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Gordon Elliott

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  • #1529330
    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Russian roulette on legs died when the working man’s cap ( ol’ flatcap) went out of fashion after the war and those ’30 million visits a year caps’ back in the forties that used to jostle for position with their occasional girls in their jitterbug dresses, but then hung forever, forlornly and ashamedly, on a hook on the back of the kitchen door. A certain urban gentleman has more recently, together with a selection of crotch destroying underpants, suddenly kicked it back into play.

    Hare-son they call it in the US – a mock bunny thing made up of material, but the few remaining working men here, needed real wartime inventiveness, in time being treated to a basic Xmas stocking pumped up by the wind.

    So the sport was based on a fictional hare with a similar deception – an invisible quarry, employed with hunter chasing in horse racing. The sky foxes now watch the slow demise of ‘Grayson’s sport’ bunged up in their holes, living the free life – laughing like drainpipes.

    As for Get Elliot – Paul Kealy’s righteous philosophy of ‘throw the first stone’ sees him skulking sullenly around his hearth, keeping his distance from the shockwave – punished through and through – his reputation; black, charred cinders, in a once bright fire.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    The Horseheads Serious Writing Guild v gamble

    I would like to thank the four Honourable Lord Justices most notably for arriving at their two way split decision in the contentious matter of the ignominious gamble being able to splatter this venerable space with his wayward innapropriate thoughts. Their joint annual salary of £904,772 has given me the nod on this odd occasion, and might I add, truly well earned and as a useful barrier to the backstreet lowlife that might flash something to tempt their horsehair hirsuitism.

    As for Get Elliot and ‘casting the first stone’ Might I detail myself and put myself in the dock as a potential indictable offender.

    In the four years I was absent from this hallowed place I became a serious financial expert writing under the pseudonym of one popgoestheweasel. I subjected the major financial boards to my style of literary madness, that caused aneurysms and sore scrolling thumbs in some, but a cult base in others, as I honed any influencing skills I had on one minnow energy company. Such was my impact, that I received a private phonecall from the CEO with many to follow. I believe I propelled much of the puff that created this false dragon that rose to a false paper worth of a 100 million.

    Whereas I could easily sustain a near six figure loss I fear for the small investors and one man in particular who scrambled shillings from the the back of his couch and used a gas kettle in winter to save further coin as the company hit the skids. It is my contention that my writing on the crest of a wave,imbued with all my energies, possibly cost many many people their cash pots saved over a lifetime as the corporate veil gave one dying gasp then went bellyup. Some sharp city suits from bankrokeciti may have benefited but I was not among that group, I was just just a small writer that created a gargantuan monster in the spilling of my beans.

    I had no insider information, but nonetheless I failed to spot a few obvious red flags and I was carried on a false wave.I did want to progress to running the company as I felt it needed a new more disciplined direction and becoming a director was my first aim, and I received some proletarian support in achieving this goal, but I was never allowed into the inner circle – I was the pipe dream –

    Lazy Sunday afternoon…

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    How do you sleep?
    How do you sleep at night?
    You live with dreams that tell you, you was king
    But the hard reality you weren’t anything
    The only thing you done was
    And now he’s gone you’re just Flatcap Shambles.
    How do you sleep?
    How are your sheep at night?

    Well, Lennon I sleep perfectly well don’t give a damn
    I still write a good cheque
    Sleep in the cupboard from a hangar
    or flat out on the deck

    gamble on the other hand
    is up three times emptying
    his nerves. Interred his
    mother in a shop of flowers
    Robbed from the poor until
    they cried for their birds
    and maws to rescue them
    from all his mess.
    He’s a train wreck
    He’s a train wreck.

    As for Elliot leave him quietly there
    to ponder and peer on the empty spaces in his yard
    n’ stare
    With no-one to thank
    or refill the tiger
    in his now empty tank.

    Have a nice Chelters y’all
    Watch the next Arkle
    like a Messi ball
    shine n sparkle
    and treat the silence to a thundering shock suspense
    then queue up online
    to collect your pence


    Avatar photoadmin
    • Total Posts 1163

    Double up for the yard today…

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    “Double up for the yard today…”.

    Aye, heartwarming stuff. The ‘Trainers’ interview printed in this mornings press stating she was “doing it for Gordon” was vomit inducing.


    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Don’t be too hard on him Cheekily he may be reading your stuff.

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Hope he is reading Cheeky’s post Gamble and every single thing written on this Thread, because it came from the heart of people who love and respect horses and were appalled by what he did.

    Denise (Sleezy) Foster should choose her words more carefully, she could have said I’m doing it for the staff who have been saddened by the departure of so many good horses these last few weeks brought on by the stupidity of the man responsible for their wellbeing.

    Your poetic scribblings must be ringing in his ears now Gamble after Tiger Roll’s success today…

    “As for Elliot leave him quietly there
    to ponder and peer on the empty spaces in his yard
    n’ stare
    With no-one to thank
    or refill the tiger
    in his now empty tank.”

    Genius :rose:

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    This is all a bit of a charade isn’t it.

    Jordan Gainford checking himself after saying he rides out in Elliotts 3 mornings a week after the winning interview on the Shunter, ”Cullentra house” (Elliott doesnt even live in the house because its so cold) being talked about like its some mythical place where people have randomly gathered to train Cheltenham winners.

    I despise the photo but Gordon Elliott has trained 5 winners so far this week as of Thursday evening making him the leading trainer at the festival as it stands

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Yes its a complete charade, completely agree. Sick of hearing these braodcasting imbeciles talking about good old “Sneezy” who has absolutely bugger all to do with any of it, apart from being a convenient patsy with a training license.


    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    I’ve noticed that last Sunday at Naas when she was interviewed by Gary O’Brien. It felt like she was a Racing TV regular and someone who has dozens of runners every week and is in full control at Cullentra.
    As much as I like Gary, but that bit was pretty strange…

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    If I didn’t know better, I’d think Elliott and the O’Learys had chosen her for PR reasons due to a cute nickname.

    What an absolute shambles this is. It seems the initial outcry is forgotten, and racing is back to thinking people should get back to minding their own business.


    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The interview with O’Brien was awful. He asked her to confirm that she is in charge and she just gave a lot of waffle about how far it is to walk to the gallops.

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    They are getting to the bottom of it. Disappointed that most of the ban is suspended.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    De Bromhead was quick to credit Elliott too. Blackmore rather more media savvy just mentioning the stable staff. Very clear that this is just cosmetic caretaking though and the Irish “racing family” is closing ranks. I reckon McGonagle will suffer far more for his “lapse” than Elliott.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I clocked that too Tonge. It has been absolutely awful. I’m disgusted. Can’t wait for the ‘welcome back Gordon’ stuff, the absolute wrong un.

    Maybe they could shoot Tiger Roll, he is quite small and Gordy might fancy a lower, more relaxed, perch.


    • Total Posts 14

    What a week.

    • Total Posts 7543

    I didn’t know till I read it in the RP yesterday that it was the head lad who took the photo. I wonder what Camilla Sharples thinks of it all.

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