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Forumite of the Year 2008 (the big one)

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  • #197092
    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    Always amuses me, that little passage – simple things please simple minds, I guess. Reminds me of the Eric Morecombe sketch with Andre Previn – all the right letters, but not necessarily in the right order.

    Of course, the brain can only decode the scrambled words if it has been trained to recognise the standard form of those words. Without standard English, we would probably all be writing some form of phonetically-derived style that corresponded to our local dialect or accent. Indeed, without standard English, there could be no forum.

    • Total Posts 3119

    Oh FFS Bulwark…read it again :?

    It doesnt matter anyway..wasnt serious

    Mind you seriously bad english can grate. Anyone listened to Chris Waddle summarise on the radio ?

    Im bad with typos but the difficulty is cauased by sneaking on this whilst at work…

    Sorry clivex, I honestly just kept reading over that sentence and couldnt spot anything, I think my head is just melted these days… :lol:

    I also like that quote Himself.

    Think that to decide the forumite of the year though it may just be best to work it out using the following mathmatical selection system:

    Pick a number from 1 to 9
    Multiply by 3
    Add 3
    Multiply by 3 again.

    You will be left with a two digit number, add the 2 digits together and you will be left the forumite of the year from the list below.

    1. Fists Of Fury
    2. Graysonscolumn
    3. Grasshopper
    4. Clivex
    5. Andrew Hughes
    6. Cormack
    7. Paulostermeyer
    8. Robnorth
    9. Bulwark
    10. MDeering


    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    * an old t’internet favourite, though it should be pointed out that Cambridge University deny ever having conducted any such research. A good one nontheless. :wink:

    ROTFLMFAO!!!! :lol:

    I’m about the worst typist in the world. Spelling is ok but when I forget to read back my posts they are a mess’, Grammer is probably crap as I type and think at the same time, but overall I hope most people get the jist of it.

    To be honest some posts are so full of words not used on a daily bases I will ignore the post completely as I can’t be arsed lookin up a dictionary.
    This is where Jeremy loses them all…..he’s obviously highly educated but has balance in his posts. They are never over he top andyounever feel like he is talking down to you.

    Then there are others like my good pal Beckie who writes in double Dutch sometimes but I never have a problem understanding what she has to say either.

    I for one get bugged easily by America when you ask them where do you live and they reply NE or YT or whatever. The assume because they know what the initials mean then you should do to.

    The orduanry guy on the street doesn’t want to read things he doesn’t fully understand and the best part of this forum is made up of ordinary working people not Havard graduates or rocket scientists.


    Personally if that was all that was in attendance I couldn’t work in such a circumscript environment!

    It’s like when you go out dining and the host at the restaurant was the apotheosis of a haughty and scornful elitist. It puts you off your food and the next thing you know your friends are saying you look edacious.

    Personally I find these Sybarites to be most Puerile :shock:

    Don’t ask me what that lot means I haven’t got a clue :lol:

    • Total Posts 3420

    Not a bad idea Bulwark. Perhaps a reasonable betting strategy too…

    • Total Posts 1387

    Much in the same way as people with physical disabilities and being a wretched person in a previous life are inextricably linked?

    WTF? Possibly the barmiest post on this forum.

    Absolutely. Glen Hoddle came out with it before recieving his P45 from the F.A.

    You see, I was merely adding to the debacle that was your original post Prufodder…oops..slip of the finger. :wink:..But of course, why not ignore the rest of mine eh? It’s what the quote facility’s for, after all…

    Lame. :lol:

    As you say… "Knowledge is a curse, ignorance is worse".

    emrry maxs.

    • Total Posts 2081

    Well, I thought the rest of your post was pathetic since you ask.

    You seem to regard me as “pompous and condescending” and yet claim for yourself “I’ve never failed to understand even the most grammatically horrendous of posts that I’ve read on the forum…” Well, bully for you. Perhaps you could spare a thought for some of us who do not share your awesome ability to decipher these things.

    As for my thinking that some people do not try hard enough to make their posts intelligible, you have people like Fists admitting elsewhere that he posts without reading what he has written. When the result does not make sense, that is inconsiderate and has nothing to do with standards of English.

    Please can you explain why you quoted Glenn Hoddle in response to a post of mine? That is one that has definitely flummoxed me and which has nothing to do with grammar or spelling.

    • Total Posts 2208

    Come on folks, who cares?!!! I just don’t read the posts I don’t want to or don’t have the inclination to plough through…. I normally know within the first line whether i’m interested. No need to fight about it..

    • Total Posts 1387

    Well, I thought the rest of your post was pathetic since you ask.

