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    Avatar photoBurrough Hill Lad
    • Total Posts 276

    After two years avoiding it and against my better judgement, (I always attend the other days) I attended the Ebor today in the belief that I’d maybe overreacted to reports on various forums about the sort of loutish behaviour that accompanies these Saturday meetings.

    I’m sure, if asked, that York racecourse would report there were no major incidents today and all passed off smoothly as they raked in the revenue from the thousands upon thousands of racegoers that spend a small fortune with the sole aim of becoming paralytically drunk, loud and obnoxious .. whilst the scenes are not dissimilar during the week, a Saturday crowd seems to crank up the idiot count by several levels.

    But, of course, the racecourse management don’t have to mix with the hoi polloi, presumably confining themselves to the County Stand where they at least can mix with a better class of drunk. Being abused before the start of the first race even surprised me though .. I thought it would take at least until mid afternoon before I was threatened after inadvertently nudging someone’s elbow as I made my way through the crowd to view (yes view) the horses in the parade ring pre race before tiptoeing across the stands steps trying to avoid the countless jugs of sangria (or whatever it was) .. but, no .. by 1.50 I was being threatened and called "a stupid f’ing c***" merely for trying to find a little space in the grandstand .. "oi" said one woman, "we’ve been sat here for three f’ing hours and then you just come and stand here" (not as if I’m built like the side of a house) .. I apologised for not realising it was a reserved standing area (sarcasm not always a good idea but it’s my default setting) .. with people blocking my exit sideways, forwards and back I was forced to stand there and try to ignore the baiting knowing the young lad snarling in my face was itching to swing a punch and look big and brave in front of his girlfriends and workmates.

    From that point on ( overly melodramatic you might argue) I rather lost interest in the racing .. for me, the afternoon was ruined and I seriously contemplated walking out of the course, back to the car and driving home.

    In racing’s defence (ish) I’ve witnessed similar behaviour at one day cricket internationals recently so I’m well aware it’s a wider cultural issue that afflicts many sporting events in this country .. the difference for me though between the cricket drunk and the racing drunk is the level of aggression seen on a racecourse .. is this related to the winning/losing money aspect ? .. what was with all the screaming today as soon as the stalls opened ? .. has anyone had experience of attending race meetings in other countries ? .. do they have the same problem ? .. is Longchamp on Arc day similar to this ?

    Lots more I could say about how racecourses justify pandering to this behaviour but it’s already turned into a rant on the evils of alcohol .. I accept there are huge revenue benefits involved which they would argue are ploughed back into the facilities provided for the enjoyment of the more serious minded racegoer .. catch 22 I guess .. 30,000 pissheads or 5,000 serious minded racegoers ?

    .. to add insult to injury I had just one decent bet all afternoon which, given the way the day had gone, you’ll not be surprised to know was watching Genzy get mugged in the last 50 yards of the Ebor .. it didn’t help my mood !

    Needless to say, with an Ebor attendance history stretching back to Sea Pigeon’s unforgettable triumph, I will not be going again any time soon.

    • Total Posts 412

    What an awful day you had and no you wasn’t being over dramatic I think I would have shaken up by the incident. May I suggest like me you just go jump racing in the winter when it’s too cold for these low life morons

    Avatar photophil walker
    • Total Posts 1374

    What an awful day you had and no you wasn’t being over dramatic I think I would have shaken up by the incident. May I suggest like me you just go jump racing in the winter when it’s too cold for these low life morons

    You’ve obviously never been to Sandown runandskip, they attract pissheads whatever the season

    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2805

    Well said Runandskip, that’s exactly what I do. Wouldn’t even dream of going to a summer meeting nowadays (Flat or NH) especially in the evenings/weekends as I’ve seen no end of incidents like the one BHL suffered. Not just at the big meetings too – all sorts of drunkenness, foul language and abuse at places like Leicester, Warwick, Worcester (really bad there!), Bath and even bloody Stratford-on-Avon!

    Summer evenings and weekends are a no-go area for me nowadays. As far as I’m concerned, the courses have just abandoned them to the pissheads.

    The only time I go racing is generally winter/spring midweeks.

    Also watch a fair bit of cricket, generally at Edgbaston and whilst the beer consumption is considerable, the punters are generally much more good-natured than in racing.


