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Forumite of the Year 2008 (the big one)

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  • #196261
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    Fist’s racing stories would be a good read judging from a pm he sent me earlier. Here is an open letter (post) in reply which I hope will put a few things straight.


    I have never doubted that you have been involved in racing and know your stuff about what used to happen 35 years ago. Interesting biography that. Can’t recall anyone running down Jonjo as a person. Some do not think he is that good a trainer considering the quality of animal sent there. However, I believe he has only once come back from the Cheltenham Festival winnerless. His form does go in and out but I think AP’s point about the position of his stables (in a valley) is more relevant.

    Anyway getting to the subject of our troubles.

    From your posts I came to the conclusion you believe horses are these days “stopped” with some regularity. And you base that assumption on what you have seen and heard within racing yourself. Now I thought this knowledge was fairly recent; because I do not see how anyone can base todays racing on what happened 35 or even 40 years ago. It was obvious these incidents you speak of did not take place in 1949 (which I took as a joke) as it would be 60 years ago. So I still thought this story was from the last 15 years.

    Some people like to make things up so that they seem more interesting than they would without. It was more that I thought the jockey was lying than you Fist. After all he did win the race.

    But I also had doubts any jockey (at least these days); would be talking about this sought of thing openly in a bar. Where he could be overheard.

    I was hoping it was a made up story because I did not want to believe you turned a blind eye Fist. You did say you were “there when it happened”. That to me means that you overheard a jockey and trainer / owner talking BEFORE the race. Where as in fact (at least in this case) you were there AFTER it MIGHT have happened. When jockeys were having a laugh in a bar after racing. Are you sure it was not along the lines of: Friend “You were lucky to win that race mate”. Jockey “Lucky, no I was unlucky, I laid the bloody thing”.

    Anyway, this incident being about 35 years old, when it was far easier for connections to get away with such things; I can now believe your story Fist.

    If I heard of a jockey laying his horse these days and being fairly certain of his truthfulness, I would definitely tell the authorities. Whether or not I knew him or knew a friend who would be questioned about it. As I believe we all have a duty to keep racing as straight as possible. How I would’ve reacted 35 years ago I do not know. Peoples expectations or thoughts of what was expected of them were different. Hope I would have made the same decision and not kept quiet. I realise you may not have had evidence, but someone the authorities might have questioned may have had that evidence. This could have stopped further dishonest behaviour by this jockey and anyone else involved.

    Still do not think Librettist deserved such a comment and: As Pru says, if you knew of this and did not come forward then you are partly responsible (if fairly sure he was telling the truth). Though I am sure you are a nice bloke Fist. As I said, I came very close to voting for you myself and enjoy your posts. Well, most anyway. Look forward to reading them in future. Love to hear more of your days in racing.

    Should people inform on you now Fist? Well as it was so long ago it will be near impossible to prove. But it is up to them.


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 559

    But hang on a minute, wouldn’t that make FoF at least fifty-three years of age. Wow, I am crap with ages, was about forty years out on this one :shock:

    Avatar photoAngloGerman
    • Total Posts 602

    But hang on a minute, wouldn’t that make FoF at least fifty-three years of age. Wow, I am crap with ages, was about forty years out on this one :shock:

    What, you think he’s either 13 or 93??

    If he’s 13, he’s not old enough to gamble.

    If he’s 93, he probably thinks Fiepes Shuffle is something they do on Strictly Come Dancing.

    Darren – AngloGerman

    ‘The Hungarian’s going hell for leather’ – Jim McGrath

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    I thought PM stood for private message…..guess I am getting old…..must mean public message :roll:

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    Oh dear, can’t win can I.

    Apart from saying what year vaguely your story comes from; I do not see what I have divulged from your pm that has not already been said by you, on this or any other thread.

    Thought you would be pleased I can now believe your story Fist. (The point of my post).Or at least how you see it. Have changed some of my previous posts too.

    What have I said that is so wrong? :roll:

    Forget it Fist, everyone else has. :wink:


    Value Is Everything
    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    No idea what you are talking about.

