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  • #1706865
    Avatar photoRefuse To Bend
    • Total Posts 2704

    I think there has been more talk of all the drama around this horse than that of him actually racing. Like all of us I like to see a great champion and I hope he returns like the horse we knew but I’m beginning to forget what that was, give us something to talk about and put him in a handicap giving lumps of weight away.

    The more I know the less I understand.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 9347

    There is zero chance of Henderson doing that. He won’t even run in the Fighting Fifth unless the ground is absolutely pristine perfect.

    Mighty Marine
    • Total Posts 26

    Imagine Constitution Hill owned by R. Burridge and trained by D. Elsworth…

    • Total Posts 3317

    RTB – maybe if he actually ran more often during his career it would have only been a discussion about his races.

    Mighty Marine – If that were the case, then he would have most likely gone chasing and we would probably be having a discussion about whether a King George winner would be able to stay the Gold Cup trip.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 9347
    • Total Posts 3317

    So he moves from 2s to 7-4 from a supposed ‘large’ Ladbrokes betting shop bet but ‘the firm were unable to clarify the stake of the bet struck’………really, who knew you could now place bets without confirming how much you are staking for said bet :wacko:

    A complete and total nothingburger of a story…..must be a slow racing news day.

    Btw, any chance we can get a face palm emoji gif added to the list on this site?

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32444

    He’ll get cut again once word Lossiemouth goes for the mares race


    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 3317

    If only the Mares race was also given the Turners handicap makeover as that would have taken that swerve option off the table for them.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 6317

    Im preparing to be disgusted …no way should she not be in the CH , as for Const Hill the wind op is an added reason to believe he’s unlikely to come back as good as he was , that may well be enough but trying to give Lossiemouth 7lbs …

    • Total Posts 506

    Read headline that trainer reckons if he had run in Champion fit he would be eating his dinner by time others finished , laughable really . The horse imho has been made into a joke .
    In saying that I still want see him come back to his best and clean up , I cannot see it though.

    Avatar photoMarkTT
    • Total Posts 2967

    I’ve followed Hendo for years and remember when you could still back a decent novice of his at 33-1 in the autumn
    However, his best horses seem to encounter these issues more than other top trainers; Binocular, Sprinter Sacre, Altior just a few days before Cheltenham,

    Avatar photoGhost of Rob V
    • Total Posts 1443

    Every time this thread pops up, I always expect the worse…

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4392

    Rob, everything is fine with the horse…….

    There is an article in today’s RP about 7/4 being a good price or not:

    Have your say, but I’m on the “Against” side right now. No matter what the opposition will be, first he has to get there and then he’ll still be odd against, imo.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 9347

    I am on the Against side as well. I agree with Graeme Rodway’s assessment “It’s more than likely that we’ve seen the best of him”.

    That best was his sensational win in the Supreme in March 2022 – one of the all time great performances.

    He has not matched that level since. I suppose he hasn’t needed to match it. He has only had five subsequent starts, most of which were exercise canters. One run (Aintree) was underwhelming.

    For a horse talked up by connections as going to win a Champion Hurdle, Gold Cup and just about everything else and be the best ever, his post March 2022 career has to be viewed as a disappointment. Especially as it looks like we will only ever see him in soft Grade 1s at Newcastle and Kempton before Cheltenham. The chances of Henderson ever taking him to Leopardstown are zero and can’t be much higher for Punchestown.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4392

    Agree with what you’ve said, CAS. Especially with the 2022 Supreme win being by far his best performance. Just thinking of the 2023 CH where he was inches away from disaster after guessing at the last. Plus the rough patches the Henderson stable went through the past two years make him at least a 7/4 shot even on the day.

    What a shock it would be, if Nicky would change his mind and yet take him over to Ireland.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 9347

    I can’t see it. He wouldn’t take him to Punchestown in April 2022 or Leopardstown in February 2023, at a time when the horse was unquestionably fit and well. Now the horse has had a health scare, Henderson is far more likely to be ordering more cotton wool.

    Avatar photoAndyRAC
    • Total Posts 773

    A safe and ‘boring’ programme is what everybody expects to see. If he makes the track…….

    I always wanted to see them try him on the Flat; now he’s older and with issues it’s not going to happen.

    I’d rather see more horses like Not So Sleepy who was a proper dual purpose horse, than this horse who’s been wrapped in cotton wool, and has had issues.

    He can’t be rated as a great as there isn’t enough great performances; too small a sample size.

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