posing again! … CF0534.jpg

    Me giving IMBL a big kiss! … CF0537.jpg

    Avatar photorory
    • Total Posts 2685


    don’t take my comments as a go at you. I’ve made my views on Flood clear and there’s plenty of rumour about him in racing circles in addition to that already established as fact. Can you answer one question for me; have you been able to watch your filly work? I hope the answer is yes, because it would be odd for you to be invited to see her on several occasions but for the trainer to arrange her serious work on days when you are absent. Both yours and John’s posts suggest that neither of you were there for this, or her previous piece of work, even though both were described as crucial to her appearance on the racecourse. If that were true, I’d be very worried indeed as in none of my incarnations as a racehorse owner have my visits not been planned to coincide with seeing my horses in action.

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982


    don’t take my comments as a go at you. I’ve made my views on Flood clear and there’s plenty of rumour about him in racing circles in addition to that already established as fact. Can you answer one question for me; have you been able to watch your filly work? I hope the answer is yes, because it would be odd for you to be invited to see her on several occasions but for the trainer to arrange her serious work on days when you are absent. Both yours and John’s posts suggest that neither of you were there for this, or her previous piece of work, even though both were described as crucial to her appearance on the racecourse. If that were true, I’d be very worried indeed as in none of my incarnations as a racehorse owner have my visits not been planned to coincide with seeing my horses in action.

    I’ve seen IMBL work during every visit, except today (for well documented reasons). Look at the photos I submitted after my last visit – IMBL and Coconut Moon weren’t going for a walk in the woods! I’ve also posted photos of IMBL in the equine pool when David was located at Tedsmore.
    Today was a chance to visit IMBL and watch new recruit Santoriney in action on the gallops.

    I’m sure John will also reply to your post. :wink:

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