    Forget what? :lol:

    • Total Posts 137

    dont feel that the forum has went downhill in any way

    Im voting for Firefox

    Racist. :lol:

    Avatar photoBosranic
    • Total Posts 1982

    Fists Of Fury gets my vote.

    Knowledgeable and, at times, antagonistic, FOFs posts are interesting and compel others to respond, resulting in a vibrant forum.

    He was most vociferous about Zarkava’s chances in the Arc and also supported Ravens Pass for the BC Classic.

    Some people have criticised the grammar on these pages. For me, it’s not about how an opinion is presented, it’s the subtance to the topic that’s important.

    I could compile a list of forumites who contribute a great deal to these pages, but I don’t want to forget anyone!

    I’d just like to give everyone the big ‘thumbs up’ who contribute to TRF. 8)

    • Total Posts 2081

    Grammar/spelling etc and content are inextricably linked, and those who ask for the former are not simply being pedantic. There is not much point having the answer to the meaning of life if you cannot communicate that knowledge in a manner that people can understand. Some posts on here – and I wish to point out that Fists of Fury is by no means the worst in this respect – are almost unintelligible. Which is a shame, as I am sure there are some good ideas waiting to get out among them. Just a bit more effort and consideration for those who might choose to read your post could make all the difference.


    • Total Posts 1387

    Grammar/spelling etc and content are inextricably linked, and those who ask for the former are not simply being pedantic. There is not much point having the answer to the meaning of life if you cannot communicate that knowledge in a manner that people can understand. Some posts on here – and I wish to point out that Fists of Fury is by no means the worst in this respect – are almost unintelligible. Which is a shame, as I am sure there are some good ideas waiting to get out among them. Just a bit more effort and consideration for those who might choose to read your post could make all the difference.


    Much in the same way as people with physical disabilities and being a wretched person in a previous life are inextricably linked? :roll:

    To be honest, I’ve never failed to understand even the most grammatically horrendous of posts that I’ve read on the forum, so I for one, can rest assured that there are no potential masterpieces locked away and lost forever in the feeble minds of ‘unintelligable’ forumites. Also, if the two (grammar and content), as you say are linked, what exactly are you missing anyway? Not much of a ‘shame’ anymore is it? :roll: .

    These posts may take a little more time to read but it’s poor of you to suggest they’re not doing their best – your opinion or not.

    Pompous and condescending claptrap at its very worst. :twisted:

    • Total Posts 3119

    Have to agree with Bosranic and OTS on this one, there are posters on the forum who have dislexia who contribute to the forum very well. Admittedly I don’t and am just bad for typos (and probably grammar too as I have no idea what was wrong with the statement Clivex pulled me up for), but generally find that if I check over what I have just written I dont spot them as I still have it in my head what I wrote, its only if I were to read them later I would spot typos but C’est La Vie.

    • Total Posts 3420

    Oh FFS Bulwark…read it again :?

    It doesnt matter anyway..wasnt serious

    Mind you seriously bad english can grate. Anyone listened to Chris Waddle summarise on the radio ?

    Im bad with typos but the difficulty is cauased by sneaking on this whilst at work…

    • Total Posts 2923

    …….and you definately cannot spell definitely! :wink: :D


    • Total Posts 3420

    A typo! of course

    deffo :wink:

    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    I voted for Graysonscolumn as his contributions to the forum are always informed and his written style a pleasure to read. He also manages to disagree with others without needing to resort to insults or list his qualifications.

    There isn’t anyone on the list I would have been unwilling to vote for and everyone makes a contribution in their own way.

    Credit to Cormack 15 too, for keeping us all in check and for continuing to run the best forum on the web.

    • Total Posts 2081

    Much in the same way as people with physical disabilities and being a wretched person in a previous life are inextricably linked?

    WTF? Possibly the barmiest post on this forum.

    Avatar photoHimself
    • Total Posts 3777

    Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    * an old t’internet favourite, though it should be pointed out that Cambridge University deny ever having conducted any such research. A good one nontheless. :wink:

    Gambling Only Pays When You're Winning

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