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  • #268757
    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Not really – I just tootle off somewhere hot and sunny for the weekend, where there aren’t such petty restrictions

    Can’t guarantee the weather but the shops in Lambourn will be open ALL day. Come along, and kill two birds with one stone…help racing charities and satisfy your need to shop.

    Happy you are, probably deliberately in your own ininitable style :lol: , missing the point I am making.

    I don’t have "a need" to shop as you imply – indeed I generally hate shopping as a rule, unless food shopping – I just don’t like being dictated to by self-serving politicians as to when I can and cannot shop – I believe it is called freedom of choice.

    Fully endorse what you say about the Lambourn open day – I used to go before it became too popular, nonetheless a great day out.

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    Fair enough, but remember guys like Choudary and his goons are laughing their ars*s off at your tolerance. Where else could a bloke make public statements about Papal execution, public flogging for drinkers, launch hateful invective about a time of the year most people cherish and encourage hatred of fellow citizens and still be given a free house, free education, free medical benefits, free everything. Stupidity replaces tolerance on these occasions.

    Choudary isn’t the first and won’t be the last to take full advantage of what is available here. This isn’t meant as any slight against Irish people but back in the 70’s during the London pro-IRA demonstrations, we were saying much the same about plenty of them too.
    Perhaps you would have admired the British more if they were all rounded up, tortured and interned as they were in Northern Ireland at the time. It was regarded as one of the biggest mistakes of the Troubles and fortunately we have learnt from it and moved on.

    All these people come and go, replaced by some other trumped up nobody. The UK will carry on in it’s own way and because we have to deal with these things as they arrive, as I said, it makes us better, not worse.
    I am only tolerant of their right to march if they intend to do so, and I think in another area not Wootton.

    For all their faults, give me the UK and European Parliaments than anything I read about in the part of the world that, if I might say so going from these observations, would appear to have bought you off to some degree.

    As for lewd public behaviour. I suggest many of us might have done similiar in our younger days, but people grow and move on but I would rather live in a country that generally at worst merely frowns on it or imposes a fine, rather than one which whips, beats and puts people into jail.

    If you don’t mind, I’ll remain tolerant as well as stupid. I strongly support freedom of thought and self-expression. I’m yet to be convinced I’ll find much of that in the Gulf States of which you seem quite proud, and as for the dancing girls of Beirut, from what I’ve heard, the little you can’t see would be the little you wouldn’t want to see….

    so take care :)

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Goes to show that people can be attracted to racing given the right circumstances.
    Maybe the BHA should attend in force and publicise its RACING FOR CHANGE. A ready made audience of around 15,000 people who are already showing an interest in racing.

    This is getting worrying Happy – the second posing in a row where I find myself agreeing with you :lol:

    What is too popular?

    By "too popular" I mean too many turn up and it has become a victim of its own success. I appreciate from an organisers point of view the more who turn up the better but it ain’t for me I’m afraid.

    Last time I attempted to go, which was a couple of years ago I must admit, the parking "organisation" was so poor I just turned round and came home again.

    Avatar photoGoldikova
    • Total Posts 1537

    Some of these protesters have been up at the court for their protests. … 448469.stm

    • Total Posts 2702 … 981008.ece

    Another story from "enlightened" Dubai

    Dont ever anyone try and tell me we have to respect their standards

    Dont ever anyone tell me that our values are not superior to theirs

    Dont ever anyone tell me that it is a free society out there

    Thank god we live in the civilised world

    The sooner that foul state goes completely bust the better.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Another story from "enlightened" Dubai

    Dont ever anyone try and tell me we have to respect their standards

    Dont ever anyone tell me that our values are not superior to theirs

    Dont ever anyone tell me that it is a free society out there

    Thank god we live in the civilised world

    The sooner that foul state goes completely bust the better.

    We don’t have to "respect their standards" and I am not saying for one moment what is alleged to be happening in this case is right – however as an independent state they do have the right to impose whatever laws they wish, whether we like them or not.

