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The Nurses’ Strike

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  • #1627049
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    £23000 pounds a year is what the Nightingales get.

    Not sure how many hours per week that is but putting this into perspective, my nephew at 16 has just got a part time job at Tesco. Pay is a little over £10 per hour. If he was full time and did a 40 hour week he would earn approx. £21.5K per year. OK he has to put up with one or two arseholes but don’t we all in work life.

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    Homersimpson said:

    “£23000 pounds a year is what the Nightingales get.”

    That comment is as bad as the MSM journos on ITV and BBC news.

    Here are nurses BASE salaries:

    A newly-qualified nurse starts in Band 5 and will earn £27,055 a year in England, or slightly more in London. Most nurses operate in Bands 5 and 6, while Band 7 and above tend to be management positions.

    The RCN has estimated that an average NHS nurse’s pay is around £34,000.

    Here is the current banding scale:

    Band 5 – £27,055 to £32,934
    Band 6 – £33,706 to £40,588
    Band 7 – £41,659 to £47,672

    And these bands do NOT include any additional pay they get for working night shifts. Nurses and paramedics, as another example of a NHS worker, get up to 25% extra for working nights.

    Cullen, the RCN ‘leader’, has been touting herself on the main news progs and progs like Lorraine, prattling on about pay. BUT
    Doesnt mention bands, which nurses can move up and get increases in their pay,
    Doesnt mention nurses moving up bands so getting pay rises,
    Doesnt mention the Extra pay for working nights,
    Doesnt mention the pay rise they had last year,
    Doesnt mention the still-excellent pension scheme,
    Doesnt mention the other benefits they get,
    Doesnt mention the cost of c£7-£8bn or c4p in £ increase in everyone’s basic income tax to pay for it.

    Yes, all of this, seems to have been ‘silenced’ by her and the main news channels.

    And, Nurses from ONLY 44 of 200+ trusts, were actually on strike yesterday, so Cullen and the likes of ITV and BBC news, didnt mention it yesterday. Instead they focussed on peeps beeping their horns at politicised nurses, rather than reporting that, in reality, strikes were patchy. Fact.

    So, the result of the biased reporting?

    The ‘nation’ watch the mainstream news bulletins NOT receiving the full story OR background.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    As previously stated, it doesn’t actually matter what precise figures nurses are paid – it’s all about supply and demand.

    And nurses are in short supply because a lot have left the profession.

    Whatever it is they get paid, a lot of them clearly don’t think it’s enough for what they have to do.

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    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    True, Ian. But

    There are 000s who stay put because they are vocational and know how the land lies, with hard work, hours, pay, stress, etc.
    Imho, evidenced by the fact only 44 out of 200+ trusts voted to strike. That is a startling stat that the TV MSM have failed to focus on, because they’re increasingly in the business of focussing on the Doom & Gloom stuff, more than ever.

    FWIW i actually think some staff in the NHS ARE worth more in terms of base pay, esp nurses.

    But, i just wish the NHS organisation and the gobby junior docs, the BMA, etc would accept deep reform is needed. As a public health service the NHS gets £bns every year, and per capita is bang on up there with other perceived better health systems; not the best, but defo not the worst.

    As someone who’s never voted Labour it is surprisingly heartening that Streeting, the Shadow Health minister, is already making noises about the health service having to reform and i see he got into a spat with the BMA the other day. To paraphrase him “You cant expect something for nothing”.

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759


    The Nurses strike – Only 9,999 staff were absent from work due to the strike, according to figures on the NHS England website.

    Unbelievable! Watching and listening to the MSN bulletins you’d think the vast maj were on strike!

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    I’ll get my pinny on 😊

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    The 23000 included trainee nurses, butt and bottle washers – but who knows Wilts, maybe it was fed via the media.

    • Total Posts 2849

    I want my nurses paid properly, not worrying about paying the gas bill and feeding their children when they need to concentrate on their job.

    A flat increase across the board would make sense. Say you increase pay by £2k for all, it’s a bigger percentage for those at the bottom who really need it. Does someone on £50k really need 10% that badly?

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Some will say a flat rise erodes pay differentials.

    Chezza says there are times when eroding pay differentials is a good thing – and 12 years into a Tory government, with the rich having got richer and the poor having got poorer since 2010, is one of them.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
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    “Homersimpson said:

    “£23000 pounds a year is what the Nightingales get.””

    I didn’t actually post this, it was quoted from gamble but I admit I forgot to put the quotation marks in.

    I agree with Richard there needs to be a levelling up of pay not just in the NHS but across the board.

    Yes I would be willing to pay an extra 1% or even 2% income tax to pay for the nurses’ rise. I think Wilts’ 4% on basic rate is over the top. Maybe putting the extra 1 or 2% on the higher tax brackets too would help but this is not what this or any Tory government has been about.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Long term, flat pay rises are not the answer but it should certainly be looked at as a temporary solution. It would be cheaper and benefit those who need it most proportionally more, what’s not to love? Plus of course future percentage increases would be from a slightly lower point for those at the top.

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    So, the reason the RCN decided to ballot trust by trust was to achieve at least some groups of nurses being able to strike. Cullen knew some trusts would reach the necessary threshold to be legally able to strike.


    If she’d opted for a NHS England strike ballot as one large group, the RCN would not have achieved the numbers to reach the legal threshold for a national NHS strike.

    And still, this eve, the main ITV news does NOT acknowledge that only a proportion of trusts were on strike today; approx a third of the total number of NHS trusts in England.
    It’s up to the ‘fringe’ news channels to enlighten the public with greater insight.
    Oh, ITV, are u Starmer’s mouthpiece? (Likely, as McCall is ex-Guardian).

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    General Elections essentially work the same way. I’m glad we agree that it’s a bad system.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    As previously stated, the reason why there are so many vacancies in the NHS is that you don’t need to hold a ballot in order to individually choose to leave the profession altogether.

    Show me a sector of employment with six-figure vacancies and I’ll show you a sector that the free market forces of supply and demand have determined offers insufficient payment for the tasks it requires employees to perform.

    You don’t need to debate how many nurses today want this strike and whether it’s merited – the actions of so many now ex-nurses in recent years tells its own story.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    There’s a piece on the BBC website comparing the average nurse’s pay to the overall average in the country. It comes out a bit below the mean (skewed by a few high earners) and slightly above the median. Given that the average person doesn’t have people’s lives in their hands you can see why they might feel undervalued. Many nurses of course are at the bottom of the scale and below the median.

    Have to agree Ian that an overall lack of nurses is a far bigger issue and threat to health than a few strike days.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    When discussing nurses’ pay with people, I use the Kang & Kodos argument:

    If aliens were to come down to this planet, they’d find it inconceivable that people are paid more to kick a ball around a field than to save others’ lives.

    Same applies to teachers, doctors, and others.

    • Total Posts 9289

    Whatever they earn they have to fork out a hell of a lot for parking. And don’t get subsidised meals like MP’s do. Didn’t nurses in Ireland strike over safety standards a few years ago?

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