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Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

Home Forums Lounge Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

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  • #1540259
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “This is a naturally Conservative country – only an incredibly moderate Labour leader in Blair has punctuated perpetual Conservative rule since 1979.

    Anyone disagree?”

    Do not see how anyone could. Tony Blair is the only Labour Party leader to win a General Election in the last 46 years. And, typically of Labour activists who seem to like losing, he is the one they hate most. Although the Iraq War is difficult to forgive, to be fair.

    I agree with Richard on one point – I am not sure there is much Starmer can proactively do to turn things around. I have always thought that governments lose elections rather than oppositions winning them. Labour’s best hope may be for the economic situation to take a real down turn when the consequences of this last year start to hit home. How will people feel when furlough ends and they start losing their jobs?

    I realise Labour would be hypocritical to take advantage of such a situation. After all, they wanted the lockdown to be sooner and harder. But in bad economic times, people will inevitably blame the government. And in the absence of any other opposition (the Lib Dems, I mean – seriously) they can only realistically turn to Labour if they want a change.

    • Total Posts 2849

    I have no tears to shed for Labour; their equivocation during the Brexit referendum led to the screw-up which has destabilised N Ireland and re-energised the Scottish independence movement.

    Christ, the Tories have an 80-odd seat majority and yet somehow it’s Labour’s fault? Please explain.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    So many good points from Cork All Star.

    And the very best one is “governments lose elections – Oppositions don’t win them.”

    Blair won in 1997 because John Major never recovered from Black Friday and all Blair had to do was not cock up a winning opportunity.

    Sadly for Starmer, economics matters more to most voters than Pandemic death tolls.

    Death only affects the dead (and their families) – economic blunders affect everyone.

    For Labour to win in 2024, Johnson has to make a major economic cock up and Starmer has to quell his Party Civil War issues and take advantage of it.

    Mass unemployment post-Pandemic is what Starmer ironically now needs to be praying for but, like death, unemployment only affects the unemployed so this needs to be the Mother Of All Depressions – never mind recessions – to get Starmer into No 10.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    I presume you appreciate how much harder it is to reach a majority via the Scottish electoral system

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    The economy is only going one way and that’s up

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I dont think that is feels like that on the ground, or in the little local streets it is my custom to sniff my way around. On the other hand it’s nothing like 1916 in Russia when there was scraps of bread on the table and those crumbs led to a socialist revolution where power later shifted from the workers to the ruling shirkers. Mind you I may be out of touch – prices at the bargain counter at Sainsburys where my politics stem from have remained consistently low and roughly the same, but some of the ready meals are a touch smaller just like Sir Alec Douglas-Home suddenly the size of Harold Wilson.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Labour need to form a super league and tag up with Lib Dems, green party etc too many votes splitting the difference.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I think Mr H has hit the nail on the head tbh.

    The Conservatives are good for 40% plus of the vote every time which is all they need in a multi-party scenario.

    Various factions within all the Opposition Parties wouldn’t like it, but their only chance to rule for the foreseeable future is to form one Party giving voters a binary choice – the centre-right Conservatives or a centre alternative with a bit of environmental Green thrown in.

    Left wing politics has had its day and the political axis has moved.

    The 1974/9 Labour government was considered moderate in its day but had tax rates which would make a 2021 Marxist blush.

    It’s a different world in 2021 – if there wasn’t already an NHS (created in 1945) there never would be one, we would have a USA-style model instead.

    Time Labour “woke up and smelt the coffee” – but the “woke” bit is the only part of that line they seem to have managed so far.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 7845

    Not normally message about political views but add my 2 cents here

    This government and Labour are worst I ever seen apart from Kate Bingham who sourced the vaccines the rest of them are shocking. Take out Vaccine rollout and this government been shocking way handled the pandemic from billions to there mates Hancock a idiot the Cummings to Barnard Castle shambles. Gove saying he do the same thing a day later. Priti Patel not being sacked even though found guilty then also Jenrick and Desmond carry on. Labour been hopeless to

    On Brexit which a disaster only listen to experts like Michael lambert on YouTube or Daniel Lambert who In Wine industry or Simon Spurrell who in Cheese industry was told by government better if moved to France for his business. then the fishing community who told to vote for Brexit and been screwed over by Rees Mogg and Farage the latter has hardly tweeted over the fishing community this year.

