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Mick Fitzgerald – Contributor to C4 Racing Demise

Home Forums Horse Racing Mick Fitzgerald – Contributor to C4 Racing Demise

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  • #27452
    • Total Posts 34

    I haven’t got a problem with Mick and he appears to be a good bloke and knows his stuff, but I’m sorry but when I hear his accent, after a very short time it grates with me.

    No problem when the cameras go over to Ireland at a meeting at Leopardstown or the Curragh etc and you hear the commentators Irish accent, it gives you a sense of identity for the Irish and where the racing is coming from.

    But when I hear Mick over here on C4, for me it just doesn’t work and the chemistry just isn’t there.
    Same as Nick Luck, Clare Balding, Rishi P, their accents although being eloquent are too "city", and lack that character that a Tommo, Francome even McCririck would provide. McGrath has the chemistry as he doesn’t sound too "London".

    Going back to Mick, thing is for my racing programme I want to hear someone with an English accent.
    I think it’s a turn off hence why I think it’s a part of a number of things why C4 racing has lost its appeal.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    I’m not sure if you’re being serious there PNG but if you are I think you are talking nonsense.

    I think the problem for Mick is that he is put into the front line and asked to comment on form, betting and to give tips, subjects that are not his forte. He is not a natural form or betting analyst and when you see him appear alongside Segal or Kealy he appears wholly naive in that respect and he lacks authority on that topic.

    BUT he is an expert on jockeyship and also has a great understanding of the horse. When you hear him talk on those topics he is transformed, talking eloquently, with passion and an obvious depth of knowledge.
    He should be used more sparingly, not as a man for all seasons, but as a genuine expert on a narrower range of topics.

    All IMO of course!

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32174

    I think Cormack has it about right in that he comes across more natural and knowledgeable when talking about jockeyship and how different courses propose different attributes for different horses. He’s over used imo and should be kept for what he does best.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 34

    I’ m not saying he is not knowledgeable Cormack, he does know his stuff.
    I do like the Irish, but its that accent. I want to hear English and not your posh London type. IMO think it would improve the programme.

    • Total Posts 3763

    You obviously haven’t been to London recently – posh English speakers are very much a minority there these days.

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 960

    I take it that you won’t watch RUK either as Gordon Brown’s Scottish accent will annoy you as well. And how about Tom O’Ryan’s northern twang? Does that offend?

    As for Fitzgerald, I couldn’t care less about his accent, it’s his presentational skills that count and I think he is improving. I would agree with those posters who say his strength is talking about the horses and riding.

    Avatar photobetlarge
    • Total Posts 2805

    The problem with Fitzgerald is not his accent as such, but his lack of vocal clarity.

    As Corm also hints, he doesn’t half talk a load of bollards when going on about matters out of the saddle.


    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    I take it that you won’t watch RUK either as Gordon Brown’s Scottish accent will annoy you as well. And how about Tom O’Ryan’s northern twang? Does that offend?

    I think the OP’s words are in danger of being interpreted by some as a slur against the Irish accent in general; but I think he was referring specifically to Fitzgerald’s particular intonation. And I’d agree: his is, in my opinion, rather ugly and grating

    Ditto that of J A McGrath: an unpleasant squeally and nasal take on the Australian accent; whereas that of Richie Benaud is just grand

    There are those blessed with euphonious voices and those that aren’t, whatever the country of origin their accent originates from

    Gordon Brown (the racing pundit, definitely not the politician) has a most pleasant, musical Scottish twang; Tom O’Ryan’s Tyke is okay though a bit too East Riding for me, as being a Wessie I naturally yearn for a re-incarnated Eddie Waring

    If bolleaux is to be spouted, at least make it easy on the ear

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32174

    rather ugly


    The irony

    Have you looked in the mirror lately Drone….. :lol:

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3442

    God knows what Tanya Stevenson’s accent is but it’s fecking horrible when she’s not mumbling in the background.

    No one spouts more carp than bookmakers reps but what gorgeous Irish tones Nicola McGeady has.

    Get her on C4 to do the betting.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2990

    My mother is Irish and she can’t stand Mick F’s voice either. Mind you, she regards anyone not from Dublin as a barbarian.

    I agree he’s over-used but he does tend to talk more sense than some of the others. I don’t really have a major problem with him, apart from the fact that his inflection often makes it sound like he’s trying to argue a point, even though nobody’s disagreeing with him.

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    rather ugly

    The irony
    Have you looked in the mirror lately Drone….. :lol:

    I find this post outrageous and deeply offensive, could the moderators please ban Nathan Hughes immediately, thanks. It was okay once, but being a Droneist these days is taboo

    Furthermore, I’ve now had corrective surgery on my ears, including the implantation of rather nifty hearing aids which are programmed to play Wagner’s Ring Cycle every afternoon, and between late April and mid-August every evening too, excepting Sundays

    Now, if you’d have written that my brown bri-nylon shirt was ugly I’d have had to agree with you: a dreadful faux-pas, what was I thinking

    I was going to give TRF the heave-ho this year but can’t, just can’t. I love you all so very, very much

    Sad isn’t it :?

    • Total Posts 693

    The Fitz isn’t that bad. You can understand what he says even if he really needs to stick to the racing side of things.

    I also get a bit fed up with the Tanya bashing. I suspect that if she swapped voices with Alice Plunkett, she’d be downgraded to ‘mostly harmless’.

    By far the most annoying voice in racing broadcasting is Alistair Down. Some posh prannet droning on and on about ‘the magical days in March…The great Lester Pigott…The incomparable Arkle…maybe we’ll never know…I think it’s your round’. Dull, dull, dull.


    So don't run, just like the others always do

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12998

    I quite like Mick Fitzgerald – each to their own.

    I saw Paul Kealy mentioned – he started as a copy taker on the Racing Post and wasn’t considered an expert on racing – or anything really – in the early days.

    He has worked really hard, acquired knowledge, developed his own ideas, and over the years worked his way from the bottom to the top in his chosen profession.

    In a world where people with privileged backgrounds so often get things handed them on a plate, I love to see the sort of thing Paul has accomplished. :D

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    Ian , totally disagree , in my view he has learned nothing , why you ask ??

    Go back to the Barney Curley coup …and then look at his article in the racing post ….dancing to the bookies tune , all the way :oops:

    It was the most sickening thing I ever came across , sycophancy its ugliest

    The fact that Ch 4 Entertains folks like him , shows you just how far removed from punters they really are

    As for MF , he is the Lesley graham of Ch 4 , except she was miles less boring ….

    Who watches this crap anyway …Chelters will tell us more


    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12998

    Thanks for that, Ricky. :D

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32174

    I saw Paul Kealy mentioned

    He seemed okay, however I draw the line in his ‘picking holes’ in Faugheen.

    I stole a poem from the web for poor Paul the hole picker.

    Picking holes in what’s whole and stable
    unable to look past The tiny inaccuracies
    to view the masterpiece
    that is Faugheen

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

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