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Terrible Christmas for Nicholls

Home Forums Horse Racing Terrible Christmas for Nicholls

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  • #1229080
    Avatar photoMarkTT
    • Total Posts 2926

    You saw before Christmas how Reb Curtis’s team were affected by a bad batch of feed – knocked them out for 6 weeks, but they’ve got over it quick enough.

    Wouldn’t be surprised if something similar has happened down at Ditcheat.

    Same thing has happened to Jackdaw’s Castle.

    Think people tend to search for reasons of terminal decline when it’s just either poor batch of feed or a virus. Although Jonjo’s form seems to dip in the Winter and come good in the Spring. Can’t remember where I heard it from but someone said it could be something to do with the valley/weather conditions at Jackdaw’s.

    Trainers in and out of form is a great help to punters. Doesn’t really matter why they are in or out of form, just enough to know they are. Do believe the Nicholls yard wasn’t quite right, quite a few moving well through the race without finding as much as seemed likely. However, Nicholls wasn’t in quite as bad form as his win strike rate made out. In that time his place SR being better than his average place SR. Also, Nicholls tends to go through a short lean spell in January and it’s possible this came sooner than usual.

    Nicholls normally vaccinates his horses mid season and often goes through a ” quiet ” period.

    • Total Posts 2702

    That’s very true mark. Funny how it occurs to you more when pointed out. We were commenting today in this at kempton today which is usually a course he’s mob handed at

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