The home of intelligent horse racing discussion
The home of intelligent horse racing discussion

Individuals With Higher IQ More Likely to Gamble on Horse Racing Studies Reveal

Various factors, including personal and cultural values, social pressures, and individual circumstances, influence gambling behaviour. While intelligence may be among these factors, it is unlikely to be the sole determinant.

It’s also important to note that betting can become problematic or addictive for anyone, regardless of their IQ or intelligence level.

While intelligence and IQ scores may be associated with certain manners and decision-making styles, no conclusive evidence suggests that individuals with higher IQ scores are more or less likely to engage in gambling.

Some studies have suggested that individuals with higher IQ scores may be more likely to engage in risk-taking acts, including gambling on horses. However, other studies have found no correlation between intelligence and gambling behaviour.

Contradictory databases regarding gambling activities

While it is true that horse racing can be a complex and nuanced sport, requiring knowledge of the horses, jockeys, trainers, and track conditions, this does not necessarily translate into intelligence or a higher level of cognitive ability.

People who gamble on horse racing may have a particular interest or expertise in the sport, but this does not necessarily make them more intelligent than other gamblers who prefer other games or sports. At least, this is what some medical journals say.

Men with higher IQs are bucking the trend and not playing slots, according to a groundbreaking study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland.

The study followed 15,000 Finnish men who took the compulsory military service test and found that they were more likely to bet on horses than to play slots. This survey included extensive gambling questions that led specialists to believe that men with a higher IQ pick skilled gambling.

The authors declared that the results could not be generalised due to the small number of participants, but it can be considered the beginning of more gambling-related research.

Horse betting general knowledge

Gambling on horses has been a popular form of betting for centuries, and it remains popular today due to technology and fans.

Horse racing is a thrilling and fast-paced sport that can be fun to watch and guess the winner. The unpredictability of the race, combined with the possibility of winning money, makes it a popular form of gambling. People love the adrenaline rush and how they can learn and use betting strategies to win.

This sport offers the chance to win a large payout, especially for long shots or exotic bets involving multiple horses or races.

Horse racing offers many betting options, from simple win-place-show bets to complex, exotic, propositional wagers. This can appeal to gamblers of different skill levels and preferences. This is also the main reason why the study above shows the preferences towards horse betting.

Another way intelligent horse bettors make money is by teaching others how to bet. They are generally called touts, and they rarely lose a bet. Although no studies indicate their IQ, everyone agrees that they are above average.

The progress of technology is making horse racing casino sites stand out

As technology progresses, so do the variants of placing bets on your favourite sports. Numerous online casinos extended their betting option, starting with horse racing and football. Finding trustworthy punting platforms with competitive odds for horse racing got easier since this expansion began.

According to Casino Alpha, a reputable authority in the online gambling sector, about 90 percent of betting websites provide both casino games and horse racing wagers.

Technology has had a significant impact on betting on horses in recent years. Online betting platforms and mobile apps have made it easier than ever to wager on horse races from jurisdictions that allow gambling. Therefore, the sport became more accessible and convenient for a wider audience.

Additionally, technology has enabled the collecting and analysing of vast amounts of data related to horse racing and bettors’ preferences. This has led to the development of advanced algorithms and predictive models to help bettors make more informed decisions. Third-party businesses can learn consumer behaviour through technology and help them find the best odds or prop bets.

The latest tech advances have also facilitated live streaming of horse races, allowing bettors to watch and bet on races in real-time from other countries.


Horse racing betting is one of the first wagers accessible to anyone. It continued growing in size and popularity in Europe and Austria due to UK’s Royal Family’s fascination with it. Moreover, there are an impressive number of races and charitable events that fans cannot get bored of.

From a scientific perspective, we need more research to understand whether horse bettors are more intelligent than average bettors, but the study above is a good start. In summary, while there may be some association between intelligence and gambling behaviour, it is not a solid or conclusive correlation. Personal beliefs, hobbies and other life aspects influence the decision to engage in gambling. Regardless of their IQ or intelligence level, anyone can watch a match and try their luck.