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Matt Chapman – Awful presenting of horse racing

Home Forums Horse Racing Matt Chapman – Awful presenting of horse racing

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    eddie case
    • Total Posts 1214

    How much longer is this idiot going to be allowed to present racing on our screens?
    Can’t stand him, did anyone watch last nights coverage from Windsor, Chapman ruined it with his moronic bawling and shouting.
    He’s reading idiotic emails out when they’re at the post for a listed race, why not preview the race you moron?
    Have you noticed he regularly likes to read idiotic emails out because he thinks it makes him look good when he shoots the contents of them down in flames?
    Is this how horse racing wants itself to be broadcast?

    Like Tommo he even refers to himself in the 3rd person, that tells you something but please get this idiot off the screen and send him back to the circus ring.

    barry dennis
    • Total Posts 398

    about a year ago he was suspended, an Irish jockey objected to his race summary,

    Public demand saw him reinstated shortly afterwards,

    he’s like marmite.

    personally I could listen to him all night, refreshing,

    ps. I also enjoy Thommo, takes all sorts.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3443

    Not always practical I know if ATR are covering a few meetings but I like to switch on just before the race and switch off just after the race if he’s presenting even if it’s Peter Naughton on the other side :shock: although Chapman even resorts to interrupting races with nonsense.

    Give me Sean Boyce any day of the week, that’s how the racing should be presented from the betting booth.

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    Eddie, Horse Racing can at times become very Black and White,You win, You Lose,You move on.At least Matt adds that bit of colour and i dont mean "Orange"!I have noticed over the years, he, in is own inimitable way can tell it as it is,he can be hard hitting at times with his observations and seems to have no problem courting controversy!That is what seperates him from other presenters,who sit side by side on the fence,so to speak! I feel sorry for John Francome who constantly gets set up by Jim "I cant possibly say" Mcgrath,good old Johnny,he takes more knocks than Humpty dumpty!I prefer the Hislops,Mellishs,Chapmans and Francomes, who all see the Tricks that the Magicians in Racing pull! The Cattermoles,Grahams and Thompsons all seem to believe there is a Bunny in the hat!Like i have said before Jimbo Mcgrath knows more about Racing than most,but the one that appears in front of the Cameras with his eyes shut,keeps his mouth shut too much too!What a variety of presenters we have!

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9230

    I appreciate that it is a love him/hate him call but I think he is quite entertaining. And, funnily enough, he is quite knowledgable I think, once you get past the clownish elements.

    • Total Posts 994

    To be honest, he has grown on me, I don’t think he is all that bad, knows his stuff.


    • Total Posts 132

    Like marmite is right i think Barry

    Personally i like him, majority of the time. He can be very amusing in his own way and i agree he knows his stuff.

    Avatar photoJJMSports
    • Total Posts 2034

    If you’re in a good mood, he’s good to watch, in a bad one, and becomes irritating.

    Agreed with the Sean Boyce point. Easily the best on there, nice relaxed but formal approach.

    Avatar photoMatthew01
    • Total Posts 1083

    Terrible presenter, quite unprofessional.

    As a serious punter, if you’re having a bad day he’s the last
    person you need to hear making jokes, I remember once he was making
    horse noises after a race. Proper bellend.

    Slowly Away
    • Total Posts 411

    I like Matt

    Didn’t like him at first when i started watching ATR a couple of years ago,I thought he was trying too hard to be the new McCririck………..

    But his self-deprecating manner won me over

    Now McCririck – he really is a pain in the bum

    I’m fairly easily pleased, I like most of them – Boycie, Sir Bob, Lydia (grrrr………..), Nev, mellish, Cunninghaaam, …….even old gurning Tom from oop north

    Can’t really think of any i dislike, but then i never watch C4 racing or the Beeb……..there’s bound to be a few on there !

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    Matt can be good. The interview with Henry Cecil was excellant.

    He can waffle on about nothing.
    Doesn’t seem to understand e-mails on occasions either.

    I e-mailed him to warn anyone wanting to back Petit Robin, who was supposedly going for the Champion Chase. Yet was friendless on exchanges for that race; where as he’d shortened dramatically for the Ryanair.

    His response "Doesn’t matter, won’t win either anyway", or words to that effect.

    So it doesn’t matter that punters don’t get a run for their money?

    Have felt he’s misreprepresented my comments more than once, just to make a sarcastic comment, so I rarely bother to e-mail "Get-on" when Matt is there these days.

    Also seems to be contraversial just to get e-mails.

    His "market movers" often only come in just 0.5%. If that is a market mover, then over 50% of the fields are "market movers" at some point.

    Much prefer Sean Boyce. A gent who is under-used, knows his stuff, appreciative and by far the best ATR presenter.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoIan
    • Total Posts 1415

    Matt Chapman like John McCririck is entertaining and fantastic for horse racing.

    How dull would some people like life to be? :?

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33017

    As a presenter, Matt is o.k. Not without his good points. Suppose he does do his bit to popularise the sport. Would not like to see him lose his job or anything like that. The Tony Blackburn of ATR. Just much prefer John Peel, Sean, Boycie doesn’t sensationalise things. Handling difficult situations (like the interview with Dean McK) with just the right balance of investigatative journalism and fairness. Lets Big Mac have his say, without allowing a rant. etc.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 107

    I’m not a fan of Matt Chapman, he brings nothing to the table and ATR would do well to replace him. I just prefer to mute the TV when watching ATR.

    I think Nick Luck is excellent. He is the complete pro and racing is lucky to have him. In a previous era I’ve no doubt he’d be a presenter on Grand Stand.

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    ..this is not the first, and won’t be the last thread, on Mr Chapman:-

    …whenever Sean, Luke, the Irish gentleman whose name I’ve forgotten, Robert Cooper or any other is in the booth, I find myself falling asleep on my luxury sofa, which, given the standard of racing on offer usually, is often a blessing.

    …whenever Matt is on however, like a hot sunny day, it’s unmissable.

    Avatar photoHimself
    • Total Posts 3777

    I have always looked upon him as Matt & Luke Goss’s missing elder brother for some inexplicable reason. :?

    Gambling Only Pays When You're Winning

    • Total Posts 17716

    Chapman gets it badly wrong sometimes but at least he has a decent go unlike the chap in the studio yesterday. Pandered to the stewards at Chepstow and didn’t have the guts/judgement to call it as it was. Real fence sitters do nothing for the game. Sensationalists at least stimulate discussion and debate.

    Matt tips a few good priced winners on the US races. I reckon he’s better with them than UK racing. You wont always agree with his opinions but at least he voices them strongly and with conviction. May like the smell of his own farts a tad but he’s not alone on that front. An afternoon with Channel 4 is like a trip to the serewage works compared to what Chapman has to offer.

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