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Life Advice Needed!

Home Forums Lounge Life Advice Needed!

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  • #1631517
    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Gamble you’d just kept quiet no one would ever have known our little secret! It could have been like a modern day office fling, valentines day is round the corner too, I had something so magical planned :rose:

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Oh dear – Ben’s playing the game…


    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Gamble dressed up in ladies attire, sounds a bit like something
    out of Psycho. Don’t let him run a shower for you Ben. :whistle:

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Big G what gamble does after dark in a country park is his business ….by his business I mean I’m to innocent to want to know

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Ben – I have told you LIFE is somewhat of a game 🤣 and has it’s ups and downs and I likened it to the famous snake and the odd ladder. Sometimes you may have to bend the rules – engineer an extra throw or use a loaded dice or have a huffy with God and ask a favour. Paw always wanted me to get a steady job with a pension and he drummed this into me from an early age, but his precocious son, dressed in an old air force coat and with long hair, had other more bohemian ideas. Having been asked for advice by Maw from the age of seven when I positively impacted the family finances and she had received more than one letter from my prison of a school telling her they had never had a boy like me and that I had special qualities and was a one off with the cranium of an old man and the gift of wise counsel – well I knew I wasn’t God, but thought I knew better,and always argued and rejected Paw’s advice. In a strange way it made me more determined not to go down the safe route.
    I am constrained by the clock so have to dash away – but yes, if you have to dress up as a woman in a park, as strange as it may seem, or shout loud orders in German down a crowded street to make people jump, just to liven up your life, or remove stress – well if it gains you some advantage and it gets you up a ladder – don’t always do it – you have to evaluate the risk – but RULE NOTHING OUT.

    I hate the edits but it was littered with errors !

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    “Ben – I have told you LIFE is somewhat of a game 🤣 and has it’s ups and downs and I likened it to the famous snake and the odd ladder.”

    It was you Gamble! My apologies, my brains been a bit scrambled the past week, have a couple of exams this upcoming week (first exams I’ve done for 12 years!) and they were never my strong point at school – much better at the old essay writing!

    Funny what you say about the old man, it’s interesting how we go through life listening to advice but having to make our own judgements about which advice to follow and which advice not to, all we can ever really do is follow our gut isn’t it. Maybe we often just listen to the advice that we wanted to hear in the first place.

    I like the notion of ruling nothing out, like others have said we never know what’s round the corner so have to be in the right mental state to embrace anything that comes our way.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    You more or less summed up
    the whole godammed bag Ben.
    Sometimes you can strike it lucky though.
    I was out on the prowl last night. I came across six crumpets and you’ll never believe the price I paid – all of fifteen pence. They will make a nice gift, and I am waiting for the response, and my reply..

    ” It’s the thought that counts ”

    I’m a post and go type of guy and was not expecting a reply and never do – and remember if someone asks you a question – you are quite, quite in order to shout to yourself “HELL NO CLICKSTER” and just ignore them. Daavid has got the biggest click in here.and rounds ’em up the innocents by the tens. He chats cosily then snares ’em in and then they are clicked.
    BEWARE !!!

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Lot of clicksters out
    and about tonight.
    I report anything unusual !
    Particularly patterns.

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