This channel have always said they have no interest at all in providing a service for in running bettors at home and in fact deliberately delay their pictures in an effort to prevent this occurring.
Personally I think it is a poor decision for viewers and racing and could even be construed as corrupt, bearing in mind what has gone on in the past with the red button, SIS at home service, Matthew Imi in a meeting and Matt Williams etc.
Be that as it may but if taking the stance that they no interest in in running betting why do constantly get excited about in running prices during their coverage.
They were a disgrace yesterday with Simon Mapletoft, Jim McGrath and particularly Martin Kelly all at it.
Dear Mr Kelly if your coverage is deliberately not aimed at the in running market please don’t be a hypocrite and start rattling off in running bets everytime there’s a tight race, why not just concentrate on the exciting racing?