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Constitution Hill

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  • #1703116
    • Total Posts 398

    TBF HDLG , I got to Ireland a few times over the years , no passport required Stansted to Dublin Ryan Air , was more expensive to park my car there for few days than the flight .

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    You’ll need a passport for the republic surely …

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    No, not really. There is a Common Travel Area between the UK and Ireland. You should not have to show a passport, although you do have to show some form of ID on flights. A lot of people show their passport as their ID but other forms should be accepted. It is not a legal requirement to show your passport.

    You can also travel to the Republic via Northern Ireland, where any flight or ferry crossing is an internal journey in the UK. Then you could travel into the Republic via car or bus. There are no border patrols, in fact nothing to represent the border at all. There are no signs because until the late 1990s the Republic refused to recognise the border.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
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    • Total Posts 3109

    Until it is not – can’t help feeling that this will become relevant at some point during the season.

    Previous reports on him were saying everything was supposedley 100% and that he looked better than ever, so not really sure what to make of this and they didn’t say the reason why the surgery was required just that it was ‘wind surgery, which is there as an aid’.

    :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “Previous reports on him were saying everything was supposedley 100%”.

    Why would anyone believe anything Henderson reports?

    We probably wouldn’t have found out Constitution Hill had worked badly if it had been on the gallops in Lambourn. It was only because it was in public at Kempton and mobile phone footage was going to be uploaded to social media platforms.

    • Total Posts 3109

    I have said it before but Hendo at times really is his own worse enemy when it comes to updates and it really now is a case of a healthy pinch of salt to be taken every time he does say something…….good job he doesn’t give that many updates as we all know that too much salt is not good for you. 😉

    At this stage I am just assuming that all four of his legs are still attached and are working as they should and that his prep work is at this time where it needs to be for him to remain on course to reappear at Newcastle.

    • Total Posts 3755

    If he’s fit and ready, why not run him in the Elite Hurdle at Wincanton on Nov 9th?

    He’d have a 6lb penalty, but it would still be no more than an exercise gallop three weeks before the Fighting Fifth.

    Just a pity that Henderson would come up with a dozen arguments against such a plan – then a dozen different arguments a week later.

    • Total Posts 3109

    Hendo bemoans the lack of races to run CH in but quite clearly there are plenty of them about that he could easily run in but he just doesn’t want to run in any races that aren’t run at level weights, which effectively is a handicap in reverse as those rivals he faces there are many many pounds his inferior on ratings. Ironically, the only race he has run in that wasn’t a level weights one was his first novice hurdle run at Sandown where two of his rivals had to give him 3 and 6lbs respectively.

    Hendo would really have something to moan about if this was still an era where Champion Hurdle winners had no option but to rock up and run in big field handicaps under 12st or more giving away lumps of weight, instead of the single digit G1 level weights races.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    He is still annoyed about that hurdle race at Sandown in February being scrapped.

    • Total Posts 623

    “It is more than a virus. The horse has a wind problem”

    A “wind problem” that nobody has heard connections talk about.
    A “wind problem” that’s only come to light when the whole yard is struggling with a bad virus?

    Constitution Hill has not got a wind problem.
    I have a wind problem. :yes:

    I posted the top line on 5th March and the reply was from Gingertipster

    • Total Posts 398

    I can see it mile off , he wont be same horse this year and that will be it . Really hope iam wrong but there are some bad vibes there .
    Mind you I thought COT wouldnt win another race after Guineas run !!

    • Total Posts 7543

    “they didn’t say the reason why the surgery was required just that it was ‘wind surgery, which is there as an aid’”

    There is not necessarily anything wrong with his wind- Hendo loves a bit of aul wind surgery just in case.
    “A few weeks ago he had wind surgery, which is there as an aid. It’s something which has occurred to us before, but we thought it was a good thing to do now while we had the time in case it reared its ugly head, rather than when we were in training and couldn’t afford the time.” Although- why did it occur to them before? I’m surprised he called it “surgery” – normally he calls it “a little procedure” “tinkering with his palate” rather than what it is- deliberately burning the soft palate to produce scarring:,billowing%20sail%20behaviour%20less%20likely.

    It’s not as bad as tendon bar firing, and possibly not as bad as the still rather distasteful pin firing and blistering of shins but…well. Henderson has just pretty much stated that he has had surgery performed on a healthy animal. Unethical in my view.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “I can see it mile off , he wont be same horse this year and that will be it .”

    He could be a stone below his best and still beat the dross in the current 2-mile hurdling division.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    Well, I’m sure he would. But he’d have to run and that can be never guaranteed.

    I was just wondering why they never considered a “soft” Flat campaign at the end of the season in order to get him prepared for Wincanton or Newcastle or where ever they want to run him over timber.
    Surely he’s capable of winning a Maiden or even a nice handicap, but that doesn’t seem to be the plan at this stage of his career.

    • Total Posts 3109

    Maybe a stone in hand of his so called English rivals but I am not so sure he would have that amount in hand over whatever Mullins sends – especially if he isn’t better than the horse we saw the last two times he ran.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    If Constitution Hill is not at or at least very near his best, he will not win anything at Cheltenham.

    At the next festival, it will be three years since his sensational performance in the Supreme which inspired this thread. I struggle to believe he is still as good, especially after surgery.

    Lossiemouth is clearly not as good as a peak Constitution Hill. However, she will be in receipt of 7lbs. Could Constitution Hill really give her weight and a beating if he is nowhere near his best?

    I took 12/1 against him only winning one Champion Hurdle and had a covering bet at 7/2 on him winning two. I think I will collect on one of those bets.

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