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Forumite of the Year 2008 (the big one)

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  • #195070
    • Total Posts 17716

    Good luck to all contestants.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    Find MDeering’s postcards from oz interesting.

    Grass’s wit and knowledge.

    Jeremy has great knowldge along with Prufrock.

    Rob North though talks pure sense most if not all the time. Writing is so eloquent and impossible to argue with (not that I would).

    Do enjoy a good arguement though. Very seldom agree with Fists The Magnificent, but his views are well explained and does not get angry, unlike some. (EDIT: Or so I thought, see below)

    I’d like to give the award for most helpful member to Paul O, who’s going reports have saved me / won me quite a bit over the year.

    Of course Alan Potts, his insight in to racing is always worth listening to.

    Many many more are worth a mention. Bulwark, Drone, David Johnson, Drone, Bosranic, Anglo German and all.

    Oh and thanks Corm for making this forum so enjoyable.

    My vote is a toss up between Fist and Rob North. Will decide later.
    (EDIT: Made up my mind to vote for Fists and then saw the post below, disappointing, so Rob got the nod).


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 9305

    I’ll have to vote for Mr Fist this year because it makes me chuckle watching you guys wind each other up, and I like what he said about beckster..but I’m really grateful to everyone; even though I’ve been mad about racing for most of my life I’ve learned so much from this forum…oh, and whenever he posts I always get to see a picture of my beloved Mill House as well!

    • Total Posts 559

    "H" and Gareth are real gentlemen.

    It’s a shame you are not a bit more like them in that respect.

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    I remember you! You’re the guy who asked me if I did the right thing and stuck my friends into the racing authorities…. I hate people like you. You remind me of those little 4 eyed twats who took an apple to school for the teacher and reported everyone behind there backs for smoking weed.

    If that makes me unpoupular with your type so be it, I really don’t give a hoot about ignorant posters like you.

    • Total Posts 883

    This is cringeworthy. Poster of the year?

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    I remember you! You’re the guy who asked me if I did the right thing and stuck my friends into the racing authorities…. I hate people like you. You remind me of those little 4 eyed twats who took an apple to school for the teacher and reported everyone behind there backs for smoking weed.

    If that makes me unpoupular with your type so be it, I really don’t give a hoot about ignorant posters like you.

    Oh Fists! It seems I misjudged you, that was no way to respond. I am going to have to vote for Rob now. :roll:

    EDIT: What the Fist, I see my vote would’ve put you level. Never knew you were so popular.:wink:


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2081

    Up to F. ofF’s usual standard.

    • Total Posts 559

    I remember you! You’re the guy who asked me if I did the right thing and stuck my friends into the racing authorities…. I hate people like you. You remind me of those little 4 eyed twats….

    Not quite true though is it?

    What you wrote was: “I have on several occasions known jockeys who stopped horse and had bookies lay them for them……I am talking about being right there with them when it happened but it is far and few between. As a very famous jockey trainer once told me “It’s not stopping a horse it’s having one that’s good enough to stop”

    Not once did you mention any of your friends were involved. I only asked you if you had reported any of this bent activity, to which you replied by called me a “fookin idiot” and a “silly mother-fu**er”.

    I am amazed to see your name up for nomination.

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    The actualpost you are referring to was:-

    "Yes you are dribbling over your cossak…….I have on several occasions known jockeys who stopped horse and had bookies lay them for them……I am talking about being right there with them when it happened but it is far and few between."

    "As a very famous jockey trainer once told me "It’s not stopping a horse it’s having one that’s good enough to stop"

    "Are you prepared to name names and did you report this to the relevant authorities at the time?"

    What kind of question is that LIB???? I thought to myself is this guy for real and asked

    "are you some kind of fookin idiot or what? silly mofo!!!!"

    If you think a jockey would tell me that sort of thing if I didn’t know him very well-what can I say? Do you think a jockey would walk up to a complete stranger and tell him he was laying a horse he was riding?

