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Geoff Banks

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  • #1705851
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8864

    At York yesterday, Geoff Banks’s representative was meant to pay out £375 to a punter. Due to a mix up, £3,750 was paid out instead.

    Banks is annoyed because the punter took the money rather than pointing out the overpayment.

    I like to think I would have been honest. In fact, I was overpaid €50 by a bookmaker at Gowran Park one day and gave it back.

    But £3,000…would you give it back or not?

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8864

    I am not registered on X but it looks like a lot of respondents were not sympathetic to Mr Banks’s plight.

    • Total Posts 3109

    I couldn’t in all good consciousness walk away from that bookie with that additional money because I know that it isn’t mine.

    I know some might feel that it is some sort of cosmic karma and serves a ‘greedy bookie’ right but its plainly not right to not say anything and I just couldn’t do it.

    Sadly there are plenty of people out there that don’t have any compunction in taking something that they are clearly not entitled to.

    • Total Posts 9289

    I was in a bookies when Jaqueline Quest won the Guineas and was disqualified and I took my winnings back to the counter to ask if I should keep it ( I did, it was first past the post). It was only about £5 though…I believe too much in karma to take money that isn’t mine.

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1509

    I would not have taken it.

    Remember the days when you used to write your bet details on the back of the ticket?

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
    • Total Posts 2849

    This won’t be a popular response but I’d have bolted out of there with the £3k and not looked back.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    I’d give it back straight away. Wouldn’t even think a moment about it.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2977

    I would have been so shocked to win anything at all that I wouldn’t have questioned the payout until long afterwards, probably not until I got home. In the very unlikely event that I DID notice that it might be more than I expected at the time, I would have questioned it, “Really? Are you sure?” (as I did when I won £600 on the Placepot at Plumpton, though that turned out to be correct) but not pushed it beyond that. I see too many evil people doing well to believe in karma.

    • Total Posts 18

    I’d give it back. The implication in the racing post is perhaps a bit of social engineering/trickery employed by asking for wrong amount..

    • Total Posts 188

    Geoff is using a bit of double standardery (if thats a word !).

    He has form for not paying out.

    His clerk is either a bit on the slow side or even complicit………..

    30 years ago in bookies shops we double checked bets over a certain amount and that we weren’t paying the wrong punter too !!!

    In this day and age shouldn’t there be CCTV or bodycams near the hod really ? Dave Hazell got a few grand pinched at Chester last year if I remember correctly.

    Avatar photoRefuse To Bend
    • Total Posts 2287

    On the rare occasion I had a payout in the upper hundreds and the days I still visited a bookies unless the manager was paying out it was always double checked. He needs to accept what has happened, a trusted member of staff has made an error and the punter has accepted it that’s life. Who is most at blame his clerk or the punter, move on Geoff what is done is done.

    The things I want most in life are the things that I can't win.

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    I certainly wouldn’t take it. It’s stealing.

    I would have sympathy with Mr Banks, however I was reading about Dundee racecourse yesterday(opened 1924 closed 1925) and at one of their meetings several bookmakers left the course in a rush without paying out to punters.

    Is 100 years too long to say swings and roundabouts?

    Blackcountry Kid
    • Total Posts 742

    I would have been plagued with a guilty conscious for the rest of my life if I had taken the money and walked away.
    good luck to all

    • Total Posts 2849

    If a crime has been committed, what are the police supposed to do about it? If everything was paid in cash and there’s no footage (obviously I have no idea if there is or not) then how do you prove it? Just before the incident he was retweeting someone moaning about Tesco stopping cash payments in some of its cafes. There would be a nice paper trail if it had happened electronically 😉

    Avatar photoGhost of Rob V
    • Total Posts 1393

    Ghostbrokes betting odds:-

    Keep the 3K – 4/5
    Return the 3K with free bet – 10/1
    Return the 3K – 300/1

    If there’s something stolen at the bookies? Who ya gonna call? … Ghostbrokes! 👻

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    How much did “bookmaker” John Batten take off punters at The Derby a few years ago? 70 grand?

    Maybe it’s a case of every man for himself lol.

    Bookmakers have been robbing punters and racing for over 60 years.

    Avatar photoadmin
    • Total Posts 1165

    I sympathise with the every man for himself argument but I’d like to think I’d pay it back.

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