    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    All that needs to be said and the last word from BHL on Saturday racing at York, and elsewhere

    Ebor Wednesday was always busy and always ‘lively’ but was a singular special day in the Yorkshire racing calendar – a genuinely ‘festive’ occasion one could say; but is now just another raucous, rough, testosterone-filled and alcohol-fuelled summer-racing Saturday at which the genuine racegoer feels wholly alienated and uncomfortable

    Other than that I endorse the words of Betlarge, though have found the relatively few evening meetings I’ve been to generally okay, provided it’s not a Friday evening

    Cricket has been mentioned: as Neville Cardus (I think) sort of said ‘give me Grace Road, Leicester on a Tuesday afternoon in June when the game is heading towards a quiet draw’ for which ‘give me a gaff on a Tuesday afternoon in January and the old geldings’ could be the true turfistes response

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Sadly "York" could be replaced by many other course names in the OP and it would still ring true – another reason I’m not going to miss the "sport"

    I will be at Beverly next Saturday and, based on previous experiences of Beverley on a Saturday, it will be the same there.

    The sad truth is many courses would not survive without the income derived from satisfying the needs of these drug fueled louts.

    I chose my words carefully there because that is precisely what alcohol is – an addictive drug.

    • Total Posts 68

    Sorry to hear of your bad experience yesterday BHL, but I am not really surprised unfortunately.

    I also try to avoid Saturday meetings where possible (Leicester recently on Ladies Day was bad enough) and definitely at York. I had a chance to go yesterday as part of a syndicate, but couldn’t bear the thought of the pre-race hassle getting in and fighting my way through the p***heads after.

    It annoys me when you hear reporters like Alan Lee today on the Sunday Forum saying that everybody likes York!! Maybe if you’re getting paid for going, have a comfortable press room to retreat to and escape the mayhem outside you have a different point of view.

    I really don’t understand why a lot of people go to the races when they have no interest in racing and just want to drink for 5 – 6 hours. Why not save themselves the admission money and the price of expensive drinks and instead go to their local Wetherspoons or wherever is cheap nowadays!!

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33005

    Sorry to hear about BHL’s bad experiences, but are there no booze free spots at York? :?

    I absolutely hate crowds, almost claustrophobic about them, I’d feel uncomfortable in a rowdy, busy city/town pub for example. Live out in the country. But have no problem on a racecourse, steering clear of the bars and (apart from fish&chips at Newbury) rarely need to buy food either. If needing a soft drink there’s always the coffee/fizz kiosk. But usually don’t spend any money what so ever on the premises. So no need to mix with the drunks/louts. Taking sandwiches and a drink to have in the car park. And even if I am late, like today at Goodwood (here’s a tip for you)…

    You know most racecourses don’t allow food to be taken in to the racecourse… Put your sandwiches in a small plastic bag and put them in your binocular case, carrying binoculars loose.

    Am a regular at Salisbury, Newbury and Goodwood, there’s always a quiet(ish) spot to watch the races, even on the big Saturdays/Festivals. Go to the pre-parade ring (always plenty of room) to the paddock, sometimes to the betting ring to the Grandstand and back to the pre-parade ring; so it begins again. No need to do anything else.

    One thing is for sure. No xxxxxxx yob is going to stop me enjoying going racing! :twisted:

    Value Is Everything
    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Sorry to hear about BHL’s bad experiences, but are there no booze free spots at York? :?

    I’ve never found one :cry:

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7513

    When Newbury was my local course I gave up going on Saturdays. Too much of the trouble documented and not untypical that a coachload of already inebriated ‘customers’ would be unloded at teh gate. Course didn’t seem to give the matter a second thought when allowing them in. The problem go noticeably worse between 1995, when I picked up going racing regularly gain after a break, and 2006 when I moved to Scotland. Newbury was by far the worst in this respect when I was based in Oxfordshire.

    The problem doesn’t seem nearly so prevelant in Scotland. Ayr can get a bit of a pain at the big meetings but run of the mill Saturday visits have gegenrally been no problem. I went to Perth for their recent Saturday adn no problems despite an 8,000 crowd. Similarly Hamilton don’t seem to have a problem at their Saturday meetings, I’ve not known any real problems at Musselburgh and Kelso is the best of the lot behaviour wise.

    I must admit I do prefer the quiet midweek meetings, but that’s just my preference. Courses have to do their best to get people through turnstiles and in the main the Scottish tracks manage that without any hassle.


    Peruvian Chief
    • Total Posts 1931

    Dante day at York is excellent.

    John Smiths Cup day is absolutely shocking, i would seriously need paying good money to attend that event again.

    I assume Ebor day has now gone the same way since the saturday move.

