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Home Forums Horse Racing Don’t understand – Please help

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    Avatar photolythamlife
    • Total Posts 13

    As a new member I’m trying to get to grips with how the racing forum site is organised and quite frankley it’s confusing. I’ve read the systems forum which is self expanatory (and enjoyable) but what I was hoping to see was something like a section on big races and various opinons, facts on same. Yes there’s the ocassional debate on some major races but no dedicated section on the major events. Racing is about opinion and what I would like to see is member’s opinions about big races pre-post and ant-ipost so I can ltry to learn. For sure no none has all the anwers otherwise they would not be contributing.

    Thanks in hope

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Hello lythamlife, and welcome to the Forum.

    You’ll probably get a few different answers to the points you’ve raised, but I guess my take on things would be that sufficient interest / postings to make splitting the forum according to certain races, Festivals, etc. worthwhile cannot always be guaranteed in advance.

    There is a separate Cheltenham 2008 forum, as you will have noticed, as more or less every significant race therein (plus some of the lesser ones with their own vocal champions among the usersip, e.g. the Foxhunters and the cross-country race) was already being discussed to a greater or lesser extent many, many weeks before the Festival. The same wasn’t quite true of Royal Ascot.

    I think the big individual races are covered quite well, and usually a good few days or weeks in advance – have a butcher’s at the Northumberland Plate and Eclipse threads in this forum and see if the debate in either meets your needs.



    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 3901

    Welcome to the forum lythamlife

    The best option if you want to see a thread on a big race is to start one yourself. The replies will soon start building up as more and more members give their opinion.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    I agree, its a mess. A separate section is needed for big races only. One thread, and one thread only for each race, archived for possibly 6 months then deleted.

    There is some good analysis that just drops off the main board never to be seen again and having a separate section with the races analysed as they happen would give a narrative (to coin the current buzzword) to the season. As it stands its all over the place.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    Not a bad idea to have a Big Race – one thread and one thread only section.

    I’ll set that up over the weekend and we’ll see how it goes.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Nice one cormack :D

    Perhaps limited to heritage handicaps and above flat and jumps. A sticky with a link to the main board or from the main board for these sections only would probably be helpful for members who get annoyed by too much navigating.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Any news on this cormack? Would be a good week to start if its an easy thing to set up?

    • Total Posts 2778

    I’ve just seen that the new section has been created. IMHO it would be better if a new thread were created by a moderator in the horse racing section a set time before each big race then stickied- this navigating to other sections is a bit of a pain.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Could you put a sticky with a link to the main board in the new section cormack?

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    Point taken CH but can we give the new section a month or two and see how it goes. If reaction is universally hostile I’ll take it down and go with your plan.

    • Total Posts 17716

    Point taken CH but can we give the new section a month or two and see how it goes. If reaction is universally hostile I’ll take it down and go with your plan.


    Put me down as hostile (Now, there’s a surprise! :roll: ).
    I’m all for a big race discussion being kept to one thread, but one of the better things about this forum is the intelligent discussion of forthcoming races, so why move it to a backwater?

    • Total Posts 562

    It will only be a backwater if the forumites make it so.

    If everyone gives it a fair go to begin with, then it should become clear whether it will work in the long term or not.

    If everyone grumbles and says “I’m not going to post in there because no-one ever posts in there”, then failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    It’s only a case of clicking a different folder, so it shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for most people on here…

    • Total Posts 1665

    There are already far too many "sub-forums" on this site as it is, please reduce the number rather than increase it.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I think the sub-forums are useful as it makes it easier to ignore areas one is not interested in.

    Do we really want a single section with the General Sport and Lounge postings mixed in with general racing postings?

    Those looking for Lays and Plays know exdactly where to go.

    So what is the big issue of having a section allocated to major races?

    • Total Posts 1665

    I think the sub-forums are useful as it makes it easier to ignore areas one is not interested in.

    Do we really want a single section with the General Sport and Lounge postings mixed in with general racing postings?

    Those looking for Lays and Plays know exdactly where to go.

    So what is the big issue of having a section allocated to major races?

    So you think that the only alternative to the current fifteen (!) is one?

    What’s wrong with three – a horse racing section, a competitions section and an everything else section?

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I think the sub-forums are useful as it makes it easier to ignore areas one is not interested in.

    Do we really want a single section with the General Sport and Lounge postings mixed in with general racing postings?

    Those looking for Lays and Plays know exdactly where to go.

    So what is the big issue of having a section allocated to major races?

    So you think that the only alternative to the current fifteen (!) is one?

    What’s wrong with three – a horse racing section, a competitions section and an everything else section?

    Three is not enough and will, in my view put people off. The only way three sections would work would be to have sub-sections inside to aid navigation and that is no different than having the current system.

    If people are short of time they need to get where they want as quickly as possible – sections aid that.

    If people have only a short time and they have to trawl a large number of disparate postings they will lose interest.

    We would also, I believe, get fewer new members because if the casual visitor has trouble finding threads of interest they will be less likely to sign up and join the forum.

    At the end of the day it is all a matter of personal preference there is no right or wrong answer and whichever route is taken then people will complain.

    • Total Posts 17716


    We would also, I believe, get fewer new members because if the casual visitor has trouble finding threads of interest they will be less likely to sign up and join the forum.

    I’d hazard a guess that the large majority of casual visitors (and more than a few members) only read one thread most of the time.
    The one titled ‘Horse Racing’, which is where any newbie would expect to see discussion on major races.

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