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Should lesbians be aloud to have test tube babies?

Home Forums Lounge Should lesbians be aloud to have test tube babies?

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  • #126230
    dave jay
    • Total Posts 3386

    I wouldn’t banned abortion nv, that would silly, but I don’t agree with it.

    On the other subject of population control, our current economic model is based on an ever rising population (internal demand), hence the reason for immigration which is obviously not sustainable in the long term. I suppose what your definition of the long term is, comes into question really?

    Sailing Shoes
    • Total Posts 368

    As my local Sainbury’s seemed to have run out of News Of The Worlds today I thought it only right that I buy a paper in line with my own political views, hence a labour-bashing newspaper by the name of The Mail on Sunday. The front page was "battle for a child’s right to a father".

    The story goes something along the lines of "MP’s and peers from all parties, backed by both Anglican and Catholic church leaders, will ambush legislation intended to let lesbian couples become parents to test-tube babies without any involvement of a father beyond donating sperm".

    So what do you think..


    Lesbians should be "aloud" (although, I think you mean "allowed") to have test tube babies.

    PS. You are a fecking idiot.

    PPS. I am not from Kew, I’m from Crewe. I am working class, I can spell.

    • Total Posts 232

    I’m one of these ‘lesbians’, you speak of, aloud or not. If i cared more (which i probably should) i’d read all through everyone’s opinions, but i’m worried i may be angered. I think a woman, wether she’s a lesbian or not, should be allowed to have a child in which ever way she pleases as long as it’s well thought through and she can give a child a fantastic and happy upbringing.

    P.S I’m not any sort of child molestor, contrary to the popular belief of RETARDS.


    I’m off to find a sperm donor now, obviously.


    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    To go back to the question, as I previously mentioned I’m yet to be convinced a compelling case has been put forward for a couple in a lesbian relationship to have the ‘right’ to have a baby in the manner suggested.

    The balance as I see it is the ‘right’ for a women to use whatever means medical science may provide to produce a child against the ‘right’ of an child/adult to know who their father is/was.

    On the one hand I accept that all things being equal a child being brought up in a loving, caring family of whatever make up ought to outweight other considerations. In my own family, my father was adopted as a baby and the above being the case never showed any desire to find his natural parents and I too have no interest in who my grandparents on my fathers side may be.

    However, on the other hand, is it right for us as a society to deny a person the ‘right’ to know who their father was if as an individual they feel it is important know? Are we as a society correct in asserting it doesn’t matter?

    • Total Posts 410

    Infact in a perfect world they should lose all rights that a human being has,lowest form of life known to man.

    • Total Posts 9300

    I take it that was said in a tongue in cheek sort of way…

    • Total Posts 410

    No…I meant it but im talking about sex offenders

    My only problem with same sex relationships having kids are the grief the kids get when going to school,kids can be brutal.

    Sorry to say im old school all kids should have a mum and dad at home,but i know this doesnt always happen and most single parents do a great job bring up kids on there on.

    Probaby 25-30 years from now and it will be the ”norm” for same sex partnerships to have kids.

    • Total Posts 232

    Now I realise this is a tough issue for some, but all i’d like to say is, where does it all end? Will we allow convicted but "reformed" peodiphiles to adopt children?

    How is this even comparable?

    Whatever your views, to compare lesbians to paedophiles is absolutely absurd, not to mention insulting…

    Because Lesbians are in a minortiy the same way the pedo’s are. I suppose I could have compared them to other minority’s like transexuals and what not. :)

    Does this mean people who are born with no left little toe shouldn’t be allowed children either? Very very very bad argument here, even with a cheeky emoticon slapped at the end for good measure.

    I would like to clarify that i have all my toes. I didn’t ‘choose’ my ‘lifestyle’. And i don’t want a test tube baby.

    Irish Stamp
    • Total Posts 3176

    Surely the most important thing is that the child is brought up in a stable and loving family, be it the conventional man and woman combo or two women or two men.

    Take each case on it’s merits – theres nothing in someones sexuality that says "oo you’ll be a bad parent" or "nah we don’t you having kids" etc.

    If people do want children though there are a hell of a lot of children placed in care due to poor parenting and they will more than likely remain there till they turn 16 :(

    • Total Posts 232

    Zome, i’m dissapointed, [but acknoledge it was my comments that provoked this], that you have taken such offence to my comments. I edited it, a little to late, and basically chose the wrong place and time to play devils advocate with such a serious issue. I genuinely started the thread because I wanted people to have a debate, though obviously this was always going to be difficult with such a serious issue. In hindsight I wish I kept my views to myself or alternatively expressed them in a different way.

    Hope my apology will go some way to curb the offence as a lesbian and more importantly as a human being you have taken. If you would like the thread or alternatively me to be removed from the forum for the instigation of this thread then you should contact the administrator, and not lower your own colours by losing your rag and insulting people.

    Marby Marb Marb, Where exactly did i lose my rag and insult anyone!?!!!! Well apart from the retard part maybe. Sorry. :roll: All i’m doing is adding to the ‘debate’ which you started. I’m sorry if i did insult you, i’m really not the insulting type. It’s not for me to say if you or your thread should be removed from the forum, and i wouldn’t want to see you go as all we have is different opinions on a controversial subject, and a debate wouldn’t be a debate without a variety of opinion.

    I won’t accept your apology to curb anything on this occaision, purely as i’m not sure it’s sincere due to previous comments during the debate. But i respect any opinion you have, as we’re all entitled to one, and that right shouldn’t be taken away from anyone.
    Go Marb! 8)

    • Total Posts 384

    Wow i never really thought that this would be a debatable topic, if the couple are in a stable relationship then guess there’s no reason why they shouldn’t get fertility treatments. I know quite a few people who are gay and they are some of the nicest people i know. I know they don’t represent all the lesbians and gays in the uk but if they can give a child a really loving life with stability then why not?

    dave jay
    • Total Posts 3386

    But i respect any opinion you have, as we’re all entitled to one, and that right shouldn’t be taken away from anyone

    .. its a pity our so-called intellectuals at Oxford dont have the same confident attitude Zome, well said !!

    Cosmo Naughty
    • Total Posts 53

    BBC NEWS | England | London | Sperm donor to pay child support

    A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple is being made to pay maintenance by the Child Support Agency (CSA).

    Andy Bathie, 37, from Enfield, north London, claims he was assured by the couple he would have no personal or financial involvement for the children.
    He donated his sperm as a friend rather than go through a fertility clinic.
    The CSA said only anonymous donors at licensed centres are exempt from being treated as the legal father of a child born as a result of their donation.
    Mr Bathie, a firefighter, said he cannot afford to have children with his own wife due to the financial implications.
    Shock, anger and despair
    The lesbian couple, who approached the couple five years ago after they married in a civil ceremony, have a boy and a girl.
    Mr Bathie said he reacted with "shock, anger and despair", when he was contacted by the CSA in November.
    He said: "I don’t have any particular ill will. It’s the fact that I still even now don’t see why I should have to pay for another couple’s children." A spokesman for Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) said: "The law says that men donating sperm through licensed fertility clinics are not the legal father of any child born through that donation.

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