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ITV – your dream presentation team

Home Forums Horse Racing ITV – your dream presentation team

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  • #1228252
    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    I you were asked to run ITV’s racing covergae who would you have anchoring, punditing, paddocking, colouring, commentating?

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    What’s this colouring cormack? I hope you’re not being racist :yes:

    I see Brough Scott has threw is hat in the ring, maybe as some sort of supremo.

    • Total Posts 10

    I’d like them to have a completely fresh start, new faces all round.

    And give some kids who didn’t grow up with a silver spoon a chance, one thing that’s a huge turn off for me, and has been for years in whatever channel or coverage it’s been, is these self entitled pillocks with no real talent of whom the maxim ‘it’s not what you know but who you know’ could have been written for.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    I think they need young blood at the helm. Some sky sports people maybe. I have regard for Brough Scott but his day as a supremo is gone. He’d be good value for the odd feature though.

    • Total Posts 5228

    Bit of a crossover with the other thread.

    So just to repeat Matt Chapman and Tom Stanley.

    Hopefully, the others will be a pleasant surprise and Stanley aside not include anyone else from RUK, the old Channel 4, or the Timeform organisation.

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    Matt Chapman, John Francome, the Irish guy that covers the betting, + Ted Walsh whenever they can get him. But flat racing will continue to struggle as long as breeding tail wags racing dog; too much competition nowadays. Please, no more Claire Balding

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    • Total Posts 3439

    A quick quiz question –

    Who from the current C4 racing team is the only one who was previously on the ITV team when they last did it?

    Avatar photoSteeplechasing
    • Total Posts 6114

    The remarkably well preserved Brough Scott has just had his 73rd birthday, so will be 74 before the contract even kicks in. I’m the last one to be ‘ageist’, but I doubt he’ll be considered.

    The Anchor, as the Yanks call him/her, will be the most important person as far as the sport is concerned. I don’t follow others sports so wouldn’t know if there is a David Coleman-type, or a Des Lynam figure around; if so, someone like that would be ideal imo, and would not necessarily need to know a lot about racing. Let him or her get the bums on the couch seats, then hand over to the experts.

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Jim McGrath, I’d imagine (in answer to Yeats’ question)

    Why has Brough Scott’s day gone? I’d hazard a fairly confident guess that the majority of those who still follow racing are baby-boomers+ who grew up with the understated, well-spoken, quite knowledgeable Scott and his return would be welcomed. Despite enunciating a pleasing Received Pronunciation I don’t think he’s public school either, so shouldn’t get under the skin of those with an inferiority complex. And 70 is the new 50 innit?

    My dream team would be Sean Boyce alone in a studio and any old race-caller

    Actually I don’t care (shrugging smiley)

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    Correct Drone. I think Brough was tongue in cheek but he might think if you don’t ask you don’t get.

    Thought he was quite good when he did it and maybe sadly for me I can still recall his resignation speech, he had other things he wanted to do.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    It may not be a dream team but the lads on the blab before xmas made a good effort of things.
    Rob North should eat his fish and chip supper before going live mind, else viewers will be leaving the couch for the chippy…. 😉

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    If you go down to Cheltenham gallops during the festival Brough Scott is usually there, in all weathers, clearly still very much in love with the game.

    • Total Posts 5228

    Sorry to disappoint but according to Wiki Brough Scott was in fact educated at Radley College.

    Not sure how many little Brough Scott’s you would find at your local Comp? In fact is there anyone else on the planet called Brough?

    Probably a better writer than presenter, I remember him most for his brief flirtation with football presentation.

    Avatar photoSteeplechasing
    • Total Posts 6114

    We all love Brough (though when he began getting praise for his writing, he tried to develop a style that I now find so convoluted, I’d sooner read one of those ‘find the golden Faberge egg buried in Snowdonia’ type books: they get to the point much sooner), but how many non-racing viewers will have a clue who he is?

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    We all love Brough

    Do we hell Joe,Brough Scott is the worst presenter I have ever seen on TV,he cant string a sentance together without mumbling and stuttering.What makes good TV is spontaneity,not script.Nick Luck can think on his feet,he was good the other day trying to lure Willie Mullins into giving him an Ante-Post inkling on what race to bet ‘Yorkhill’ in whereas Jimbo Mcgrath needs pages of scripts.No I’m afraid what we need now is someone who is quick witted,down to earth,knowledgeable and can ask the questions Punters want to hear without sounding creepy.But the biggest reason I should do it is I’d be looking months ahead for possible target races and getting the public involved in Ante-Post betting.what I’ll do is say on my CV if Black Hercules doesn’t win the 4 miler at Cheltenham dont consider me.Oh and I want Lydia Hislop too!

    • Total Posts 5228

    We all love Brough

    Do we hell Joe,Brough Scott is the worst presenter I have ever seen on TV,he cant string a sentance together without mumbling and stuttering.What makes good TV is spontaneity,not script.Nick Luck can think on his feet,he was good the other day trying to lure Willie Mullins into giving him an Ante-Post inkling on what race to bet ‘Yorkhill’ in whereas Jimbo Mcgrath needs pages of scripts.No I’m afraid what we need now is someone who is quick witted,down to earth,knowledgeable and can ask the questions Punters want to hear without sounding creepy.But the biggest reason I should do it is I’d be looking months ahead for possible target races and getting the public involved in Ante-Post betting.what I’ll do is say on my CV if Black Hercules doesn’t win the 4 miler at Cheltenham dont consider me.Oh and I want Lydia Hislop too!

    Unfortunately, having asked the question Willie just blanked him and Luck disappeared down his little hole. I think everyone knew that he was never going to answer the question. Embarrassing, rather than spontaneous, I would have thought.

    • Total Posts 3755

    To answer your question Joe, there is one absolutely stand out candidate – Ed Chamberlin, currently the main presenter for football on Sky on Sunday and Monday evening. He shows every Monday how skilful he is at getting their pundits (Neville, Carragher and now guests replacing Neville) to open up and he’s happy to take a back seat and let them talk for five or ten minutes at a time without intruding. Obviously that’s also down to his director, but anybody that has done live TV will know how rare is his ability to control but not dominate the program.

    As a bonus, he’s a racing fanatic, started life working for Ladbrokes, knows AP (McCoy that is, not me), personable, charming and a family man. If you ran an ‘X Factor’ type show for the job, he’d win by a distance.

    Whether he could be enticed away from his current job is another question.

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