    You seem to regard me as “pompous and condescending” and yet claim for yourself “I’ve never failed to understand even the most grammatically horrendous of posts that I’ve read on the forum…” Well, bully for you. Perhaps you could spare a thought for some of us who do not share your awesome ability to decipher these things.

    As for my thinking that some people do not try hard enough to make their posts intelligible, you have people like Fists admitting elsewhere that he posts without reading what he has written. When the result does not make sense, that is inconsiderate and has nothing to do with standards of English.

    Please can you explain why you quoted Glenn Hoddle in response to a post of mine? That is one that has definitely flummoxed me and which has nothing to do with grammar or spelling.

    Desperate measures being employed here :lol:

    I’m not going down with your ship pal! Nice try though clivex!

    Yep, it took the assistance of the old ‘king-of-the-one-liners’ himself to try dig you out of this one….WOW!! :lol:

    The truth is some posts are far from perfect or ‘grammatically horrendous’ as the ‘culprits’ (as you’d no doubt refer to them as) will no doubt tell you. But they and I (as i’ve said) don’t care. YOU DO CARE, as you’ve stated. You even went as far as to make the lamentable claim that grammar is ‘inextricably’ linked to content. As Bulwark stated, there are many dyslexic forumites of whom could be offended. You wouldn’t give a toss though would you?

    As for using Fists as an example, well, I didn’t know he represents all 6000 odd members of the forum :roll: Or was that a call for more assistance from the peoples champion himself? :lol:

    The Hoddle quote? Well, of course his claim just as ludicrous as yours.

    You are STILL ‘inextricably’ pompous and condescending. :wink:

    Now jog on like a good lad.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 1387

    Kittens, the puuurfect pacifier. They’d better be able to spell though.

    Incidentally GC, you got my vote the other day for the reasons Andrew Hughes stated. Nice work.

    • Total Posts 559

    Avatar photoMDeering
    • Total Posts 1688

    Oh FFS Bulwark…read it again :?

    It doesnt matter anyway..wasnt serious

    Mind you seriously bad english can grate. Anyone listened to Chris Waddle summarise on the radio ?

    Im bad with typos but the difficulty is cauased by sneaking on this whilst at work…

    Sorry clivex, I honestly just kept reading over that sentence and couldnt spot anything, I think my head is just melted these days… :lol:

    I also like that quote Himself.

    Think that to decide the forumite of the year though it may just be best to work it out using the following mathmatical selection system:

    Pick a number from 1 to 9
    Multiply by 3
    Add 3
    Multiply by 3 again.

    You will be left with a two digit number, add the 2 digits together and you will be left the forumite of the year from the list below.

    1. Fists Of Fury
    2. Graysonscolumn
    3. Grasshopper
    4. Clivex
    5. Andrew Hughes
    6. Cormack
    7. Paulostermeyer
    8. Robnorth
    9. Bulwark
    10. MDeering


    Wow! Mathematically it seems I am the forumite of the year. Thankyou Plimpton 322!

    • Total Posts 346

    For what it’s worth, I agree with Prufrock; and the attempt to link his posts with the alleged views/beliefs of G Hoddle is repulsive.

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Can I borrow these Lib I have some posters in desparate need of them in the “L’Amii Ride” thread :lol:

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    PRUFOCK YOU SAID:"As for my thinking that some people do not try hard enough to make their posts intelligible, you have people like Fists admitting elsewhere that he posts without reading what he has written. When the result does not make sense, that is inconsiderate and has nothing to do with standards of English".

    Will you stop throwing my name into your posts I have enough worries without you chirping in :lol:

    It works 2 ways Pru. Do your really think you should be using words like extricably and pedantic in a forum where there all different levels of education?.

    extricably is hardly a word you hear used every day and the majority of people on here, have probably never uttered the word in their lives.

    You complain about the grammer of others when you are every bit as bad if not worse as you write over the top of many peoples heads.

    I suggest you take the marbles out your mouth and speak the Queens current English……perhaps queen Victoria a and her cronies would understand you but I be damned if half the guys on here do.

    and about me………… I understand most posts on here but I am damned if I am going to start looking up dictionaries if some smart ass decides to pull words out of the 19th centuary to make himslef look clever.

    • Total Posts 1593

    I find picking up on the word ‘pedantic’ and labelling it as pompous to be pretty ironic.

    • Total Posts 2923

    Ah! so we all have to ‘dumb down’ to the lowest common denominator.

    Too much of that going on already, Fists.

    I, too, think that the level of spelling and grammar on this and other forums leaves a lot to be desired.

    I have every sympathy with sufferers from dyslexia (my eldest daughter suffers from a mild version) and other related conditions but it seems to me, that half the population of internet forums suffers from some sort of communication problem.

    I think it may have something to do with the evolving of a language that is used in texting.

    Progress, EH!


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