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The World Cup

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  • #1624199
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Surely the truth is most people don’t much think about things until confronted by them.

    In a world beset by first a Pandemic then a War in Ukraine in recent years, wholly inappropriate World Cup hosts just haven’t been at the forefront of most minds pre-Tournament.

    Even Chezza who, let’s face it, is the very definition of enlightenment, only first paused on the Waitrose travelator to think: “Why on Earth are they holding it THERE – and in November?” the other day.

    If Chezza’s behind the curve, what chance do the rest of the human race – especially those who don’t shop at Waitrose – have?

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    From a selfish point of view my experience from the sofa is much the same whether the pitch is located in Qatar, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Japan, South Korea or France. Going to some of these places would be a miserable experience for some fans but ‘Big Football’ has long stopped caring about them so what do you expect?

    I deplore anti homosexually laws but thay will not be repealed if I turn my TV off. Why would I deprive myself of something I enjoy for no reason? As I said before you’d better turn a whole lot more stuff off on the same basis.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I resent the licence fee enough as it is – a free feast of World Cup football is a bit of payback on shelling out for it each month.

    Anyone who can afford to take an extended foreign holiday in a cost of living crisis to attend the World Cup isn’t exactly high on my sympathy radar if they’re not having the time of their lives out there 24/7 and the identity of the hosts doesn’t seem to have prevented any of the media from physically travelling out there so they can deplore it all in the sunshine so I don’t have any qualms about watching it.

    I am, however, muting the entire event in solidarity with….who is it I’m supposed to be #Istandwith-ing again, Chezza forgets.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    I’ve no idea why the presenters and pundits who sit in a studio need to go to the tournament (regardless of location). It could easily be done from here. Commentators fair enough, and send someone to ask the players inane questions afterwards if you must but it’s a colossal waste of money sending the pundits and associated production crew.

    They actually carried on the punditry on iPlayer after France vs Australia this evening as the BBC1 slot finished. Who on Earth bothers to tune into that?

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “it’s a colossal waste of money”

    There’s the environmental impact to consider, too.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The local fan zone I mentioned earlier looked almost empty when England played on Monday. I suppose the bad weather put some people off and the kick off time did not help either. Or maybe some people decided to go to Hooters instead, which opened in Liverpool that same day…

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I don’t like the value systems in Qatar, but I don’t much like the overpaid, media luvvie, “look at me, I’m out in Qatar wearing an armband, talking about it” culture either.

    It’s all self-indulgent gesture politics which makes about as much difference as planting a Ukrainian flag in your garden makes to the War.

    This whole #Istandwith…. stuff makes me feel ill, especially when it inevitably devolves into “compassion fatigue” not long after.

    Do something meaningful – boycott the whole event, don’t even go out there, and by the same token accept rising fuel and food prices as the price of truly supporting Ukraine by sanctioning Russia.

    And for as long as it takes (though it may be a flawed policy tbh as Russia are simply selling fuel to those who still buy off them to the new inflated prices).

    Anyway, I digress.

    They could take local pictures of the matches and cover the whole thing from a studio in the UK.

    And it’s telling that they’re all out there instead.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    How much does it cost to send two entire studio teams out there for three weeks to a month? There’s presenters, three pundits per match, a couple pitchside, plus all the behind the scenes folk. Sure, the whole cost probably isn’t huge as a proportion of the BBC’s budget but at a time when the its finances are under both extreme pressure and scrutiny it is, to use an oft used phrase in these parts, not a good look.

    It must be particularly galling for those at local radio for example who are losing their far more modestly paid jobs at a time when the BBC can still afford to send dozens of people to Qatar for a month despite most of them saying they hate the place.

    How many people would not watch if they were discussing it in a studio in London? My guess, approximately zero. Most of us just want to watch the sport and if you like the discussion, it loses nothing by not being physically at the stadium.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I think Lineker said he felt ‘strange’ being out there – obviously in the thick of the atmosphere, or lack of. He was at a bit of a loss and couldn’t put his finger on exactly how he was feeling – but somehow the word strange which I always relate with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide and the Big Green giant was the best he could come up with.

    We would have missed that pearl.

    I have watched 15 minutes of the England the clips of Saudi Arabia and about 15 minutes (the ending) of the France game against Australia. It’s all been gripping stuff – but I am easily pleased.

    I just haven’t found the time.

    After missing Puwell’s pearl on the other thread, gamble has edited the above post to give himself and me, a bit of a chuckle 😂

    EDITED ABOVE :yahoo:

    And to Corky below – I think they like the crowd atmosphere – three is a crowd – trying to mimick three mates in the boozer having a yarn 🧶

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I have never really understood why they need three pundits per match, especially when most of them do not really contribute much.

    At least Souness and Keane had a disagreement yesterday. That could become a lot more interesting than the football if they keep it up.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Exactly Cork, the BBC team just comes across as a cosy love-in. Pundits are paid to have an opinion, back it up and defend it and the Keane/Souness incident is the only time I’ve seen that so far.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I can’t keep track
    Since contracting COVID a second time I am suffering from BRAIN FOG and short term memory loss
    Stuff that in yer pipe Ricky and Tank and smoke it
    I tried to tip a builder twice today !
    Apart from that
    I’m LOVIN’ IT
    (lack of responsibility)

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    I’m thinking of starting one of these crowd fundraiser things. We’ve
    only got a Morrisons and a CO-OP. I’m feeling hard done by that there’s
    no Waitrose here,and not a chance of a free coffee and we don’t even
    have an escalator never mind a travelator. WTF :unsure:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Gamble, I’m suffering from Brain Fog and short term memory loss,
    and I’ve never even had covid !! Just think what I’d be like
    if I did catch it :scratch:

    I hope you’re back up to the old Gamble mark soon mate :good:

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “no Waitrose here,and not a chance of a free coffee and we don’t even
    have an escalator never mind a travelator.”

    This all sounds positively Third World to Chezza (admittedly a First World problems kinda guy).

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    If I read it correctly everyone’s brain function is affected post Covid. What gamble pens in the early hours is highly speculative. But thank you BigG. I heard one builder who is booked up for the next three years – another post Brexit effect. Who knows if there would be all these strikes – 12% fall in production since we hoisted the Union Jack and said bxllox to Europe.
    My train was cancelled yesterday so I cheekily enquired if I could use the Gatwick Express service to Brighton. Yes they are letting people do that because of the delays (It’s quite pricey). But they didn’t care to tell people. I had a whole carriage to myself. The toilet was also impeccably clean and I got two complimentary papers The New York Times – international(not priced) and the I paper (usually 70p I call it Matron’s rag – actually a good read)

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    I was in Qatar in 2012. I was horrified at the treatment of migrant workers. Even as a tourist, it was clear for all to see so Gods knows what went on behind the scenes. FIFA knew what they were signing up to. I am saddened that the focus is on LGBT+ rights as it is very Western-centric. Not saying it’s not an issue but, compared to its neighbours, Qatar could be seen as positively liberal. Sodomy is illegal and carries a sentence of up to 7 years. Convictions don’t happen though, unless the person has also criticized the ruling family (which is obviously another issue). Same sex female relationships aren’t recognised under Qatari law and therefore not illegal, which is why Alex Scott wasn’t in any danger wearing her rainbow armband. Fair play to her for wearing it but it’s not a huge deal in terms of personal risk. As already stated, the massive and unacceptable loss of life in the construction of these stadiums – and the fact that FIFA knew it was already accepted as the norm in Qatar for all major building projects ought to be the main issue.

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