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Baroness Shirley Williams RIP

Home Forums Lounge Baroness Shirley Williams RIP

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  • #1536421
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Surely as far as comprehensive schools go it was all about giving those who can’t afford a private education the best “free” education possible, CAS? Is a matter of opinion, but I think the Comprehensive system is better than Grammar. Personally got no problem Shirley Williams sending her daughter to a private school as long as she herself was not against others using private schools. I believe it is only recently that Labour has wanted to close all private schools while sending their own kids there – Diane Abbott etc.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    My mum took an exam to try and get in to a grammar school. Grandad was a brickie, Nan a maid. Mum got the same results as a classmate – a boy whose parents had “proffessional” jobs. He got in, mum did not.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoMatron
    • Total Posts 6836


    “She had the opportunity to finish off the Unions once and for all but she didn’t. She also backed down on the poll tax – although I would have preferred a form of local income tax myself.”

    Couldn’t agree more Paul.

    I am all for some form of “Poll Tax” or “NHS Tax” as there are now so many multi-occupancy properties with working adults not paying their dues. How can it be right?

    I remember my late father explaining the “Poll Tax” and I was won over as it was fairer.

    It really is not a “vote winner” though so, would either party risk having something like it in their manifesto?

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Poll tax was in theory a good idea that didn’t work in practice… same as socialism.

    Value Is Everything
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    What charging a family household perhaps three times as much annually for a £50K property than a rich widow owning a £1 million + property :wacko:

    % MAN
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    Which is why I advocate a local income tax.

    However, yes a household with three adults should pay more than a single occupancy household. The size of the property is irrelevant it’s the number of occupants which is more important.

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    Death is not a small matter. Not a small matter at all, unless you read the Times of India and believe the numbers. Tradition and etiquette are important to many, for others they just couldn’t give a jiffy about a stiffy. I speak up for the former in demanding the RIP in the title of this thread be placed respectfully after the name.

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