the more I think about ridgid systems the more fragile they seem.
It’s more important to concentrate on the right races. <br>Then do some analysis.
I would like to hear from another who calculates their own prices. (I do this in a limited way)
Typically I might come up with the following. <br>=================================
6/5 45% <br>3/1 25% <br>9/2 18% <br>16/1 5% <br>22/1 4% <br>50/1 2% <br>100/1 1%
If 100 similar races were run, would the bottam 4 get any victories? (without the aid of flying carrier bags etc)
byefrom <br>carlisle
JUst been looking at posts from a few month ago, the above is taken from ""a bookies weaknesses" the thread is very long, but it abounds with gems similiar to above