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  • in reply to: Glenloe #1637907
    • Total Posts 473


    I made my comment because I was really saddened at Glenloe’s death, then saddened further because the conversation had quickly moved from respect for the horse to almost an argument about the rights and wrongs of running this, that or any other horse according to age or form. I didn’t disagree with Griff. Or anyone else for that matter. I just felt Glenloe had been disregarded to a degree. I certainly didn’t intend to ‘stop the discussion because I didn’t like it’. It never crossed my mind. Didn’t even enter my head. Oh to have such power! But if this a a discussion where people are allowed to give their opinions, then surely that means ne too?

    I just felt bad for Glenloe (stupidly, because he doesn’t and never did, give a monkey’s what people say on here.) I felt, if people want to discuss whether trainers/owners are doing wrong, it could be discussed elsewhere. That’s all.

    Now I feel that I’ve done what I didn’t want to do by adding to it, because I felt I had to defend/explain myself. My own decision of course. But at least I’ve learnt from my errors and won’t do it again.

    in reply to: Glenloe #1637855
    • Total Posts 473

    This lovely old horse has died but that’s getting lost in all this unpleasantness.

    in reply to: Most famous racehorses #1637460
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    LD73 – just for interest, Sea Pigeon lived with my friend Polly in his retirement. He was sent to her stables to recuperate from his illness and, sadly, just left there when it became clear he couldn’t race again. Lord Oaksey raised money to pay for his treatment. Polly loved him and kept him until he had to be PTS. He was completely beautiful and I considered him my friend. He was an intelligent horse and pretty strong willed but as he aged, he mellowed. He chewed a hole in my jumper once, while I was wearing it, because I wasn’t quick enough with the mints. He was the light of Polly’s life and she too called him The Old Man. He was never on his own in his retirement and Polly was with him at the end.

    in reply to: Whip rules and Cheltenham #1637147
    • Total Posts 473

    Steeplechasing you just put that so much better than I did.

    in reply to: Whip rules and Cheltenham #1637137
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    In those circumstances a horse has just made a mistake, sometimes the jockey has made a mistake. I don’t see how hitting the horse ensures it remembers not to make that mistake again, particularly when it’s probably had a fright or shock because of said mistake. I think the ‘reminder’ comes across as punishment, which is exactly how my sister, who doesn’t watch racing, she just came into my house when it was on, immediately saw it.

    But regardless, when racing has a governing body which is so totally inept, you feel there’s not a lot of hope.

    in reply to: Whip rules and Cheltenham #1637129
    • Total Posts 473

    I object to the way the whip is used – too much, too hard, in the wrong place, hitting a horse when it’s a long way clear and not going to be caught, hitting a horse when it’s a long way out of contention and isn’t going to get any nearer and hitting a horse as a punishment because it’s made a mistake (the ‘reminder’). Which I think is probably jockey panic to a degree.

    I think most horses are doing their best because I think a lot of horses don’t necessarily realise they’re meant to get over a line they can’t see, first. Maybe they do, but I think not all racehorses want to be racehorses – they weren’t asked. And they’re not all Kauto Star or one of the other exceptional ones.

    I work in an office of over 100 people – a handful of us are into racing, a couple into show jumping, eventing etc. The bulk of the rest of them think it’s cruel. When you question them as to why there’s not a lot of fact or logic to their arguments. It’s almost all perception. These are the same people who enter the sweepstake for the National then give me grief (like it’s somehow my fault) if a horse is killed in it.

    But these people are in the majority countrywide and can and will influence what happens to racing, like it or not. Seeing whip use or media reports about what happens to horses after racing, matters. People relying on the industry, and that’s what it is, don’t come into their radar. Because it’s not right that animals are ill treated for ‘entertainment’ and that’s how a lot of people ‘in the street’ see it. Whether you, I or anyone else agrees or not.

    in reply to: Whip rules and Cheltenham #1637119
    • Total Posts 473

    Squeamish CAS? Could that be any more patronising? There’s a difference between being ‘squeamish’ and not liking to see an animal – any animal – hit for what is just entertainment for us, just sport. The horse is almost always already doing it’s best.

    And it’s certainly not just animal extremists that think it’s wrong, it’s also ordinary people, in and out of equine sport.

    Like it or not, there’s a lot wrong with racing and defending the indefensible won’t help in the long run.

    in reply to: Whip rules and Cheltenham #1637098
    • Total Posts 473

    I can’t believe it doesn’t hurt and I can’t see that it’s necessary, whether you call it a whip or something else. If no jockeys were allowed to use it, they’d be on a level playing field. In my opinion, the better the jockey, the less the need to use a whip.
    I’ve been going racing for decades and whip use still upsets me. They use it for the wrong reasons. How many times do you see a horse make a mistake at a fence or hurdle and the first thing the jockey then does, is hit him? Then the commentator says the horse has been given ‘a reminder’. My (non racing) sister on seeing that said ‘What’s the horse being reminded of? Not to make a mistake? How does hitting him make that work?’

    in reply to: Chindi #1633658
    • Total Posts 473

    Miss Woodford thank you so much for that. The article, photos and beautiful video filled my heart. What a remarkable and beautiful horse.

    in reply to: Unsung horses #1624207
    • Total Posts 473

    Jinxy Jack. Northern legend – 4 Morebattle Hurdle wins.

    Just Beth – never top class but won at Cheltenham and as brave as a lion.

    Carranita – just loved her.

    Strong Promise – beautiful. Broke my heart.

    in reply to: Is Cheltenham losing its lustre? #1619626
    • Total Posts 473

    Re Bens Tour de France idea – my money would be on Allaphilippe.

    in reply to: Al Roc #1619053
    • Total Posts 473

    Well I’ve done what was suggested and researched Mr Wilson and really wished I hadn’t. My heart breaks for those horses.

    in reply to: Al Roc #1612450
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    The Duke’s trainer was interviewed about him and said he would keep running as long as he was enjoying it or something along those lines, but when he retired he has a home there for life. But that was over a year ago. He has a sort of fan club apparently. The horse, not the trainer.

    in reply to: Al Roc #1612440
    • Total Posts 473

    He’s entered at NA on 30th I think.

    in reply to: Born Under A Bad Sign #1595666
    • Total Posts 473

    So pleased others liked Exotic Dancer too. I was there when he died – absolutely heartbreaking. Life just isn’t fair.

    in reply to: Zippy Chippy #1594334
    • Total Posts 473

    Truly a horse with a story – well worth having a look at the RP article if you don’t know this horse.

    So pleased he had such a happy retirement.

    in reply to: A horrible spectale #1592757
    • Total Posts 473

    Both Celtic Dancer and Just Paddy’s Band (now confirmed) died in the same hurdle race at Newcastle yesterday. Just as entitled to respect as the Aintree horses and just as sad and upsetting.

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