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Life Advice Needed!

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    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Ben you have reached out and what a great response you have had, I could go on for ever about what life has thrown at my husband and myself and it’s been tough, life is no fairystory but we must be led the choices we make and stay true to our hopes and dreams.
    Colin and BigG, Nathan and Ian and Gamble amongst the many have all offered up stella advice..take it all with you and look to a bright future.
    Jac 💫⭐

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
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    Glad you’re both on the mend Big G, think you said you’re Scottish so enjoy the Hogmanay weekend.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683


    ‘Twill be a braw bricht moonlit nicht the nicht
    and have yourselves
    – a good one 👍

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Cheers Big G and Jac! Really glad you and your other half are doing better now BigG! That story did give me a chuckle, it’s funny I find myself doing similar when people ask me my age, or even ask me the year! Can’t believe it’s pretty much 2023, I remember being a school kid thinking ‘wow one day it will be the year 2020, that’s a lifetime away’, but in a flash it’s here. You really are right all you can do is enjoy the ride and not stress over things.

    I think we get dissuaded and down when we can’t see the light at the end of a tunnel, not knowing when we’ll meet the right lady or whatever it is, really there’s no need for it is there, good things will happen if we keep moving in the right direction.

    Thanks again everyone for all the inspiration and motivation, feeling a lot better already :rose:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Thanks Richard, much appreciated mate, and I am
    indeed from north of the border (not down Mexico
    Way) and me and the Mrs are getting there slowly.

    You were on the mark Gamble it was just as you
    impeccably forecasted, even if it was baltic.
    Fireworks over Dunoon Pier and a Glenturret
    in my hand, the simple things in life.

    All the best to you both :good:

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    Ben I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now. Trust
    me, we’ve all been down there at times, and nothing
    seems worse than looking up from the bottom of a dark

    As we say up here, what’s for you won’t go by you.
    You just keep heading on, think positive, and you’ll
    get there mate.

    All the best for a happy, when is it??

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683


    me, we’ve all been down there at times, and nothing
    seems worse than looking up from the bottom of…’

    Misfortune can strike at any time. A lot of people are waiting days for a hospital bed. I’m in a similar predicament in a parallel universe – I have been lying flat out on the drawing room carpet like a beached whale for 48 hours waiting for my own bed. If I move I am in excruciating agony and have maybe torn a ligament or disturbed my last prolapsed disc injury and could probably do with an epidural but wouldn’t. think to bother the defunct NHS – but strangely enough I have rather enjoyed the ” baby ” experience and the vacant hours of hurt and mind searching. I watched the three part murder in the Alps (4 – I player) last night and from a horizontal position and picked up different clues to the vertical detectives. No advice please and I hope to be taking my first baby steps on Sunday. It’s best to prepare in life for strange outcomes. :scratch:

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    “Can’t believe it’s pretty much 2023, I remember being a school kid thinking ‘wow one day it will be the year 2020, that’s a lifetime away’, but in a flash it’s here.”

    Time certainly goes quicker as you get older Ben,
    I remember being 16, now my son is 16
    Took me ages, felt like a lifetime to get to 16 but feels like my son has got there in a blink of an eye.. 😥

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    It seems like only yesterday Chezza was crucifying Nathan seven-one at the polls – tempus effing fugit!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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    • Total Posts 5683

    Someone’s view and my comments in brackets..

    Why is time going so fast now?
    As we get older, we have fewer new experiences [not true] and the world around us becomes more and more familiar [ not true – we see more intensely]. We become desensitised to our experience [ not quite right there], which means that we process less information, and time seems to speed up.

    I noticed time speeding up in 97 and it seemed no time at all I was leaning over a bridge with the black Thamesis flowing below and welcoming in the millennium bug. After 2000 time started to really motor.
    The internet and fast communication doesn’t help. The plethora of choices people are now given – TV channels recipes blogs etc the time deciding is lost time. I blame the internet globalisation facecrack and 24 hour news feed and the time grabbing mobile phone that robs people of their future.

    In the thirties forties and fifties people actually got bored. Boring radio to listen to and difficult to run away to Africa as I tried because people noticed kids back then and if you didn’t have a girlfriend you only had your colourful dreams of Betty Boop to break the boredom. I can remember my six week school summer holidays which were like a mountain of time. I spent many afternoons in the hot sun in the back garden propped up by a wall just thinking deeply and watching the odd cow wander by in the field at the bottom.

    Kids today are short changed on hours, days, months and years – I feel rather sorry for them ! 😥

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    WOOF BLOODY WOOF :yahoo:

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    What about a change in direction and new job ?

    You can make £80 an hour around here if you can find the eight mutts. Dog walking – however I strongly recommend slipping a Glock 17 handgun in your coat pocket after suitable practice on Cyberpunk 2077 revolver.

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    ‘Research shows dog walkers in London and the South East charge up to £14 per hour per dog, adding up to roughly £32,256 per year, if they walk 192 dogs for an hour each month.’

    I have an hour to spare – now where can I find 192 dogs ? and. I will need a repeater rifle.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    A woman was mauled to death by a dog in Surrey last week wasn’t she, can’t imagine there are many more scary ways to go. I wonder whether she set it off by smacking it or something of the like or whether the dog just went a bit loopy for a minute. What can you even do once a dog grabs ahold of your leg? Maybe try poking your fingers into its eyes? But even then I wouldn’t be sure that’d stop the thing especially if was a staff or a similar breed.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    My stocks are down and all my horsey bets lost today, but worry not as Bens got a cheeky date tonight with a lady way out of his league. Even if it doesn’t work out it’s nice to get that confidence back!

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    The date went surprisingly well, she’s a very pretty architect who seems to well and truly have her life sorted out – only a matter of time until she realises I’m a wrong’un :yahoo: hopefully seeing her again a week on sunday!

    Avatar photogamble
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    That’s enough Ben – Very sorry but Sunday’s off and I have helped you enough – I refuse to dress up as an architect again.

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