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Mike Cattermole’s Cheltenham Commentary

Home Forums Horse Racing Mike Cattermole’s Cheltenham Commentary

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  • #132378
    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    We’re all only human, we all make mistakes.

    An apology from the man himself to acknowledge that would be welcome….

    • Total Posts 788

    Just watched it on RP site. Big error indeed but why oh why did he not just say sorry like a footy comentator would do when calling a goal scorer? etc instead of self correcting so that we, the watcher might not notice.. It actually made him look like more of a plonker trying to sweep his mistake under the carpet as the replay was due anyway.. A quick apology and we might not have had so many comments on here!

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    We’re all only human, we all make mistakes.

    An apology from the man himself to acknowledge that would be welcome….

    I concur with you there. The trouble is when they makes mistakes like that they are there for all to see, there is nowhere to hide. Some identity mix ups are understandable although I must admit I’m at a loss to see how the confusion arose on this occasion – it didn’t look as though there were any sun issues or anything like that.

    I also strongly suspect that nobody is going to be more annoyed about the mistake than The Cat himself.

    Perhaps if someone was at Newbury they can tell us if he did make any reference to the mistake. I know John Hunt has made the occasional error and has subsequently apologised for it.

    • Total Posts 2778

    You were right about the re-recording: on the RUK replay tonight you’d never know it had happened- just like the old Soviet Union!

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Jeremy – can’t think it would be that low a number – I offer Mr Orkney as evidence!!!

    My understanding is that the unfortunate "galloping optician" lost the general confidence of a number of the Northern (as in geographical, not racing holdings company) tracks owing to errors over a period of time, and was released at the end of 2005 on account of this rather than a certain figure of mistakes having been reached.

    The only time I have heard him post-Racetech was at a point-to-point at Dingley in June 2006. He got several of the more local riders’ names wrong on the day, which led me to think he was probably a late call-up for a gig a considerable way out of his usual geographical area of operation – the rest of his performance was entirely serviceable, and I’ve not heard of any disquiet regarding his pointing calls back home in Yorkshire and environs more recently.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 384

    I lost a lot of money on this today by backing in running in the place market. It was disgraceful from a top commentator like Cattermole.
    I tell you what, if it was Tommo a hell of a lot more people on here and elsewhere would have been up in arms about it and calling for him to be sacked. Though because it’s ‘Mike the Cat’ he only gets "Mistakes do happen" well tell that to everyone who lost their money on the race as it was matched for thousands on the exchanges.
    I mean this was a 150-1 outsider with an amateur on board. Surely if he’d done his homework he’d have sussed something wasn’t right and checked his guide.

    Mistakes do happen but i personally can’t help feeling very bitter at loosing money because of a professional who should have got it right. That is why they get the job, especially with the class of race it was! Very amateurish.

    • Total Posts 143

    You know what really grinds my gears – in the very next race he has the brass neck to come out with some bollox about Souffleur being on the rise!!!!! presumably because it sounds like souffle. Cattermole calls are littered with errors, phrases plagiarised from other commentators, and a complete lack of awareness, of which todays mistake is the cherry on the cake.

    Needless to say the 2.10 call has been re-recorded – perhaps nobody noticed first time around!

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    You were right about the re-recording: on the RUK replay tonight you’d never know it had happened- just like the old Soviet Union!

    Not without precedent unfortunately.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    in the very next race he has the brass neck to come out with some bollox about Souffleur being on the rise!!!!! presumably because it sounds like souffle.

    Mmmmm, yes, I noticed that also, but the artless quality of the pun grated more with me than the fact Mike saw fit to use it after what had happened in the race before.

    Whatever the rights or wrongs of it, consider that three or four subsequent races of contrite, sackcloth-and-ashes commentary from him after that would make precious little sense to anyone viewing those races out of context (i.e. dipped into at random via the Racing Post results archive) weeks and months from now – which is how most of us will come to return to the race for form study purposes, if we do at all.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 3078

    Having backed the winner I was shouting louder and louder at the tv screen "That’s f*****g Khyber Kim."

    For there to be no apology from Catt really is the height of arrogance.

    • Total Posts 2923

    "I lost a lot of money on this today by backing in running in the place market. It was disgraceful from a top commentator like Cattermole."

    I would think you are asking for trouble if you bet "in running" on the strength of what a commentator is telling you.

    Betting "in running" is dodgy at the best of times with the time delays involved, and the thought of making a bet on one of Graham Goode’s commentaries is frightening.


    • Total Posts 720

    Irrespective of Cattermole’s error, anyone backing the horse dependent on the commentary needs to have a long hard look at themselves.

    • Total Posts 384

    Why?? Why a "hard long look at themselves"?? Getting personal AGAIN are we? Why is it that on this forum anyone who dares say anything remotely different to anyone elses’ view is attacked personally??? It’s not even a debatable topic what i do with my money.

    So today i made an error of judgement, i usually ALWAYS bet in running by watching and making my own decision BUT today i dabbled in ‘in running’ PLACE markets. Considering the money was strongly coming for it; the commentary was fairly confident of it getting within the places and when i looked and seen myself that it was definitely going to get a place i lumped on like hundreds of other people!
    SO please explain what is so drastic that i actually need to look at myself? And what i’d actually gain from doing so please Smithy?

    • Total Posts 720

    Surely a pre-requisite of betting in running is watching the race – presumably with a full colour racecard in front of you. Had you done this, rather than take for granted what you were being told was correct, you wouldn’t have backed the wrong horse.

    I find it hard to have much sympathy for people who lose money on the strength of the wrong commentary – you should be betting with your eyes, not your ears.

    • Total Posts 384

    Glad of your explanation as to why you don’t do this and the ways around betting in running, but still doesn’t answer the question as to why i should have a "hard long look at myself"? Quite a staggering comment to make about ones betting practices.
    I never asked for sympathy. I pointed out a fact that i had trusted the commentator and it had failed. So did a hell of a lot of other people so i think i’ll sleep tonight knowing i wasn’t the only one who did so.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    One of the first things I was taught when I started betting was "only trust what you see with your own eyes"

    Many years on I stick with that and would now also add "and then still question what you think you saw."

    Turning back to yesterdays race, even though it was a bad call by anyones standards, it is – in my view – a forgivable mistake.

    Let me put this to those who are calling for blood:- Who of us, in whatever our chosen profession is, has not made a stupid mistake at some time or another?

    Most of us can get away with it but when the mistake is made in the full glare of publicity there is nowhere to hide.

    Mike is by no means the first caller to make a mistake and he won’t be the last.

    As I said yesterday, I’m sure Mike will be more annoyed and upset than anyone about the mistake.

    As GC pointed out, his later commentaries were more stilted than usual, so the mistake clearly effected him.

    • Total Posts 2923

    Probably, his refusal to acknowledge that mistake has upset more people than the fact that he made the mistake.

    Arrogant?, cowardly?, definitely unforgivable.


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