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ATR V Racing UK – 10 Years of Rivalry

Home Forums Horse Racing ATR V Racing UK – 10 Years of Rivalry

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  • #26178
    • Total Posts 1927

    It’s not often you hear the two mentioning each other but it seems Racing UK have decided to put their side of the story on Racing UK’s birth.

    It seems from some of the racecourses felt under pressure to join ATR2 and Yorkshire racecourses claiming they would be asked to pay money back if they didn’t join ATR2.

    Sarah Horbery of Newbury claiming ATR told them to "sign up for 10 years for nothing or we will sue you" … f-the-levy

    Would be interesting to hear ATR’s side but somehow I doubt we will but a lot of these racecourses really dislike ATR it’s no wonder neither side really communicates with each other.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    Do not fear sir , the dross channel will get its due rewards in the fullness , just wait until the cream of Irish racing switches ,,,,then we shall see some rapid movement…perhaps some old scores settled , and please God , it will be off our screens for good

    Yay ….off with the dross channel ….soonest please :mrgreen:


    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 960

    Do not fear sir , the dross channel will get its due rewards in the fullness , just wait until the cream of Irish racing switches ,,,,then we shall see some rapid movement…perhaps some old scores settled , and please God , it will be off our screens for good

    Yay ….off with the dross channel ….soonest please :mrgreen:


    Why do you want ATR off the screens? It’s not that bad.

    There’s too much racing for one channel and that’s before we add the Irish action.

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    Don’t get him started……….. :roll:

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    sorry all , I almost had a rant there

    of course ATR is wonderful

    8) 8) 8)

    I must be having a senior moment !!! :mrgreen:

    • Total Posts 368

    I wonder if there will ever be just one channel covering racing again ?

    • Total Posts 1487

    50,000 subscribers eh. Well, if ATR goes and RUK picks up the rest of the UK courses and the Irish how long do you think those subscriptions will keep them going? After all you’re talking of going from 33/4 courses at present to around 70-75 (not sure how many Irish courses there are) so over double the number and they’ll all want their share. Sure some people who watch ATR will take out a RUK subscription, but not all of us can or want to pay that sort of money.

    And then they’ve got to fit all that extra racing coverage in somehow. RUK2 perhaps? More costs to be added into the accounting.

    For me, frankly the little coverage I’ve seen of RUK when they offer free viewing is that the racing coverage is okay, but the rest of it is even more boring than ATR is. :(

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    I can’t justify paying for RUK. If ATR goes, it’s C4 or nothing :(

    Avatar phototbracing
    • Total Posts 1453

    Can not see that one channel would be good for racing. As stated above by Blackgold, it will present enough questions where the probable answer will be a significant price hike.

    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2805

    No ATR would surely mean no Irish racing coverage. RUK would perceive little value in the day-to-day meetings and wouldn’t want them cluttering up already expanded coverage.

    They would just cherry-pick top races.


    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 960

    When the original ATR was on the go i used to get hugely frustrated on saturdays during the winter when you would have four good quality jump meetings and the donkey racing at Southwell. They didn’t have time to show all five meetings so needless to say they would drop one of the jumps meetings and show the dross on the sand.

    I’ll say it again. There is too much racing for one channel.

    As for the point about the subscriptions RUK have stated that their courses shared £65million last year from the sale of worldwide media rights so there would be enough in the pot for all UK courses. However i hope it doesn’t come to that as i think the current set up is fine.

    RUK does have it’s flaws(as do ATR) but we need two channels.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    For Clarity

    My dream is that ATR CLOSES , the Best Irish courses go to Ruk , Leicester and perhaps Ripon would be inducted into the fold

    The remainder would just be watchable in the bookies ….


    Get the dross off the screens please :mrgreen:


    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2805

    My dream is that ATR CLOSES

    Blimey. You’re basically Martin Luther King.


    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    ROFL Mike


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    Mike , I must admit I had a few sniggers myself (go on gollywog haters have a bang on that !!!) its all a bit cheeky I know :roll:

    so here goes my 3 wishes for santa claus for 2014

    1 ATR TO CLOSE …dross racing returns to the bookies where together with cartoons and the roulette monsters , low grade punters do their bullocks ……

    2 Chapman to hit the indian desert and never come back (Take ginger as well pleasssssse :D

    3 All Racing for change bods resign , Bha likewise , Jockey club come back & add some sensibility to the fixture list …..midweek racing becomes the best kept secret all over ….old geezers die happy …..

    Now there’s a dream for all ……

    imo of course

    • Total Posts 1927

    I have never understood how the racecourses can choose who to sell their tv rights to but they cannot chose when to race.

    They have to apply for fixtures ie Great Leighs not getting any so why are the fixtures dictated to them but the tv rights are not like in football.

    I am still surprised that this hasn’t been looked into and fixtures sold in bundles.

    I think ATR will lose Ripon when the rights come up they are they only Yorkshire track (bar Doncaster) who don’t go with Racing UK and judging by the comments of Go Racing in Yorkshire in the link they have no love for ATR.

    Most of the other courses are owned by ARC so they won’t go to RUK so I think we now have the established set up I cannot see any courses moving from RUK unless ATR can offer the independents some large financial gain.

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    You’re basically Martin Luther King.

    Not quite though

    …go back to Ripon, go back to Leicester, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

    Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the Serious Punter’s dream…Hexham on RUK

    And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every county and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of TRF’s children, ATR men and RUK men, TheAntepostKing and Gingertipster, Drone and Ricky Lake, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Big Blue spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! thank Black Almighty, we are free at last!

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