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Matt Chapman

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  • #9183
    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    I don’t know if any of you saw the Matt v Ryan Moore dissention on Atr today, I cannot quote it verbatim, but I thought Matt’s response was classic, I absolutely love this man, he is to racing like a breath of fresh air wafting through Miss Havisham’s windows.

    Does he do it for you?

    • Total Posts 2923

    Matt makes me want to throw up.


    • Total Posts 17716

    I love matt chapmans presenting ( no homo )

    barry dennis
    • Total Posts 398

    best presenter by far

    Avatar photosberry
    • Total Posts 1800

    Has this ever happened before?

    no idea
    • Total Posts 684

    I think he is class.

    Always sayes what he thinks and if he thinks someone has cocked up will say so instead of making excuses that the majority of the other presenters do.

    However I can see how he upsets some people.Still you cannot please everyone.

    Avatar photosberry
    • Total Posts 1800

    Shouldn’t this be a poll?

    I make the score 4 – 2 in favour of the ayes – can anyone remember the scores on the last few times this game was played?

    We should check to make sure there are no swinging voters here.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    He is certainly a man of strong opinions and there is nothing wrong with that and whereas he may not always be right with his views he can come up with some serious points worthy of note at times.

    However where he does himself no favours is with his presentation style which, to be generous, is too arrogant and in your face – I don’t know why he has to persist with his stupid act.

    Whereas a large number will enjoy his approach it will equally alienate far too many others. More importantly is does detract from the valid points he sometimes tries to make.

    So Matt stop trying to be a poor mans Big Mac – try and show a bit more humility and you may just find you are taken more seriously.

    On balance however he is an annoying twat.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    On balance however he is an annoying twat.

    Shucks Paul thats so true , could you tell me what he has done now



    Avatar photodoublethetrouble
    • Total Posts 233

    gives me the impression.that we the viewers. are all thick in the head.not my cup of tea

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    He is certainly a man of strong opinions and there is nothing wrong with that and whereas he may not always be right with his views he can come up with some serious points worthy of note at times.

    However where he does himself no favours is with his presentation style which, to be generous, is too arrogant and in your face – I don’t know why he has to persist with his stupid act.

    Whereas a large number will enjoy his approach it will equally alienate far too many others. More importantly is does detract from the valid points he sometimes tries to make.

    So Matt stop trying to be a poor mans Big Mac – try and show a bit more humility and you may just find you are taken more seriously.

    On balance however he is an annoying twat.

    I agree with every word of that and would like to add the plea that he ditch the unbelievable hair cut and perma-tan too.

    • Total Posts 862

    Ross, Brand, Chapman all ego merchants picking up money.

    Sack them all!

    • Total Posts 214

    Leave poor Matt alone- ok slightly controversial and deliberately arrogant but he makes me laugh and is always interesting which is more than can be said about other presenters naming no names :wink:

    • Total Posts 80

    What did he have to say about Moore?

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3443

    The bloke (Chapman that is) is a ****. Seems to think the whole game revolves around him and his opinions. Likes the sound of his own voice a touch too much as well.

    Avatar photoPerpetual
    • Total Posts 432

    Makes me chuckle but would not want to be marooned on a desert island with him

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    What did he have to say about Moore?

    he had previously questioned Moore’s ability to handle the Santa Anita track I believe. Moore was none too pleased with the "man in the booth".

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