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  • #1538978
    • Total Posts 7845

    Any fans of this drama i think it brilliant I been re watching all the series on the BBC iplayer to got 11 million viewers last week. highest rated TV drama for 11 years since Downton Abbey and final episode this weekend

    Avatar photoadmin
    • Total Posts 1163

    Really, enjoying it as well.

    It could be the very final series according to some of the press.


    Avatar photosporting sam
    • Total Posts 16518

    Das, Great show.
    Hastings is very funny.
    “Mother of Mary, and the breying donkeys” were trotted out last time. As he said how much more can a man take!!!”
    No strong characters of the quality of cotton, Bigalow, Denton and Morrissey etc this time and as a result the interviews are long, very long and have been put in as a script filler.
    They have all turned into comic parodies of their characters from previous series. I really believe you have to watch it as a comedy. I can imagine Kate and Steve having to do a lot of retakes through laughing at their lines.
    If they take a prisoner out in a convoy or change their route, you know they are going to get ambushed. You also know the prisoner is going back to the same jail to be “muddered.”
    I also keep thinking they are going to steal a few lines from Allo Allo soon. “The fallen Maddona with the big boobies” for one, to go with Doc cottons dying testimony.
    The new boss, H? seems to be pulling all the strings. Who shot Ryan, marksman?
    It is great tv.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Have to be honest I did record the series but, in the end, deleted it before I even watched the first one.

    I very rarely watch drama at all on TV …. if my memory serves me correctly I’ve only watched one drama series this century.

    I have found over the years, the more hyped a series is the more rubbish it tends to be and seeing the reviews and comments after last nights finale I’m actually pleased I didn’t give up however many hours of my life it would have been to watch the series.

    • Total Posts 7845

    I watched all episodes of drama from series 1 to the end and it was brilliant but do agree with those not happy with final episode. apart from the finish this was a brilliant series overall

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Definitely showing my age here but, for me, television was something I watched when I was young, less discerning or spoilt for choice, and pre Internet.

    Period drama, police drama, situation comedy – you name it. It’s “been there, done that” for me.

    I don’t even think the stuff I used to like has dated well.

    Tried to watch Fawlty Towers tonight and ended up switching it off, thinking: “How did I ever think this predictable, contrived, nonsense was hilarious?”

    And I use the internet as my news and weather source too.

    ITV Racing on mute – that’s all TV is any good for and tbh I watch most races on my iPhone.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Colin Phillips
    • Total Posts 313

    Old age is a terrible disease, Diane.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Evidently – it seems to have rendered you incapable of spelling the three-letter word: “Ian,” Colin.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Similar to you Ian

    The only drama I’ve seen recently was the Van Der Valk reboot as I really enjoyed the original. I only initially watched out of curiosity, expecting to turn off after 10 minutes but actually found it to be quite gripping, although nothing like the original.

    My TV watching tends to be documentaries, news and limited sport.

    I refuse to pay for any streaming services, although having recently switched internet providers I now have one years free Apple TV+ which I took advantage of to watch Long Way Up and have now been catching up and revisiting Long Way Down and Long Way Round.

    I have access to Amazon Prime but only because I use the fast delivery a lot but generally only watch it when they show rugby, but will watch the occasional Grand Tour special if my brain needs something simple and easy to digest.

    95% of my sports viewing now is Rugby Union, I watch four or five games most weekends (can’t wait for stadia to re-open so I can watch some real live action). I have barely watched any racing since ITV took over. I think Arc weekend was the last time I watched and even then I turned it off before the big race because of the gobshite Chapman was winding me up so much.

    Mrs O likes things like Downton Abbey and Call The Midwife but I’ll just leave her to watch that stuff on her own.

    • Total Posts 2702

    Didn’t watch and don’t watch a lot but..

    Narcos was gripping and very smart for all 5 series Shakespearean

    Homeland I’m gradually watching (late I know) and Is very decent

    The best?

    The bureau without doubt a masterpiece

    • Total Posts 280

    Similar ending to Game Of Thrones Naff.

    • Total Posts 2849

    The vast majority of my TV viewing is sport. The rest is mostly documentaries with a bit of comedy too (although broadcast TV comedy has gone badly downhill, there are some brilliant stand up sets on Netflix, probably because the shackles are off).

    I tend to let time filter out the rubbish dramas and watch them once they have a decent reputation. I came to LoD late as a result and I do think it’s brilliant but the last episode was absolute tripe and probably the only bad episode they did.

    Peaky Blinders is also well worth watching and is somewhat topical to this site as bookmaking and racing are part of the plot. From across the pond, Breaking Bad is every bit as good as most people will have you believe.

    I can’t think of any other dramas that I’ve seen in full in recent times. Ian ‘Lovejoy’ McShane hit the nail on the head with Game of Thrones by describing it as ‘tits and dragons’.

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