Funny how horses can go from being the ‘bad guy’ to being a favourite. I remember the King George that seemed to have See More Business’s name written all over it. Instead First Gold soared round like an eagle. I was speechless at his performace, such slick jumping and such a brute. French breds often have big almost ugly (but handsome) heads and are more masculine than others. First Golod was one of those, big boned and slightly wild looking. I was really mad at him that day for stealing See More’s race, but later in reflection I could only admire him.
I never believed he could win a Gold Cup, he seemed too quick for that. But at Cheltenham he again jumped beautifully and was such a pleasure to watch, even though he never threatened to get there.
Doumen loved all of his horses and had a personal relationship with them, he was very proud of FG after he won the KG that day. FG got lucky in being bought by JP, had a nice life and a lovely retirement. Just a shame it did not last longer.