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Classic Winners – Owners Colours

Home Forums Horse Racing Classic Winners – Owners Colours

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  • #407596
    Avatar photoisinglass
    • Total Posts 456

    Welcome Mero , great info.

    Agree , don’t like the Allertons template now – "used" the old one to create and copy colours to add to a spreadsheet of all we’ve being doing.
    Fortnight ago my PC broke and was taken away for a week : next time I log on to Allertons , it’s gone so what do I do now- recreate them all again with the new version that’s not really appropriate.

    As luck has it , the old Allerton template is on the British Horseracing website so can breathe again.

    A long time ago wasn’t someone looking for the colours of Kisber – the great Hungarian horse from the late 1800’s ?

    Ebay – search in the antiques section for Kisbar ( that’s how it’s spelt on ebay )

    certainly interested in the excel spreadsheet if possible


    Avatar photoile de bourbon
    • Total Posts 89

    Hi Isinglass

    will gladly email the spreadsheet to you – it just means supplying me an email address? (not sure if you can send private messages through the forum).

    Was having the same tremors about allertons – thanks for the bha tip.

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    I made the hanging one, like it’s on a coat hanger in a jockey’s room, but the others are sort of industry standard ones.
    Allertons obviously belong to them, and were created by them.
    The one of the jockey on the horse is what the Melbourne newspapers do to present the colours for the Melbourne Cup in November.
    I also have the American one, the Australian one and the English one, taken from pdfs where they displaying the colours.
    I also have a few I made when I was younger and used to draw the colours, but they’re a bit more basic.

    The first one I used to draw on paper and had the Melbourne Cup winners on it from 1861 to 1981, then I updated them every year thereafter until "I got too old for that sort of thing" and stopped.
    Eventually I started it back up again, though online, not on-wall.

    When I first got Illustrator for work I decided to make a template that was easy to use and made of simple shapes for the Melbourne Cup project.
    So I made this, which I am pleased to see being used in various forms ever since.

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    Welcome Mero , great info.

    Agree , don’t like the Allertons template now – "used" the old one to create and copy colours to add to a spreadsheet of all we’ve being doing.
    Fortnight ago my PC broke and was taken away for a week : next time I log on to Allertons , it’s gone so what do I do now- recreate them all again with the new version that’s not really appropriate.

    As luck has it , the old Allerton template is on the British Horseracing website so can breathe again.

    A long time ago wasn’t someone looking for the colours of Kisber – the great Hungarian horse from the late 1800’s ?

    Ebay – search in the antiques section for Kisbar ( that’s how it’s spelt on ebay )

    certainly interested in the excel spreadsheet if possible


    PS I noticed on the Allerton’s website that they have a list of every current owner and then have a graphic of what those colours look like.
    You just have to know the owners name:

    You need to register, but that takes 2 minutes, and you can then get a Body, Sleeves, Cap description, as well as the graphic showing what it looks like. (though I am a little more pedantic when it comes to accuracy, so I was a little unimpressed with some of them)

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    So Balla Cove is giong to look something like this:


    Petite Etoile:

    Avatar photoisinglass
    • Total Posts 456

    Sorry , forget that rubbish I was spouting about the Hungarian horse , Kisber on Ebay.

    Of course it was Kincsem we were interested in.

    As soon as I’d logged the PC off I knew it was tripe that I’d been typing.


    ps Ile de B. I’ve tried sending my e-mail address by PM – did you get it ?? Not sure it "went" into the ether.

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    Foxford using the Excel spreadsheet code generator. … hes=1&ie=1
    I’ve fiddled with some of the settings, found a few colours they hadn’t listed and changed the sizes.

    This is the most fun I’ve had since Christmas.

    The Aga Khan … hes=1&ie=1

    Sangster … hes=1&ie=1

    Avatar photoile de bourbon
    • Total Posts 89

    Your PM was "removed before it was delivered" -try again and I’ll send it straight away

    Thanks Mero for the testing and amendments!!

    Avatar photoisinglass
    • Total Posts 456

    will have another go , meanwhile…………

    French Oaks

    1965 BLABLA Gabriel Brun green white seams black cap

    1965 Arc racecard/sheet currently on Ebay


    Avatar photoslewman
    • Total Posts 199

    Great find Isinglass. Great card. Cheers.

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12
    Avatar photoivanjica
    • Total Posts 817

    Hi Mero, excellent work and welcome on board.