    What is this obsession the BHA have with Saturday racing? Both The Derby and The Ebor are far worse for the change for my money.

    Avatar photoaji
    • Total Posts 469

    has anyone had experience of attending race meetings in other countries ? .. do they have the same problem ? .. is Longchamp on Arc day similar to this ?

    I can only talk about racing in Ireland. The alcohol consumption at some meetings is high but the only time I have come across groups of obnoxious tossers they have come, you guessed it, on a coach trip from England :(

    These people on At The Races, they talk about racecourses from their point of view. So paid to attend, press room, access to the parade ring, nice close car parking. Their criteria are completely different to you and I and frankly I have no time for them.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33005

    When Newbury was my local course I gave up going on Saturdays. Too much of the trouble documented and not untypical that a coachload of already inebriated ‘customers’ would be unloded at teh gate. Course didn’t seem to give the matter a second thought when allowing them in. The problem go noticeably worse between 1995, when I picked up going racing regularly gain after a break, and 2006 when I moved to Scotland. Newbury was by far the worst in this respect when I was based in Oxfordshire.


    Where did you go at Newbury Rob?
    What did you do?
    Apart from "Courage" Day, by avoiding bars I didn’t/don’t find it bad at all.

    It’s true you got coach loads already worse for drink arriving. But there is surely enough room to find a spot in the Grandstand to watch racing unhindered? I used to stand furthest away from the winning line, three quarters of the way up. Of course there was an occasional incident. I can only remember two involving myself and aggressive drunken youths; which isn’t bad in almost three decades of going racing (disounting/ignoring the usual ginger "jokes"/phobia of the inebriated). Usually, although you can see and hear more incidences I’ve found it is (with few acceptions) easy enough to avoid.

    There was the incident last year when a big fight broke out; but that proved to be organised fistycuffs, Swansea Vs Cardiff . Something Newbury can not be blamed for. Hopefully a one-off.

    Newbury do have a strong, well policed policy these days of no drink on Grandstand steps. Those with too much alcohol in them are now to be found on the tarmac in front of the stands; and no doubt in the bars too. Not that I wish to portray everyone who likes a drink at the races in the same way.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2805

    I remember going to Hereford a few years ago one Friday afternoon in the depths of winter.

    A stretch limo (so tasteful) parked up and disgorged a bunch of youngsters who’d obviously been on the lash already. What must have seemed like a good idea when planned ("Ooh, a day at the races, it’ll be like Ascot innit?") was soon brought into stark reality by a -8 degree wind chill and intermittent sleet. After a couple of hours huddled in the course’s hilariously-pokey bar ("Can I get a Jagerbomb?" "No. F*** off.") they strangely decided the jumps game wasn’t for them and decided to leave.

    Missing them already.


    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7513

    Where did you go at Newbury Rob?
    What did you do?
    Apart from "Courage" Day, by avoiding bars I didn’t/don’t find it bad at all.

    It’s true you got coach loads already worse for drink arriving. But there is surely enough room to find a spot in the Grandstand to watch racing unhindered? I used to stand furthest away from the winning line, three quarters of the way up. Of course there was an occasional incident.

    I used to occupy a similar spot to yourself, as far down the course in the Grandstand as I could get and quite a way up. Nomrally gave a clear view and enough elbow room for note taking. I’d been inconvenienced on more than one occasion previously trying to avoid the ‘inebriated mob’ and one occasion in particular there was a punch-up at the bottom of the steps. It was just before the fifth race, I left after the race and I never normally leave early.

    Midweeks at Newbury were never a problem and much more enjoyable.

    A quiet afternoon at Ayr or Newcastle can be pretty good in the stands farthest down the course, particularly in winter, as I sometimes have a stand to myself. I normally try and find a similar position at other course, though at Kelso it has to be the roof of the old stand!

    Incidentally I took my wife to Thirsk last season on Ladies Day. Place was heaving, crowd was in good spirits, racing was competitive and the roar at the finish of each race had to be heard to be believed. Not a hint of trouble and a great afternoon.


    • Total Posts 368

    I gave up going racing on Saturdays for exactly that reason, thousands of people with no interest in the sport just in getting hammered as quickly as they can.

    Peruvian Chief
    • Total Posts 1931

    I find it really odd to be fair.

    I get the odd day after a particularly bad working week when I fancy some heavy drinking – I can’t think of many worse places to indulge than a busy racecourse with huge q’s and extortianate prices.

    Fancy the nags? Hit the racecourse.

    Fancy a good drink? Hit the pub.

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