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  • #1708106
    • Total Posts 2478

    afternoon everyone hope you are all well and still banging in the winners

    backing English Oak EW at 4s at newbury, disappointed last time but it seemed a funny old race. The bit of rain they have had wont be a problem

    Have a great weekend, will be glued to the boxing from 4pm onwards tomorrow :good:

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Graham you are the golf wizard :yahoo: well done with those bets and yes we’ll get onto that Big Gossey and Believing rev.forecast next time they get a favorable draw. :rose:

    Hope your leg is feeling less painful now Graham and that the final lot of antibiotics clears it up completely for you.

    I don’t know where all the time has gone this week I’m going to Newmarket tomorrow back on the Rowley Mile and the card looks really tough, just looking through the runners but will probably do my best studying when they are in the parade ring.

    Best of luck to all in the comps tomorrow :good: and enjoy the fight Nick. :good:

    Jac ✨️

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    Avatar photoEuroalien
    • Total Posts 2189

    I hope the anti-biotics are finally working to clear that infection in your leg Graham. I agree, it sounds like something they should have found while you were in the hospital. Retirement has been very enjoyable, to say the least. :good: I’m not sure how I had time to work full-time :unsure:

    Have fun at your happy place Jac! Hopefully you’ll find a few winners. I see Henry DeBromhead has sent one over – Heart of the City in the 2:10. A rare flat runner for him.

    I see American Affair is running again this week. Hoping for a big run again today. I also like Albasheer in the 1:30 at Newbury. At one point he was favorite for the Ayr Gold Cup, so this is an interesting switch up to a Group 3 – he’s been running well in big handicaps and has a decent shout today.

    Good Luck with all your bets and comp picks today! I’ll be at yet another craft fair, so no live racing for me today.

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Thanks Jac and Andre, I think I’m getting there with the leg, I hope
    by the time I’m finished this dose it might just kill it off. I’ll
    just have to wait and see.

    American Affair was great last week, he’s clearly at the top of his
    game Andre and must have every chance.

    I’ve always thought Commanche Falls was the perfect horse for the
    Ayr Gold Cup. I had a good bet on him at 16s (went off 10/1) 2 years
    ago. I thought he had it in the bag until Summerghand came from the
    other side and nicked it close home. He ran a great race and beat
    everything on his side, hit the front in the final fulong and looked
    all overr the winner, but Summerg had other ideas. He was the perfect
    age for this at 5 so it’s just a question he can repeat that run now
    that he’s 7, and he is top weight. I’ve still got faith in him.

    I took the 25s on him yesterday with Bet365, they are still offering
    the best odds available at 22/1. I do love this race.

    I’ve also taken Sergeant Pep at 28/1 Ladbrokes in the Silver Cup. He’s
    never ran at Ayr but won in very good style last race but one at Haydock.
    Clive Cox is good with his sprinters, I’m guessing he has this one laid
    out for the race.

    Very best of luck everyone :good:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Well Sergeant Pep fell out the stalls and gave the rest about 20L. End
    of him.
    I’m having a bet on Englemere in the 3.00. It’s running now :good:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Well this isn’t quite going to plan. Apparently the excuse given
    for Sergeant Pep was that he was reluctant to race. Englemere
    ran a decent race but couldn’t quite get to the front 3. A
    respectable 4th.

    I was just going to leave it at that, I have my bet on Commanche
    Falls in the Gold Cup, but I’ve added Northern Express who won
    for me last time out. Not sure about his draw but I’d kick myself
    if he manages to hang on, he’s liable to lead early on.
    Paddy Power put him up to 35/1 so I took the e/w. However,
    Bet365 have for some reason put him out to a very attractive 50/1.
    I couldn’t turn that down.

    I hope 1 of them does the business :good:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    I typed that out and the race started so I didn’t press send
    as I watched the race. Sorry if it looks late. Northern Express
    was finishing best of all, I’m not sure if he got into the places,
    it’s close :whistle:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Northern Express missed the places, he needed to be 6th. The distance between5th and 8th was
    shd,shd, nse. It was all too quick for the eye to tell but at least Commanche Falls made the
    places so E/W at 25s kind of saves my day.