    Is it the case that the old Allertons template is completely gone? I know it was mentioned the BHA still use it but I seem to have it in my mind that the version on the BHA does n ot offer the same number of designs and colours.

    Excuse my lack of technical knowledge, but can I ask how you got the musical notes onto Balla Cove’s colours? Also how do you manage to get your amended versions of the new Allertons designs – ie removing the breeches and boots? I am pretty stone age in my collation – until now I have used a combination of ms paint and photoshop to create my colours from the Allertons site (literally screen printing into paint amending, cutting and pasting into photoshop and then saving into folders on my PC). I then reference them by setting the foler to large icons view and the colouors appear in date order – I save the files as eg 1977 – THe Minstrel, 1978 Shirley Heights and so on. Your way is clearly much better as I guess you are using the actual Allertons software and amending the code?

    Ile De Bourbon, if its ok with you I wouldnt mind your spreadsheet as well. WIll pm you an email address shortly.

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    What the spreadsheet does is create the html link to combinations of numbers, based on the input.
    These combination of numbers reflect the different deeigns on the new Allerton template.
    Take this one for example
    http ://



    020617060617010202 is the code that makes the design unique.

    02 Body design
    06 Primary colour
    17 Second colour
    06 Sleeve design
    06 Primary sleeve solour
    17 second sleeve colour
    01 Cap design
    02 Primary cap colour
    02 second cap colour

    If you take off the


    at the end it will give you the standing jockey as you see it on the Allertons site.
    You can also tinker with the height and width, because the images is a scaleable vector, so it won’t lose definition no matte what size you make it.
    So if you use the template and it gives you a 100 x 100 size image, you can make that 1000 x 1000 if you like, and you can make it with or without legs.

    How I did the musical notes was I read they were a certain type of note, then google imaged that; I then traced the musical note in illustrator and copied it to my Allerton’s template which I traced off the first template a few years ago.
    In Illustrator you can make a graphic any size without loing definition, so I just reduced the size, changed the colours and saved it.
    I’ve done thousands of silks like this.
    I am in the process of doing the silks of every horse that ever ran in a Melbourne Cup (1861 – 2011)
    So far I have all the 1980s, half the 1970s, 1967. 1930 & 1901.
    Here’s a link to my 80s folder.
    This is every horse than ran in a Melbourne Cuo 1980 – 1989.
    Mouse over will give you the name: … s%201980s/
    click on View All to get all 237 on one page

    Avatar photoMero
    • Total Posts 12

    My previous train of thought made me think of something that may be useful.

    I have been going through newspapers online that have been scanned because the Melbourne newspapers always had a list of the colours of the Melbourne Cup the day before it.
    So I can go back to The Age newspape for the first Monday in November and scroll through and usually find the colours somewhere in there.
    For example, here is The Age newspaper on the day of the 1967 Melbourne Cup … page&hl=en
    Go to Page 15 and there’s the silks for every horse.
    Same applies to every other year I’ve checked, going back to 1901 so far.

    Do newspapers in other countries traditionally list the colours of big races in the days leading up to them?
    Does one newspaper traditonally carry more racing news than another and be likely to include such information?

    Just a thought, hope it helps. It helped me.

    Avatar photoile de bourbon
    • Total Posts 89

    Hi Slewman, Ivanjica

    some success with Hurry Harriet. Acoording to a contact of mine at horse racing ireland,

    "The LIFE colours that we had registered to Dr Malcom D. Thorp were CERISE, black & white striped sleeves, white cap"

    Fills another gap!

    Surprisingly similar to Jock Whitney’s colours of the 70s!

    Avatar photoivanjica
    • Total Posts 817

    Hi Slewman, Ivanjica

    some success with Hurry Harriet. Acoording to a contact of mine at horse racing ireland,

    "The LIFE colours that we had registered to Dr Malcom D. Thorp were CERISE, black & white striped sleeves, white cap"

    Fills another gap!

    Surprisingly similar to Jock Whitney’s colours of the 70s!

    Excellent work as ever IDB! Yes, agreed, remarkably similar to Jock Whitney’s colours.

    I was reminded the other day the great Sea Pigeon carried the Whitney silks in the 1973 Epsom Derby!

    Avatar photoslewman
    • Total Posts 199

    Sea Pigeon post Whitney. What a warrior of the turf he turned out to be.

    (Mr P. L. Muldoon): McINTYRE TARTAN, RED SLEEVES and CAP.

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