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Mike Cattermole’s Cheltenham Commentary

Home Forums Horse Racing Mike Cattermole’s Cheltenham Commentary

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  • #5982
    • Total Posts 66

    Hi, anyone else at Cheltenham this weekend think that Mike wasn’t on best form at race reading? Missed two falling in the cross country and Abregante being pulled up? Unusual for him I felt.

    • Total Posts 143

    Not unusual – par for the course. Always schmooze over substance with him, it is appalling that he is used for major meetings at Cheltenham, York and Aintree when there are several other micsmiths who should be calling. My heart sinks when I attend a meeting and I hear his voice over the tannoy.

    I want an accurate call, enthusiastic not laid back, conveying the excitement when and if it evolves, all in a rhythm to fit the race. Not an easy task but there are several who qualify, Hoiles, Hunt, Johnston, Bartlett who stand head and shoulders above Cattermole, whilst numerous others are improving all the time.
    All the superfluous flannel with which Cattermole litters his commentaries are just a smokescreen to disguise his lack of ability.

    Gareth Flynn
    • Total Posts 583

    Did he miss Macs Joy pulling up?

    Avatar photoRichK
    • Total Posts 201

    I have nothing more to add to Bear’s bang-on summary.

    Mark Johnston was relieved of his Aintree duties in favour of Cattermole because of some old nonsense about the ladder being too steep for Johnston. I’d go to the expense of installing a lift if it stopped Cattermole getting the mic.

    (well, alright, I then went and added something, but nothing of substance :) )

    • Total Posts 5228

    Have to agree, made me laugh anyway. At least he hasn’t interjected his ‘hilarious’ James Bond impersonation yet – I am sure it is just about time for it to reappear on the Morning Line.

    Avatar photorory
    • Total Posts 2685

    Cattermole is apparently a lovely bloke, and I can well believe that, but he is a desperately poor racereader.

    • Total Posts 1144

    Simon Holt is good but Richard Hoiles is the best around he’s outstanding. The BBC should get him as their number one.

    • Total Posts 4491

    Does anyone else make so many references to flat spots or wondering aloud whether a horse that makes a mistake was put off by another horse at said obstacle blundered.

    • Total Posts 129

    I agree it wasn’t his best weekend. He missed both Abragante and Macs Joy being pulled up. I can excuse him for making mistakes in the cross country — after all in most races someone takes the wrong course.

    Hoiles is now the best in the game. lee mckenzie is also very good and very accurate.

    Breath Of Fresh Ayr
    • Total Posts 82

    Agree with all comments about Cattermole. Found myself watching RUK for the build up and CH4 for the commentary.

    Agree about Richard Hoiles, dunno how he does it but I could listen to him call a race all day.

    • Total Posts 349

    Concur with all the positive Hoiles comments. All of the C4 team should be pensioned off of any role other than Jim McGrath and possibly Al Down (on one of his more worthwhile and less melancholy days).

    I even include Simon Holt in that as he seems to have become more like the nonsense included in the overall programme. However, he is still an accurate caller and possibly available to salvation!

    • Total Posts 1147

    You would keep the insufferable Jim McGrath? Are you mad?

    • Total Posts 1144

    You would keep the insufferable Jim McGrath? Are you mad?

    Jim McGrath is one of those who always sounds like he knows what he’s on about. Sounds plausible, talks a good game.

    However his tipping on C4 is nothing short of woeful. Either he’s putting everyone away or he’s just a very bad tipster. Anyone remember him last tipping a winner? 1990? :lol: :wink:

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    I agre with anyone who says they could listen to Richard Hoiles all day, he’s a master.

    As for Aussie Jim, I don’t mind him too much. Yes he makes mistakes with horses names, but he’s easy on the ear.

    What you have to remember with Catt is that he’s primarily a presenter. His skills don’t really lie with race reading, so I would guess it’s only a sideline for him.

    Avatar photoZammo
    • Total Posts 22

    What you have to remember with Catt is that he’s primarily a presenter. His skills don’t really lie with race reading, so I would guess it’s only a sideline for him.

    Then why is he commentating at Cheltenham ?! The UK’s premier course and they’re using a poor part-timer. Seems like a lovely bloke :wink: but he’s no racecourse commentator.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    What you have to remember with Catt is that he’s primarily a presenter. His skills don’t really lie with race reading, so I would guess it’s only a sideline for him.

    Mike began his racing career by working for Timeform so I would suggest he has very strong race reading credentials.

    I think the problem some people have with MIke’s commentary is his relaxed style gives the impression he isn’t always on top of things, I would disagree. If you listen to his commentary he does pick up on things which are not blatently obvious to the casual observer.

    Yes he does occasionally miss things, but all the callers do, even the ‘top’ ones, even the excellent Richard Hoiles!!

    Taken across the board I think the standard of commentating in this country is higher than it has ever been.

    • Total Posts 529

    Flash –

    Jim McGrath did put up O’Toole as his charity bet on Saturday and I also remember him putting up his own horse Fresh Air And Fun back in the summer.

    Lesley Graham is the one that I want them to get rid of – keep her away from the NH meetings!

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