    Bad luck with American Affair Andre, maybe the 2 races within a week was just asking too
    much of him. He’ll be back okay :good:

    • Total Posts 7845

    Hope leg get better BigG

    Trip are you going to Newmarket next week
    Any bets for it already done

    ROLICA 7/1
    Highland Avenue 6/1
    Place of Saftey 7/2

    All on friday

    Avatar photoEuroalien
    • Total Posts 2189

    At least Commanche Falls saved your day Graham. What a close finish again in that race. I think you’re right two tough races in a week was too much for American Affair. Unlucky with your other picks.

    Avatar photosporting sam
    • Total Posts 16518

    I’m back. Hello everyone I hope the good people on this great thread and everyone else have had a great summer.
    I have kept in touch with Graham and Jac. Coming on here to pm them in the main
    I’ve been on a bit of a journey. I started the year with an environmental exhibition at an art gallery it was a success and I began working on some creative writing and another project. The wheels came off in June with a break up and I found myself homeless until August. I’ve kept working as a gardener and in march took up a volunteer post at a Suffolk Stately Home. That move was crucial to getting through the subsequent period of instability and the friendships I’ve forged there boosted my morale at crucial times.
    I’ve been outside for a large proportion of the time and without a doubt my favourite time of day is the moments between darkness and light where the animal kingdom holds sway and Humans really are unimportant to them.
    In moments like then I was receptive to the written word and composed quite a few poems in my time of homelessness.
    Including this one the perfect Rose
    The perfect rose would fit in your hand .
    But in a cut crystal vase is where it could stand.
    On top of a pedestal for all to see.
    A frangrance not obvious, but smelt subtley.
    It’d stand on its own,
    all alone, so aloof.
    If played at a theatre, It’d bring down the roof!
    This elusive rose so hard to find, real, not imagined, no trick of the mind .
    The grower so happy that this is his year.
    He’s nurtured this one so tender and dear.
    And finally this is it . It’s actually here.
    Hes happy, he’s excited, can’t hide his delight.
    All his clients he’s invited to its opening night!
    Ten years of planning of sweating and toil.
    Adjusting the texture and changing the soil
    All of the chemicals he’s had to hand.
    Then he’s gone organic.
    He finally understands.
    The critics acclaim him,applaud him and laud him.
    They now jump to his whim, but can they afford him?!
    He’s no ordinary Joe now, that’s perfectly clear.
    This genius of a gardener’s raised the rose of the year!
    The money men confront him and offer a deal.
    We’ll pay a kings Ransome, if you’d just reveal, the formula of your success.
    Just give us a feel!
    We digress!
    We’ll pay you a fortune and do it ourselves.
    In the space of six months, it’ll be on all our superstore shelves
    We’ll grow it in great numbers we’ll export it too.
    Sell us your name and we’ll credit it to you.
    We have the marketing that you cannot do.
    That is why we’ll take over from you.
    We might adjust your methods to account for our needs.
    It’s all well being organic, but our need is speed .
    Our modern methods will help us ensure that we can produce more more and then sone more!
    Your organic ways are noble and fine, but we deal in markets where money is time.
    Sign on the dotted line,
    we’ll take it from here.
    You’ve been a tad subtle but our intentions are clear.
    To turn beauty into a beast And become billionaires!
    If we cut a few corners,
    just here and there, it’s obvious to us, you are going nowhere.
    Sign on the dotted line.
    Give in to our plan.

    Well the man of the moment stood up and spoke.
    It’s true what you say
    I’m just a small bloke.
    But what I’ve produced what I hold in my hand,
    is something so perfect, you wouldn’t understand.
    You see I’m a gardener a son of the soil.
    To make this great rose I’ve had to toil.
    I had great ideas and like you I’d cut corners .
    Like you I ignored when natured tried to warn us.
    I’d fight the fight and just wouldn’t listen.
    The battle against Mother Nature was a war of attrition.
    But finally Nature won over me.
    I threw out my potions and worked organically
    And finally the method revealed itself to me.
    If only I’d reasoned,
    I must have been nuts.
    Nature has its own cheats, it’s own shortcuts.
    Now this formula you speak of, I’m afraid it’s not for your eyes.
    Your intentions aren’t honourable, and that’s no suprise .
    As for all your plans,
    I’ll do it myself.
    My wonderful rose won’t grace your superstore shelf.
    My plans for my plants are not for shopping tourists.
    I’m staying in my town and taking them to my own local florist’s..

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