    And not forget our great leader Boris be sarcastic.a man who shakes hands with Covid patients a serial liar as well a bumbling idiot who some reason people vote for him just crazy what going on in the UK I got no time for any party in the UK

    The UK in a rotten state with either party it not getting better

    • Total Posts 280

    Sir Kneelalot, keep the red flag flying keep people poor. 2021 not 1918. In order for Labour to get back in power they need to borrow them Dominion voting Machines.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Starmer will be facing another test soon. There is going to be a by-election in Batley and Spen, another Labour-Conservative marginal.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I couldn’t disagree with anything Darren wrote in his summary. The internet has brought classes together more, apart from being an unfair influencer.

    Like him or loathe him you will find Johnson on display in the dairy department, Jezza in the tinned fish and Sir Keir putting on a brave face amongst the exotic vegetables. What people want most when they go into a supermarket is money in their pocket, and a sense they are shopping at the right place i.e good quality products with some bargains mixed in.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Thursday’s election favoured the incumbents. Conservatives in England, Labour in Wales and SNP in Scotland. All having people voting for each country’s Covid/vaccine government. Boris and Sturgeon also (still) having their Brexit boost for opposite reasons. In Wales some voters seemed to go for Drakeford’s handling of Covid/vaccine rollout, others chose Boris’s Brexit boost… Which could be why the Conservative vote also went up in Wales. Build Back Better helped together with UKIP. In the previous election many brexiteers switched from Labour to UKIP. Easier then for previously “lifelong” Labour voters to go from UKIP to Conservative than it would’ve been straight from Labour to Conservative. So the results aren’t quite as bad as numbers imply. However, unless a new New Labour emerges in the coming months and they actually show the party has changed back to a centre left or even centre party… they’re doomed Keir or no Keir.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2849

    Labour need to form a super league and tag up with Lib Dems, green party etc too many votes splitting the difference.

    Pretty much nailed it there. The Tories appeal to everyone from those moderately right of centre all the way to flag shagger UKIP xenophobe/racist types. Say that’s 40% of people, the other 60% are split between the rest and you land in the mess we’re in now. A massive electoral pact is needed (which there was little objection to in 2019 when Farage’s mob did it). I don’t think pacts are democratic because it removes choice but neither is our electoral system.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Cannot see pacts happening. The groups on the Left hate each other, even more than they dislike the Conservatives.

    The reason why all that Peoples Front of Judea/Judean People’s Front/Popular Peoples Front talk in Monty Python’s “Life Of Brian” is so funny is because it is accurate. Especially the bit when two of the groups are fighting and Brian tries to appeal to reason and says “Brothers, we must unite to fight the common enemy!” And straightaway they exclaim in unison “The Judean Peoples Front?!” To which he says in exasperation “No, the Romans!!” And they mumble “Oh yes, them” before knocking the hell out of each other.

    The same thing happened in Spain. Part of the reason Franco won was because his side was united and disciplined. Whereas the Republicans were split into left wing factions all claiming to be more pure than the other and fought amongst themselves, literally so in Barcelona.

    Left wing co-operation is just not in their nature. Too much attachment to ideology and dogma blinds them to reason.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    F*** them all if you ask me!! Labour, conservatives, Lib Dems, same bunch of crooks in different coloured suits, waste of time even listening to their shite

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Politics needs a massive overhaul, get rid of the ridiculous party system that only encourages divide and the stupid ‘team-like’ attitude that we sadly have in politics that discourages people to think impartially.

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