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Let Yourself Go

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  • #24218
    Avatar photoreetlass
    • Total Posts 433

    Collapsed and died in a hurdle race at Tipperary tonight. A shameful display by the racecourse as the horse was not screened off or even covered over and the horses were not diverted round his body on the next circuit. Several horse nearly trod on him as they attempted to avoid him. Total lack of respect for the poor animal, as well as a serious safety issue for the rest of the field.
    Hope they can do better in future!
    RIP Let Yourself Go :(

    • Total Posts 1487

    Sad sight. But I don’t think they could have done much to avoid him. He was right at the end of the bend and the others didn’t really have any way to get around him easily. The only safe way would have been to stop the race. I do think they should have had a flag person at the top of the bend though to warn them earlier that there was a problem.

    RIP, Let Yourself Go. :(

    • Total Posts 101

    Total disgrace…… horrific… lost for words. Close down that track until they have undergone training for safety procedures

    • Total Posts 66

    Please see story in Saturday’s RP before dishing out all the criticism of Tipperary racecourse. The jockey pulled the horse up on the first circuit as he felt him weaken. He jumped off and was leading him off the track when the poor horse collapsed and died.
    At this point the field were little more than three furlongs away from the incident point on the second circuit and there was literally no time to do anything. The bravery of the track staff prevented an already tragic incident from becoming a catastrophe.

    Very easy for people to criticise from behind a keyboard, maybe some research and establishing the facts first may be in order before assuming that there was blame to be attached to anybody or anything in future.

    • Total Posts 473

    Unfortunately nothing seems to have been learnt after the Captain Dimitrios postings – unreasoned criticisms of the connections and other postings.
    Connections of Let Yourself Go seemed very upset at his death but didn’t criticise the racecourse at all.

    • Total Posts 101

    Point taken; however the fact remains that in a high risk sport risk assessments must cover all eventualities, a horse or jockey can be stricken on any point of a racetrack and it is the duty of the racecourse to ensure that there is a working plan to deal with any incidence. The incident in question was a tragedy for the horse and connections but it was a hairs breath away from being an even bigger tragedy. It was great that the racecourse put out a bulletin, lets hope their review highlights the problems and actions are brought in as soon as possible.

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