    People visiting the country have to abide by the laws when there and if they do not, they fall under the penal code of that country, no matter how obnoxious we may believe it is – quite simple really.

    In terms of having sex outside marriage and drinking in unlicensed premises it appears this couple arrogantly seemed to think they could flout local laws. If you don’t like the laws in a particular country don’t go there.

    I am sure, Clive, you would be the first to complain if a foreign national came to our country, broke our laws and was then let off because they were a visitor.

    You cannot have it both ways – when in Rome etc.

    I don’t agree with the laws in these type of countries, therefore I choose not to visit them – it’s quite simple really.

    As for the implication that we live in a "civilised world" – that is a bit rich. Highest teenage birth rate in Europe, no go areas in many cities, impossible to avoid groups of obnoxious drunks in most high streets most evenings – people in glass houses should not throw stones.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    As members of the EU, should we follow the lead of France and ban the BURKHA?

    … and also ban nuns from wearing their habits, priests from wearing their dog-collars, Jews from wearing their kippah’s or is the ban just selective against a single religion?

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I note you didn’t answer my specific question Happy!!!

    • Total Posts 591

    Another story from "enlightened" Dubai

    Dont ever anyone try and tell me we have to respect their standards

    Dont ever anyone tell me that our values are not superior to theirs

    Dont ever anyone tell me that it is a free society out there

    Thank god we live in the civilised world

    The sooner that foul state goes completely bust the better.

    We don’t have to "respect their standards" and I am not saying for one moment what is alleged to be happening in this case is right – however as an independent state they do have the right to impose whatever laws they wish, whether we like them or not.

    People visiting the country have to abide by the laws when there and if they do not, they fall under the penal code of that country, no matter how obnoxious we may believe it is – quite simple really.

    In terms of having sex outside marriage and drinking in unlicensed premises it appears this couple arrogantly seemed to think they could flout local laws. If you don’t like the laws in a particular country don’t go there.

    I am sure, Clive, you would be the first to complain if a foreign national came to our country, broke our laws and was then let off because they were a visitor.

    You cannot have it both ways – when in Rome etc.

    I don’t agree with the laws in these type of countries, therefore I choose not to visit them – it’s quite simple really.

    As for the implication that we live in a "civilised world" – that is a bit rich. Highest teenage birth rate in Europe, no go areas in many cities, impossible to avoid groups of obnoxious drunks in most high streets most evenings – people in glass houses should not throw stones.

    I did find it a bit irksome at first having to negotiate all the check points in and around Jerusalem and Bethlehem on my recent trip to the holy land, but that is their way of life and it was not my place to complain. You should know what you are in for when you visit another country, and if you don’t like it, as you rightly say Paul, don’t go there as no body is forcing you to. It is certainly not our place to go flouting other countries laws and expecting not to face the consequences.

    • Total Posts 2702

    Thats crap hand wringing frankly

    This is a RAPE VICTIM who is being treated as a criminal. Read it again….RAPE VICTIM IS TO BE CHARGED

    Since when does that bear comparison with a teenage pregnancy?

    Any state or religion that treats rape victims as criminals is beyond the pale

    They are living by primitive standards and i, like may others, despise their bigotry and foul beliefs.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Good man, Clivex, as cutting edge as ever. Hope you dont work in the UK media, the word "alleged" seemingly not in your vocabulary (when it suits you).

    From the Dubai Expatwomen forum:

    "MY DH works in this Hotel and was MOD that night.

    The girl was NOT raped!!! and as a matter of fact there is CCTV footage to prove that. The waiter who escorted her to the toilet and then allegedly RAPED her NEVER entered the toilets he returned to the bar and that is on CAMERA. She fell asleep on a make up bench inside the Ladies room.
    The two girls who were directing people to pool, bar, toilets, elevators (lack of signage) got worried when she didn’t return and entered the ladies room to find her asleep. She was woken up, escorted back to bar where the F&B DIRECTOR had to cut her OFF.
    It was the boyfriend who began the rape story in the morning as he was ****** off about her being cut off and ‘ruining’ the night. The girl said she couldn’t remember and just went with the boyfriend’s story.
    There was a massive investigation on New Year’s day with Hotel staff being held, statements of witnesses, the camera footage being investigated and the staff has been cleared.
    That is when the police detained the couple for drinking and unlawfully sharing the room."