    As they say ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer.

    You and I are doing well though we have turned a perfectly harmless bit of fun into something cheap and nasty……..Your snide remark was totally uncalled for as it has nothing to do with this thread and I am an idiot for responding to it.

    • Total Posts 2081

    As they say ask a stupid question you get a stupid answer.

    We can always rely on you for a cliche. Problem is that, in this instance, the only stupid thing about the question was the person at which it was directed.

    If you turn a blind eye to corruption because it is being perpetrated by your mates you are no better than them or than those who turn a blind eye to corruption in other quarters. Don’t just take my word for it: the law states that you would be regarded as culpable in this matter.

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Exatly where and when did I say I thought it was right?

    I happen to think he was an idiot as my friends did and BTW he was eventually pulled over the coals. He knew me through some other jockeys who were close friends who did not to my knowledge participate in such wrong doings. He felt comfortable talking openly in front of me as I was very close to people he knewandwe had crossed paths on many occasions

    You come on here quoting the law to me likesome Dudley Do-right cartoon charachter and insult me and make me out to be the bad guy. BTW it’s all heresay and wouldn’t stand up in any court of law.

    The incident I refer to happened when myself and 4 jockeys were having a drink after races..The jockey in question was looking as sick as a parrot and it came out he had laid a horse he was riding and ended up winning on it because 2 others fell in front of him….I found that funny and so did the
    lads…… obviously wouldn’t cos you are a fine upstanding citizen and would have run of to the stewards who would have asked you for hard eveidence then pulled up your friends who wouldn’t have been your friends for long and you would spend the rest of your miserable life running Bates Motel and calling yourself "Norman Nae Mates" or coming on here saying look at him he’s a bad boy and I’m goody2shoes

    Don’t assume you know me and how I feel about corruption in racing you self opiniuated upstart.

    I am experienced enough and realistic enough to know it goes on and I accept racing for what it is. You puts down your money and takes your chances mate, that’s the way it is and will always be.

    And Prufock I considered giving you the benifit of the doubt as perhaps I did not explain myslef fully but then I thought………..naaaaaaaa! guys a wally :P

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6011

    dribbling over your cossak…..

    Sure to break the ice at parties Fister

    Legal only in the shadier areas of Patpong?

    Cossack, Cassock, Hassock, Toshack for those who remember The Likely Lads :lol:

    • Total Posts 2081

    You managed to get one thing right: you are an idiot.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    I remember you! You’re the guy who asked me if I did the right thing and stuck my friends into the racing authorities…. I hate people like you. You remind me of those little 4 eyed twats….

    Not quite true though is it?

    What you wrote was: “I have on several occasions known jockeys who stopped horse and had bookies lay them for them……I am talking about being right there with them when it happened but it is far and few between. As a very famous jockey trainer once told me “It’s not stopping a horse it’s having one that’s good enough to stop”

    Not once did you mention any of your friends were involved. I only asked you if you had reported any of this bent activity, to which you replied by called me a “fookin idiot” and a “silly mother-fu**er”.

    I am amazed to see your name up for nomination.


    EDITED. If this quote is accurate you have to tell the authorities. Otherwise you are just as guilty as the perpetrators. You said you were there with them when it happened. You said “on several occasions”, what happened on the other occasions? You have a direct quote from a trainer.

    EDIT You have a duty to tell the authorities. And unfortunately I’d say anyone who knows you has a duty to report you to the authorities as someone who knows what happened. EDIT See below.

    [b:14vt24y1]EDIT I was under the impression this happened within the last 15 years. But as this stuff happened yonks ago it probably is not worth bothering about. I would not like to see some geriatric ex jockey living out his days in jail.[/b:14vt24y1]


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2081

    But if he did that he would not have any friends.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    But if he did that he would not have any friends.


    Does not say much for him then does it. :lol:


    Value Is Everything
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