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Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

Home Forums Lounge Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

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  • #1620137
    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    Good strong ‘message’ from Sunak, with Braverman reappointment. :good:

    • Total Posts 2849

    What ‘message’ is that then? That it doesn’t matter how nasty or incompetent you are, you can still get a top job and get it back when you mess up?

    It certainly doesn’t scream ‘integrity, professionalism and accountability’.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    My guess is it has less to do with Sunak’s opinion of her calibre and more to do with having members of every faction in the Party in the Cabinet.

    Braverman represents the “anti-Christ” faction, just to the right of Truss’s neo-liberals.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    “What ‘message’ is that then?”

    Hopefully, she’ll turn the tide on the number of ‘false, trafficked’ illegals coming across the Channel.
    With numbers over the last year being swelled by peeps from ‘safe’ countries, like Albania, c50% of ‘arrivals’ are from there ( no persecution, no economic issue) it really is a prob that needs to be addressed.
    Talk to France and other EU countries first, to ask why they’re allowing transit across their territory.

    Next task – Stop Oil and other privileged White Middle Class entitled liberals. Message – ” you aint going to continue to disrupt working people’s lives”.
    I see SKS said pretty much same thing in last 24 hours.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Coffrey for Environment is at least as bad. Gove was actually a good Environment minister so a real statement to put this immoral imbecile in charge of our food production and pollution control instead of him. I was prepared to give Sunak a chance. Even prepared to forgive Braverman’s disgraceful appointment on the grounds Ian states (politics is politics after all) but not this.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “Next task – Stop Oil and other privileged White Middle Class entitled liberals. Message – ” you aint going to continue to disrupt working people’s lives”.
    I see SKS said pretty much same thing in last 24 hours.”

    Smart move by Starmer. He realises the voters he needs to win back are not impressed by trust funded middle class youngsters blocking roads, stopping people from getting to work and sick people from getting to hospital. He knows the protestors will vote Labour or Green anyway. He needs to win over people who voted Conservative last time.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    100% agree.

    Every successful (ie moderate) Labour leader, whether it was Harold Wilson or Tony Blair (seven election wins between them) has known the Left will make a lot of noise but ultimately they have nowhere else to go if they want their vote to mean anything.

    So they woo the floating voters in the middle.

    Starmer probably loves the Left of his Party calling him “Tory Lite” – it’s a sign his strategy is spot on.

    He’d only start worrying if they started hailing him as a class hero!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoWilts
    • Total Posts 1759

    “Smart move by Starmer”

    But i wonder if he’ll eventually get around to being able to define what a woman is, when next asked by an interviewer? :whistle:

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I think he might if the polls stay similar. He must know those sort of identity politics issues play very badly in the “Red Wall”.

    The Conservatives will almost certainly improve on their current dismal poll rating but I am not convinced Sunak is particularly popular. His speech today was seriously uninspiring.

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    Thought Sunak’s speech was ok, tho yet again Truss had done him a big favour by setting the bar so very low. His “integrity” reference was an overt jibe at Johnson, and then a few hrs later he confounds his own words by appointing Braverman.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Stop Oil are a loose cannon. Very few of their actions have wide support. Doesn’t mean that everyone else supports the total the destruction of British farming and the countryside or the trashing of all environmental regulations, which is what is on the table with Coffrey (and apparently Sunak since he’s appointed her). Need to judge the new PM by who he chooses to surround him. Braverman and Coffey should ring alarm bells, regardless of political affiliation.

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Therese Coffey should have walked off into the sunset with her best mate the arrogant and unapologetic Liz Truss.
    How she could have appointed someone like her as Deputy Prime Minister is beyond belief and she did nothing whilst in post as Health Secretary so like Tonge I find it hard to wonder why this non event is now in charge of our fragile environment.
    She will be a total disaster and should have quit with the other 10 Truss supporters. Some best friend Liz :scratch:

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Sunak is the first “grown up” PM since Theresa May, but I suspect he might be a bit too grown up for the electorate.

    The electorate want to “support” Ukraine with blue and flags in gardens and windows and blue and yellow emoticon flags on social media accounts online, not by accepting a lower standard of living as the price for sanctioning Russia.

    They want pay increases to offset the inevitable inflationary cuts in living standards driving the inflationary spiral still higher.

    And they want to believe taxing the rich is the solution despite the fact that, though the media of forever full of stories about the wealthy, there are relatively very few of them and while taxing them and big business corporations more is morally correct, it won’t raise nearly enough money to plug the hole.

    The nation collectively needs to stomach sub-inflation pay rises, higher taxes and fewer public services to balance the books.

    It’s already leaving future generations with a bigger tax burden – they’ve already ran up national debt and polluted the planet: just how much more selfish do the boomer and millennial generations want to be?

    Sunak might be the sort of bloke who will front up about this – some clown photographer shouted: “cheer up, Rishi!” when he wouldn’t smile for a photo outside No 10.

    “There’s F all to smile about, idiot” was my thought – and probably Sunak’s too.

    But the public are never ready to face facts – that’s half the reason why we have the dishonest politics we do.

    I never much liked The Jam, but they weren’t wrong when they said the public gets what the public wants.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Sunak played safe by picking from the same woeful old faces , the only cabinet coffey should be near is the ones she,s selling as a member of Ikea’s staff , Braverman is a Patel wannabe …. will be interesting to hear how Sunak handles pmqs , if I was Starmer id def be asking where the cuts start …NHS by any chance

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Sunak v Starmer at PMQs…


    At least we should have some serious debate between the pair, although I fear that Fishy will fall back on the usual Tory tactics of bluster and bravado.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I predict an endless succession of no-score draws, punctuated only very occasionally by a VAR-disputed injury time winner for either.

    But as Richard says, politicians aren’t meant to be entertaining, they’re meant to be intelligent, professional, honest, trustworthy and competent – dull is better than dodgy.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 2849

    Good post Ian, especially for 4.23am!

    We need to get past this idea that certain parties are for certain things. Tax cuts for example being a supposed Conservative ideal for example. If that’s the case, it’s only because they cut them so far that everything suffers, they get voted out and it’s someone else who increases them as they have no choice. Taxes then become ‘too high’, that government gets booted out and we start again. Where’s the logical end point of endless tax cuts? Zero tax, good luck making that work.

    ‘But the public are never ready to face facts – that’s half the reason why we have the dishonest politics we do.’

    This sums it all up really, it’s easy to tell people what they want to hear. Any cold, hard truths such as those you mention generally will instantly be shouted down by opposition parties.

    Another thing, all these triumphant scenes, the backslapping, this idea that it’s a ‘new dawn’ etc are nauseating too. Most people are still knee deep in the same s*** they were yesterday and will be waist deep before long. Dumping Truss and installing someone else doesn’t fix anything. I’m not sure how you fix anything by dusting off some failed ministers from the Johnson era, moving a few others about and even reinstating some of Truss’ disastrous appointments.

    I remain hopeful that things will improve but that is the lowest of low bars.

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