    • Total Posts 2702

    Right. Well I think I will take the Times reporting over that of some anonymous post on a Dubai based forum by whoever…

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Up to you. 8)

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I did find it a bit irksome at first having to negotiate all the check points in and around Jerusalem and Bethlehem on my recent trip to the holy land, but that is their way of life and it was not my place to complain.

    It takes some getting used to doesn’t it Bob? But for me it also instills some confidence.

    Have not been out there for some time now, must try and get back again this year, but I presume they still have the very rigourous security at the airport – something other airports should perhaps follow.

    I remember I was at Ben Gurion airport one day and there was a seemingly innocuous "routine" announcement over the tannoy which was actually some kind of coded security alert. Immediately half the "assistants" in the duty free shops vaulted over the counters carrying Uzi’s
    and all ran off in the same direction – it was most impressive.

    My first time out there was when my sister was on a Kibbutz – I flew out there with a suitcase. Went to the Kibbutz and picked up a rucksack. then my sister and I went backpacking for a fortnight. Then it was back to the Kibbutz, pack the suitcase and off home.

    Boy – did I have serious problems at the airport coming home. I had not realised you had to be able produce receipts from where you stayed on demand. Being a single male traveller, claiming to have been back packing and not having a bakcpack with me was not a good situation to be in. Needless to say I did not get my original flight but they were eventually convinced once they questioned my sister and made enquiries at some of the places we stayed.

    It was not a good experience at the time but in hindsight it instilled a great deal of confidence in their security systems and I have to say throught it all they were very professional and friendly – well as friendly and polite as they could be.

    The salutory lesson for me was to make sure I am always well prepared when visiting another country. Every visit to Israel since I have kept every single receipt from every single expenditure and remember everything we did and when …. leaving after one visit I was even asked to describe the decor of a restaurant we had said we had eaten in.

    Avatar photoRoddy Owen
    • Total Posts 441

    I sympathise Paul having made many visits there. I once asked a friend who worked for the security there ,and had been in the Mossad, why they wern`t a little kinder to me,given I had made many visits,and had many friends there,and kept all my receipts,and he replied you would be therefore a perfect target . The less suspicious the more they target you. But you cannot fault their security. Do you remember the girl who had befriended an Arab in London,who was going to travel back with her to Israel, but who cancelled his trip the last moment ,and asked the girl to carry his bag and meet him there later. The bag had semtex hidden timed to blow up the EL Al jet over Central London. Only the security of EL Al prevented it.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    I read scroungerman has had his group banned.

    Common sense prevails. Well done UK government for showing back-bone on the issue.

    • Total Posts 1453

    So don’t feel you’re being racist by asserting that British culture IS superior to Islam.

    Rape victim receives 101 lashes for becoming pregnant
    A 16-year-old girl who was raped in Bangladesh has been given 101 lashes for conceiving during the assault.
    By Dean Nelson, South Asia Editor (Daily Telegraph)
    The girl’s father was also fined and warned the family would be branded outcasts from their village if he did not pay.
    According to human rights activists, the girl, who was quickly married after the attack, was divorced weeks later after medical tests revealed she was pregnant.
    The girl was raped by a 20-year-old villager in Brahmanbaria district in April last year.
    Bangladesh’s Daily Star newspaper reported that she was so ashamed following the attack that she did not lodge a complaint.
    Her rape emerged after her pregnancy test and Muslim elders in the village issued a fatwa insisting that the girl be kept in isolation until her family agreed to corporal punishment.
    Her rapist was pardoned by the elders. She told the newspaper the rapist had "spoiled" her life.
    "I want justice," she said.

    PS I know Islam isn’t a "race" but you know what I mean.

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