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Home Forums Memorials Glenloe

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    I made my comment because I was really saddened at Glenloe’s death, then saddened further because the conversation had quickly moved from respect for the horse to almost an argument about the rights and wrongs of running this, that or any other horse according to age or form. I didn’t disagree with Griff. Or anyone else for that matter. I just felt Glenloe had been disregarded to a degree. I certainly didn’t intend to ‘stop the discussion because I didn’t like it’. It never crossed my mind. Didn’t even enter my head. Oh to have such power! But if this a a discussion where people are allowed to give their opinions, then surely that means ne too?

    I just felt bad for Glenloe (stupidly, because he doesn’t and never did, give a monkey’s what people say on here.) I felt, if people want to discuss whether trainers/owners are doing wrong, it could be discussed elsewhere. That’s all.

    Now I feel that I’ve done what I didn’t want to do by adding to it, because I felt I had to defend/explain myself. My own decision of course. But at least I’ve learnt from my errors and won’t do it again.

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    Bonanzaboy, I think we have posted at the same time. Hopefully my post shows I understand where you are coming from. Please continue to express yourself exactly as you see fit :-)

    Avatar photoCork All Star
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    “Another one that could have been avoided.”

    I am not saying Prong intended it but that statement could be interpreted that connections either do not care or at least have a bit of a cavalier attitude.

    There is no reason to assume Glenloe was anything other than fit and healthy and enjoying his training routine. As such, he was fully entitled to run yesterday.

    I am sure connections are sad at his loss.

    Avatar photoTonge
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    We all care about horses and will spontaneously post our views. That’s fine. When it turns into an argument, that is the time to move it away from the Memorials section. Still good that we are passionate enough about our sport to argue!

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    I’m not sure who is arguing Tonge, is a difference of opinion or asking questions arguing?

    If somebody posts a comment, is it not acceptable to respond?

    Surely that would be a discussion forum more suited to China or North Korea wouldn’t it?

    No offence taken over here Bonanzaboy, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion and it is welcome. I understand your point about the horse being the priority, but when members post opinions, criticisms or comments regarding it’s demise, then it should be open to comment. This is a discussion forum, not Twitter, with ‘discussion’ being the very important word in this, because we are allowed to disagree and put forward our own reasoning and response.

    “Agreed Bonanzaboy. We come on this particular Thread to pay respect to horses that have lost their lives and to give a thought to those who loved and cared for them…..”

    A fair point Triptych, and if that was all that happened then this particular discussion wouldn’t have materialized.
    In reality this useful avenue for respect and information is manipulated by certain members to post baseless criticism of jockeys, trainers and owners on their decision making and equine welfare and those comments have been called out.

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    Griff11, could not agree more.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2993

    Yes, “arguing” is the wrong word and of course open discussion and differences of opinion are to be encouraged. I just think that at some point it would be nice if someone recognised that we’re on a page dedicated to the memory of a much-loved horse and suggested moving the conversation to a new thread on either Horse Racing or the Lounge, whichever is more appropriate depending on the subject matter.

    • Total Posts 573

    This is an interesting discussion.

    Glenloe had been the mugs bet for years at Cheltenham, and even I succumbed at one point, and openly admitted to being embarrassed at putting him up.

    However, he had every entitlement to still be running, and was as good as he had ever been. To cite a few PU’s as being a reason for a horse not being in training, is incredibly naive, and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the sport.

    I try to steer away from arguing with strangers online, but for goodness sake

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